Lose weight motivation by Matt Hayward

Weight loss journey for 2020? As a BarStarzz sponsored athlete and with over 2 million YouTube subscribers, his channel is full of calisthenics workout videos for people of all abilities. Each programme is said to include proven techniques and ‘fresh daily workouts’ that help you to keep at the top of your game. Even if you’re not into weight training, Chris makes it look easy and provides something that anyone can try. Kayla Itsines is an Australian personal trainer, author and entrepreneur. Having trained professionally for several years, she claims to have helped millions of women on their health and fitness journeys.

Group Groove’s terrific approach will bring you to the track as you hit the floor with dance-inspired moves designed by expert choreographers. It is followed easily and with a specific fitness and workout goal. It is a low-impact move that will help you continue to warm up and get to work and bring your dancing spirit on. The groove party sometimes starts with the best of Disco or Latin inspired music but whatever it is, everyone will put a smile on your face and get the heart working. As you continue to dance, gradually it is working on your body shaping and toning the legs and glutes with the dance styles that drop you low so you will feel the burn. As a cardio dance, it will work as your heart will start pounding and the sweat will be pouring in.

Lotus Yoga: If you’re a dedicated yogi and ready to expand your practice past the traditional range of sun salutations, then Lotus Yoga is the free fitness app you want to download today. As the world’s largest yoga library, this app features hundreds of poses and sequences to keep you flowing at home for weeks on end. Namaste! Nike Training Club: The holy grail of fitness apps, Nike Training Club really belongs in each and every one of these categories. Why? Because the app features an incredible catalog of 356 workouts that run the gamut of fitness content. Yoga classes, full-body workouts, and strength-training routines all find a home here. Each class has been expertly designed by a Nike Master Trainer, and professional athletes demo some of their workout routines on the app, too. So if you’re dedicated to walking back out into the world a changed person, Nike Training Club will give you your best shot at success. Find more information on Matt Hayward.

Healthy is synonymous with being WHOLE, moving as a unit. My objective is to help you lose weight, get in shape, build muscle and make health your lifestyle by starting from your core, your roots, your mind. The bulk of my video programs help you understand how your mind functions, how to take control of your thoughts and recreate a mental ecosystem conducive to eating healthy and staying fit. I studied fitness and nutrition science for more than 10 years while living in NYC. This understanding helped me transform my health and overall wellbeing as well as helping clients of all ages reach their fitness goal and go beyond.

My workout determination has gotten me through burpee after burpee, demanding at-home fitness programs, half-marathons, and speedy swim intervals. But, my will power has historically disappeared the minute push-ups were in the picture. For as long as I can remember, it’s been the one move that’s challenged me both mentally and physically to the point of surrender. In all honesty, the main reason for that is because I couldn’t do a proper push-up — either my hips were too high, my arms were too wild, or I couldn’t manage to hover down low enough. The more at-home strength classes I took, though, the more push-ups popped up, so I told myself it was time to face the music and at least try to improve my performance.

Pro Tip: You’re going to be hungry after burning off all this glycogen and stored fat—consider prepping a meal before you hit the gym, so it’s ready when you get home! If you’re not into meal prep, bring a snack with you, such as a protein bar, to replace some of the energy you’ve lost. Going to the gym is an important part of staying fit—but it’s not the only way. There will be days when you can’t make it to the gym, and that’s okay! Remember, the ways you move your body in daily life can be just as healthy as the workout you get in the gym, and there are some ways you can elevate the intensity of your daily physical activity. Read more information at Matt Hayward.