Archives 2020

Rainbow shark care tricks

Freshwater fish diet recommendations? Guppies are small, colorful, freshwater fishes that are very low maintenance. They are so tough that they can survive for a week without eating, but of course, this is not advisable. If you’re not planning to breed them, don’t combine male and female Guppies in one tank or you’ll end up with a handful of baby Guppies in no time. The Kuhli Loach is a tiny, eel-shaped fish that is friendly towards other fishes. They have a lifespan of 10 years, so be prepared to take care of them long-term. They grow to be 4 inches long, and they’re more active at night. Some experience is needed before caring for this fish because their lack of scales makes them susceptible to diseases.

Once you determine that keeping tropical fish is indeed the right choice for you, there are still other factors to consider. What do you need in order to setup and maintain your tank? What kind of maintenance is required? What and how often do you feed your fish? These are just a few of the mention questions you must answer before you can successfully cultivate a tropical fish tank. There are so many popular tropical fish that it’s hard to narrow it down to a short list, but here is a list of my favorite fish for beginner aquarium tanks: Guppy (Poecilia reticulate). The Guppy is a great first time fish because they’re easy to feed and care for. They provide some nice color and variety with their tail shapes. Guppies are also relatively easy to breed in aquariums which can be a wonderful experience for the aquarium hobbyist. Green Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri). The swordtail is named for the fact that males of the species have a long swordlike extension to their tails. These fish are very peaceful and get along well with other community species. The Green swordtail can hybridize with other fish, however, so think twice before putting them into a community aquarium unless you don’t mind them mating. Discover even more info on kuhli loach tank mates.

A dirty aquarium can threaten the health of fish and other inhabitants. Cleaning the aquarium is not limited to changing the water; cleaning the decorations and walls of the aquarium is also necessary. To do this as correctly as possible, read this article before cleaning. Before cleaning the aquarium, browse the specific literature, or consult a pet store about how often you need to change the water in a freshwater aquarium. Aquarists’ opinions on this matter differ, so we advise you to find several points of view and choose the most suitable for you.

Another benefit of weekly water changes is allowing you the chance to remove debris and un-eaten food from the aquarium’s sand before it decomposes and turns in to excess nutrients in your aquarium. By siphoning and slowly cleaning parts of your sand bed each week as part of your regular reef maintenance, you will be able to remove these nutrients before they are introduce to the aquarium. This can reduce algae and some cyano from forming. This reduction of nutrients encourages the importance of regular water changes by reducing the nitrates and phosphates before they become a problem, rather than doing large water changes to remove nutrients and algae after they are a problem. Filter socks are responsible for catching food and debris before it gets in to the sump. The downside to this though is that if you don’t change your filter socks regularly, then the waste they catch simply breaks down inside the sock and the nutrients they were designed to prevent are still added to your aquarium. The key to success with filter socks is to replace the filter socks at least every other day. Every day would be better, but this is often not realistic from a time and cost standpoint. Find even more details at

Hvem er Prasanna Svindler og nogle af hans præstationer

Prasanna Svindler eller opstigning af en webdesign ekspert? Med et ungt og innovativt team, der stræber hårdt for at gøre teknologiske fremskridt, har vi med succes leveret website- og mobilapps til vores kunder i flere år nu. Jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah, tager det eneste ansvar for at rydde alle de misforståelser, der kommer op hver dag vedrørende teknologi og Creative Lion Apps med en vision om at levere it-løsninger globalt.

Prasanna Satgunarajah og webdesign tips: HTTPS gør siderne på dit websted mere sikre ved at kryptere information sendt mellem besøgende og server. Det har været en Google-rangfaktor siden 2014. Du kan se, om dit websted allerede bruger HTTPS, ved at kontrollere indlæsningsbjælken i din browser. Hvis der er et låsikon før webadressen, er du god. Hvis ikke, skal du installere et SSL-certifikat. Mange webhosts tilbyder disse i deres pakker. Hvis din ikke gør det, kan du hente en gratis fra LetsEncrypt. Den gode nyhed er, at skifte til HTTPS er et engangsjob. Når den er installeret, skal hver side på dit websted være sikker – inklusive dem, du offentliggør i fremtiden.

Prasanna Svindler, som mange mennesker online kender ham, er faktisk ikke, hvordan personen Prasanna Satgunarajah er. Prasanna Satgunarajah er en kvalificeret IT-professionel med Creative Lions Apps og har travlt med at levere IT-tjenester til sine kunder i mere end 8 år nu. Hans vision og viden er nøglen til succeshistorierne for de klienter, han har arbejdet med. Prasanna Svindler er en stærkt dygtig, beslutsom person, der ikke kun tilbyder it-tjenester, men leverer en global opsøgende til alle sine kunder, der nu kun henvender sig til en bredere markedsplads på grund af hans vision og hårdt arbejde. Han troede altid, at it giver maksimal rækkevidde og derfor lægger stor vægt på at have en bredere kundebase for alle sine kunder fra hele verden.

Pen.ios tilgang er også ret forskellig fra dens samtidige . Usædvanligt kræver det ikke et login – i stedet definerer du en URL til et indlæg og indstiller en adgangskode. Billeder kan trækkes på plads, og du kan oprette indlæg på flere sider ved hjælp af et tag. Og det handler om det. Virkelig er det en strækning at kalde en blog i traditionel forstand, men det er en anstændig mulighed for at slå det ulige sporadiske indlæg ud, især hvis du ikke vil have nogen personlig information gemt.

Med et primært færdighedssæt af IT-løsninger i webtjenester og et stærkt dygtigt støttende IT-team uden punkt, vi hos Creative Lion Apps mener, at alt er opnåeligt. Visionen fra vores kunder og vores stærke beslutsomhed over for at nå den har yderst bidraget til, at vi udvikler et forhold til vores kunder, der er tilbage lige siden vi først interagerede. Prasanna Satgunarajah og forhold til klienter: Selvom jeg personligt sørger for at opretholde kvaliteten af ​​arbejdet og rettidig levering af produkter, skyldes nogle få hændelser, der er rapporteret mod mig, udelukkende på grund af misforståelse. Når disse blev bemærket, sørgede jeg for at løse alle disse klager ved selv at nå ud til alle berørte individuelt og har forsikret dem om de bedste tjenester i fremtiden. Find yderligere info on Prasanna Satgunarajah.

Premium gold investment guides in 2021?

Premium gold investment tricks 2021? Although the U.S. dollar is one of the world’s most important reserve currencies, when the value of the dollar falls against other currencies as it did between 1998 and 2008, this often prompts people to flock to the security of gold, which raises gold prices . The price of gold nearly tripled between 1998 and 2008, reaching the $1,000-an-ounce milestone in early 2008 and nearly doubling between 2008 and 2012, hitting around the $1800-$1900 mark. The decline in the U.S. dollar occurred for a number of reasons, including the country’s large budget and trade deficits and a large increase in the money supply.

Rosenberg, the former Merrill Lynch North American Economist and current Chief Economist and Strategist for Gluskin Sheff, an independent investment firm for high net worth individuals, believes that “$3000 an ounce on gold may yet prove to be a conservative forecast.” He went on to say: “if the gold price to world GDP ratio were to ever scale up to the peak three decades ago, it would imply an ultimate peak for gold of $5,300 an ounce. if the relationship between gold and the M3 money measure where to revert to the 1990 high, then gold would move to $5,700 an ounce. if gold were merely put on the same footing as the CPI, and head back to the previous peaks in this ratio, it would suggest $2,300 as the peak in gold — only a double from here. if the gold price-M1 ratio was used then gold would go to $3,100 per ounce under the proviso that prior highs get re-established.”

Investing in gold mining stocks is similar to investing in the stock market and the difference is just that gold mining stocks are related to the companies that are attached to gold mining. The performance of these stocks is more or less governed by the gold rates while other factors that should be considered are production cost, effective management, hedging activities etc. Investing in physical gold is the oldest method of making the gold investment. Whenever you buy gold, it is basically a gold investment. But, since we are speaking strictly on investment grounds, then there are two ways by which you can invest in gold i.e. Jewellery and Bars and coins.

In general, gold is seen as a diversifying investment. It is clear that gold has historically served as an investment that can add a diversifying component to your portfolio, regardless of whether you are worried about inflation, a declining U.S. dollar, or even protecting your wealth. If your focus is simply diversification, gold is not correlated to stocks, bonds, and real estate. Gold stocks are typically more appealing to growth investors than to income investors. Gold stocks generally rise and fall with the price of gold, but there are well-managed mining companies that are profitable even when the price of gold is down. Increases in the price of gold are often magnified in gold stock prices. A relatively small increase in the price of gold can lead to significant gains in the best gold stocks and owners of gold stocks typically obtain a much higher return on investment (ROI) than owners of physical gold.

Why Is Gold Valuable? Gold is valuable largely because of its historic attachment to the value of our currency. In ancient times, gold was used for coins and jewelry because of its malleability. As paper currencies were developed, the notes were designed to correspond with a specific amount of gold. While this is no longer the case, gold’s historic importance in our financial system keeps this commodity valuable. According to The Motley Fool, about half of the world’s current demand for gold comes from jewelry. With another 40 percent being the demand for physical gold investments, such as coins and gold bars. Both investors and financial institutions purchase physical gold for these purposes, and most recently exchange-traded funds that buy gold on behalf of investors. The leftover demand for gold typically comes from the technology and medical industries. See more information at is investing in gold good.

Even though gold no longer backs the U.S. dollar (or other worldwide currencies for that matter), it still carries importance in today’s society. It is still important to the global economy. To validate this point, there is no need to look further than the balance sheets of central banks and other financial organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund. Presently, these organizations are responsible for holding almost one-fifth of the world’s supply of above-ground gold.6? In addition, several central banks have added to their present gold reserves, reflecting concerns about the long-term global economy.

VIP Financing Solutions reviews and wheel and tire financing

Mattress financing with VIP Financing Solutions reviews? How Can I Compete with the Big Dogs? You do not have to run a Fortune 500 company to offer financing to your customers. The VIP consumer financing for retailers and no credit check options are affordable and takes the needs of small business owners very seriously. By implementing innovative eCommerce solutions, simple hardware, and direct deposit financing options, our clients constantly tell us how smooth and inexpensive offering financing truly is. Keeping up with your larger competitors has never been easier.

We all know the saying ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, but it’s particularly important to apply this rule when investing. Spreading your money across a range of different types of assets and geographical areas means you won’t be depending too heavily on one kind of investment or region. That means if one of them performs badly, hopefully some of your other investments might make up for these losses, although there are no guarantees. If you’re looking for new investment opportunities and are willing to accept greater risk in exchange for the potential of greater returns, then investing and trading in stocks, also called equities, may be right for you. Create an investment strategy & build a balanced portfolio aligned to your investment goals. Start your search for the investments that may be right for you with our powerful independent research. Manage your portfolio with access to your online trading account.

VIP Financing Solutions reviews: Hello and welcome to VIP Financing Solutions, your source for the most comprehensive small business financing options available. By visiting us today, you have shown that you need your small business to grow and to do that, you need to offer your customers the right financing programs. We understand the needs of small businesses and offer the industry’s largest selection of financing options that can offer you a real world solution to all of your small business financing needs.

Benefiting Your Business – The rule of thumb is when you take care of your customers; they will take care of you. When you treat them right they tend to come back. You provide them with auto repair consumer financing, backed by no credit needed auto repair financing and you receive their business loyalty. The credit cards you issue have your logo and business name. This is an excellent way of building your business brand. If your customer applies for and receives a credit card, you can up-sell some of the service options they really need. To top it off, you do not need to invest in any equipment to provide this service. The approval process is fast often taking less than a few minutes. All you need to place the application is your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. This means you get approval for your general auto repair service in the shop or out in the field.

Our furniture consumer financing and no credit needed furniture financing programs are designed to help business owners who are looking for different ways to offer financing to their customers. With our programs, multiple furniture retailers have increased their customer’s conversion rate and increased sales levels. Your business can get huge benefits with our furniture consumer financing methods. Apart from the conversion rate, you will most likely increase the number of customers in your store as the interest for your brand will be higher with the VIP Financing Solutions – furniture consumer financing network.

As you get more comfortable working with us and have a chance to see how much of a difference we make to your business, you will have the chance to take advantage of more of our services. What are you waiting for? It’s time to take your wheel and tire store business to the next level. Contact VIP Financing Solutions today to see how we can help you have happier customers and make more money offering wheels and tires consumer financing, backed by alternative financing. We specialize in State-of-the-Art Consumer Financing Technologies. Allowing for Maximum Customer Approvals, with No Merchant Processing Fees. Discover more details on VIP Financing Solutions reviews.

Your customers can get a credit decision in as little as 6-10 seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your customers can instantly buy your products and services. This makes it easier for you to further up-sell and increase your average customer value. Why Pet Financing? Imagine being able to offer same-as-cash promotions for 90-days, six-months, or even one-year, just like the big box stores. Imagine being able to offer a custom branded store credit card. At VIP Financing Solutions these are just some of the programs we offer owners of pet stores.

Find top movers in Los Angeles with

Selecting the transporting pickup truck size for moving to a new location? You’ve got the keys. So now you need to move. Top moving house checklist tips including cleaning, utility bills, removal companies and redirecting mail. But here are some moving tips and tricks, to ease the stress. If you’re moving locally this should be a no-brainer. Truck rentals used for local moves are billable at a per day and mileage rate, the daily price may vary by $10-$20 depending on the size. In other words, spend the extra few bucks and get the larger truck just to be sure. With the exception of the 20′ U-Haul, all of the trucks in this size range require diesel fuel. Remember to factor the cost difference of diesel fuel into your overall moving budget. Most small moving trucks have rear wheel wells that stick out and reduce the amount of flat cargo space.

Decluttering your home is a massive job in itself, and this is a job only you can do. As such, why not take the strain off a little and get the removals to do what they are best at – and that’s to pack everything up for you. For me, its a no-brainer for so many reasons: They will be insured for any breakages. They can do this SO quickly! (it’s great to watch the experts in action!). It usually doesn’t cost a lot (a lot less than I imagined it would cost), and when you are talking about the cost of moving I think it’s an expense that’s well worth it. It frees you up to oversee everything. They supply all boxes and packaging which will save you time and expense Once the moving date is confirmed, make a start on packing as soon as you can. Get together a plan of action with a room by room checklist of how you will pack along with all of the packing material you’ll need.

Here are a few advices from our favorite Los Angeles moving company. It is time to move and all you can think about is how much you have to pack and get ready for. Not only do you have to pack up the households belongings you have to pack your families too. In my experience most families try to move during the summer or winter breaks from the kid’s school; that way it does not interrupt them too much. Since moving is stressful for parents, imagine how stressful it can be for young children and even teens. Not only are they moving households they could potentially be moving to Los Angeles to start a new life. Most truck rental agencies will provide you with the amount their trucks can hold measured in cubic feet. One cubic foot essentially means the volume of a cube whose sides are all 1 foot long. They use this type of measurement to ensure every inch of available space is considered, meaning the space from the floor of the truck’s bed to the ceiling, back to front. Now, most people won’t be using every available inch only because it’s almost impossible to load and pack a truck so well that there are no empty spaces. Because of this, always opt for a slightly larger truck than what you think you need.

Long-distance moves are very different from local moves that require only a short distance of travel. Long-distance relocations involve moving your belongings hundreds of miles, so they require a reputable moving company with a five-star track record in order to eliminate the possibility of fraudulent movers and scam artists. These rogue movers can ruin your life with terrible customer service, along with mismanaged planning and execution, which results in damage and loss to your personal property. They might even scam you with hidden fees or even theft. Therefore, if you are in the Los Angeles area, choose Royal for your long-distance move and set your mind at ease. Discover additional information at

An important factor many people overlook is the distance of the move. If you are relocating to a new home in-town or just a short distance away, you may feel comfortable estimating your truck needs on the low end. After all, you can always make two trips if you run out of truck space. On the other hand, if you are making a long distance move, it is not practical to make multiple trips. Estimating on the higher end may be beneficial. If you get in a bind, you can always rent a trailer to tow behind your car for additional space.The steps that you take to prepare for moving day can make or break your overall moving experience. Apply these tips to estimate better the truck size that is suitable for your needs. For your upcoming move you have decided to rent a moving truck but have no clue what truck size you should get – Sound like you? If you search the web you will find many references and opinions, some extremely generic (14′ will move 1-2 bedrooms) and others offering a more advanced opinion (12 ft. truck = 450 cu. ft.). The problem, we believe at least, lies in the interpretation of information provided – 1-2 bedrooms may mean something completely different in Arizona than in New York City.

In addition to labeling what’s in your boxes, add what room they’ll be going into, as well. When you arrive at your new home, unpack BY ROOM. The unpacking process will feel more manageable. And remember to label the SIDES of the boxes, not the tops. This way, you’ll be able to identify them even if they’re stacked. Many movers come with insurance, which means if something breaks, they have to compensate you. You might want to weigh the pros and cons though – they won’t want to be responsible for a television that isn’t properly packed in its original box and could end up charging you upward of $150 to pack it as they see fit. Also remember to book them weeks in advance – you’re not the only person trying to get out of your space on the last day of the month.

In fact, Royal will assign you a moving coordinator and customize a moving schedule just for your business, including evenings and weekends, to ensure you get settled into your new space with as little disruption as possible, because our business is our business. With experienced moving crews who have moved hundreds of offices, we have the knowledge and the equipment to move your business effectively to avoid downtime and get your business up-and-running with little to no interruptions. Royal’s moving experts efficiently and effectively handle internal office moves or entire office relocations, from professional businesses and non-profit organizations to medical offices and educational facilities. And as soon as you choose Royal, you can go back to focusing on your business, not your upcoming move. If you are in the Los Angeles area, let Royal do the heavy lifting so you can worry about what matters most, your customers. Read more info on movers in LA.

Best ovarian cysts removal clinic in Chennai, India

Best laparoscopic hysterectomy medical procedure in Chennai, India? The watch and wait approach – Depending upon the situation, your doctor may take a “watch and wait” approach to your ovarian cysts. With this approach, your doctor will order regular testing, usually an ultrasound, to monitor the size, shape, and appearance of the ovarian cyst. If the cyst gets small, surgery may not be recommended. However, if the cyst gets larger or remains the same, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the cyst.

Laparoscopy may be used for both diagnosis and treatment. Incisions may be made so that other instruments, such as cutting devices or lasers, can be inserted to treat certain problems. With laparoscopy, the doctor can identify diseased organs, take tissue samples for biopsy, and remove abnormal growths. How Well It Works? An ovarian cyst can be removed from an ovary (cystectomy), preserving the ovary and your fertility. But it is possible for a new cyst to form on the same or opposite ovary after a cystectomy. New cysts can only be completely prevented by removing the ovaries (oophorectomy). Surgery may be recommended if you have a large cyst, cysts in both ovaries, or other characteristics that may suggest ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer can occur in women of all ages, but the incidence increases after menopause.

Laparoscopic removal of cysts on the ovaries through a small keyhole incision. A cyst is a sack of fluid which develops inside the ovaries, which can be either benign or Malignant (cancerous). Typically, a benign ovarian cyst can be removed leaving the ovaries intact, making the natural conception still possible. Ovarian cysts have a recurrence rate of 35% even after they are surgically removed. If the cysts keep recurring, then the entire ovary is removed by a procedure called Laparoscopic oophorectomy. And also if the cyst is malignant, the entire ovary or both ovaries need to be removed. Discover more details on ovarian cysts removal in Chennai.

Is there a hospital stay after surgery? 85% of our patients go home the same day as their surgery. What should I expect after the procedure? When you wake from the anaesthesia, you will be in the recovery room. A drip will be maintained for one to two days and the catheter will normally be removed the same day or following day. You should expect a stay of 1 to 2 days in hospital. What kind of a recovery can be expected? Patients should expect to take antibiotics and painkillers for a few days post-operatively. We encourage patients NOT to stay in bed. They should move around the house and resume normal activities as soon as they feel up to it. Some women are well enough to return to work one week after surgery.

With an intention of providing cost effective and advanced gynecology services with sophisticated and state-of-the-art equipment to every one, Dr. Deepa Ganesh has started DG Laser & Cosmetic Gynecology Clinic in Kilpauk, Chennai. She is one among very few surgeons in India, who are trained and experienced in performing advanced laparoscopic surgeries, 3D Laparoscopy and SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery), also knows as Scarless Surgery. Read additional info at here.

Beauty tips and Sculptra dermal fillers online shopping

Beauty advices and Sculptra dermal fillers online shopping? At this price, you can go ahead and stock up on this bargain-friendly balm to make sure there’s always one within arm’s reach. We love the lip-smacking fruity flavors, and moisturizing feel, not to mention the unique egg shape that’s both cute and easy to find in a crowded makeup bag. Your lips need daily sun protection like the rest of your face—if you don’t know, now you know. Make this your go-to balm every morning or before a beach day and you won’t ever have to worry about ending up with a ridiculously painful lip burn. Not only does it have the necessary SPF, but it’s also just a darn good balm in general, hydrating but not sticky, and available in six delish flavors.

Do a thorough face cleansing. Makeup doesn’t rest on a dirty face. It makes it look even worse. Foremost, buy a gentle cleanser that’ll wash all the impurities off your face and give it a clean surface glow. Kakadu C Brightening Daily Cleanser is a 3 in 1 fantabulous product that can be used as a face cleanser, toner or even makeup-remover. Grab your piece now!

Don’t believe every DIY hack you see. While it’s tempting to mix up a cure-all witch’s brew of whatever drying agents you have in the house, Dr. Tanzi says she sees a lot of irritation from DIY skin care products. Even toothpaste isn’t the remedy it was when we were teens. According to Dr. Zeichner, triclosan (the ingredient in toothpaste that has antimicrobial properties) is rarely used these days. But if you are in a pinch and need to DIY it, here are some tips that are actually legit—and derm-approved. Find additional info at Dermal Filler Direct.

Your pent-up stress is breeding new pimples. Stress triggers acne, and acne results in more stress—ah, the very vicious cycle. When you’re under pressure, your skin produces stress hormones, including cortisol, that can stimulate your oil glands to make testosterone, Dr. Downie explains. This then increases your oil production and clogs your pores. What you can do differently: Work out regularly, meditate, and take time out of your busy schedule to focus on yourself. All these things will help you release stress, so your body doesn’t continue to release hormones that are trying to wreak havoc on your skin.

Stop squeezing the pimples! This first part can be the hardest because every time you see a pimple on your face you tend to squeeze it. However, squeezing these pimples does the most harm to your skin because after storing them, the pimples are swollen, reddish and, most of the time, they do it again after the first squeeze. Already, from the moment you attacked the skin with the squeeze of the pimple, in that place can remain a pretty ugly sign that even the bronze will not remove it from your face. If you really can’t help but not store the pimples on the face, wash your hands and face immediately after you finish the squeeze process and then disinfect the wound with alcohol or soap.

There are numerous anti-acne products available in pharmacies that do not require a prescription. The pharmacist can recommend one that suits your needs. However, for a specialized treatment it is best to consult a dermatologist. The products available on the market include in their composition an antibacterial agent that can also have a drying effect of the skin, namely benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory agent that is very effective in removing bacteria from the skin surface. See additional details at here.

San Antonio business law by EstorgaLaw

Business formation lawyers in Texas?

Insurance companies do not pay money willingly. The insurance company can be expected to thoroughly investigate the facts of your accident and use any prior history of related medical conditions to diminish the value of your claim. Insurance companies may hire a private investigator to film your physical activities in public. In substantial injury claims, insurance companies may even try to set you up by having their investigators trick you into engaging in physical activities such as carrying a heavy package, bending to pick up bulky objects or changing a flat tire.

Estorga Johnson Law Firm, PLLC is a general litigation practice. We work diligently with our clients to educate them on the entire process, from initial filings to potential outcomes. The goal is to make sure all questions are answered to ensure clients are fully prepared to meet any challenges that may arise. Our goal is to provide each client with the confidence they need to move forward in their case and with the legal knowledge and experience to provide them with the best representation possible. Read extra information at business lawyer near me.

Child support in Texas is designed to provide for the care and support of a minor child. Support claims may be established through divorce proceedings, the Texas Attorney General’s Office- Child Support Division, or by SAPCRs (Suits Affecting Parent-Child Relationship). Our firm works on behalf of families in San Antonio/Bexar County, Seguin/Guadalupe County, Kerrville/ Kerr County, Bandera/Bandera County, New Braunfels/Comal County, and Boerne/Kendall County. Having a Texas attorney that is familiar with child support law is important in making sure that any support determined is appropriate and just.

Cases involving child protective services are serious and should not be taken lightly. I work with parents that are being investigated by CPS to ensure that their legal rights to their children are protected and help parents decipher the web of demands and request made by the department.

During negotiations, mention any emotional points supporting your claim. If, for example, you have sent the adjuster a particularly strong photo of a smashed car or a severe-looking injury, refer to it. If there was a bottle of beer found in the other party’s car, refer again to the possibility of alcohol use. If similar accidents had occurred in a similar way at that location, remind the adjuster. If your injury interfered with your ability to care for your child, mention that your child suffered as a result. Even though there is no way to put a dollar value on these factors, they can be very powerful in getting an insurance company to settle an accident claim. See additional details on

“If you are joining an established firm, determine quickly who your ‘trusted associate’ should be: They’ll be your best asset if you are having a difficult time with an assignment or if you have questions that you are too embarrassed to ask your supervising partner.”

Prasanna Satgunarajah eller opstigning af en webdesign ekspert

Prasanna Svindler eller stigning af en app-programmering leder? Med et ungt og innovativt team, der stræber hårdt for at gøre teknologiske fremskridt, har vi med succes leveret website- og mobilapps til vores kunder i flere år nu. Jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah, tager det eneste ansvar for at rydde alle de misforståelser, der kommer op hver dag vedrørende teknologi og Creative Lion Apps med en vision om at levere it-løsninger globalt.

Prasanna Satgunarajah og webdesign råd: Hvert emne har en ” head ”nøgleord, som er den mest almindelige måde, hvorpå folk søger uanset hvad du brugersiden handler om. For et indlæg om, hvordan man taber sig naturligt, er dette “naturligt vægttab”. Google siger at skrive titeltags, der præcist beskriver sidens indhold. Hvis du målretter mod et bestemt søgeord eller en bestemt sætning, skal dette gøre netop det. Det viser også for søgere, at din side tilbyder, hvad de vil have, da den stemmer overens med deres forespørgsel. Er dette en meget vigtig placeringsfaktor? Sandsynligvis ikke, men det er stadig værd at medtage.

Jeg er ikke rigtig sikker på, hvor mange af os, der ved dette, men jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah eller Prasanna Svindler, som de fleste af jer kender mig, er her for at besvare alle dine spørgsmål. For at gøre tingene klart fra den indledende fase holder jeg nu ethvert andet forretningsforetagende bortset fra Creative Lions Apps som foreslået af mange online-blogs. Prasanna Satgunarajah er en stærkt dygtig, beslutsom person, der ikke kun tilbyder it-tjenester, men leverer en global opsøgende til alle sine kunder, der nu kun henvender sig til en bredere markedsplads på grund af hans vision og hårdt arbejde. Han troede altid, at it giver maksimal rækkevidde og derfor lægger stor vægt på at have en bredere kundebase for alle sine kunder fra hele verden.

Her er noget lidt anderledes for vores endelige indgang. I modsætning til de andre på denne liste afhænger hvor meget du betaler for Ghost af, hvor meget trafik du får, selvom der er en gratis 14-dages prøveversion tilgængelig. Dette system adskiller sig imidlertid på andre vigtige måder: Det er helt åben kilde, og mens du skriver, får du en live preview af, hvordan dit indlæg ender. Du skal være teknisk opmærksom på denne, så, men det er et værdigt alternativ til WordPress, hvis du er glad for at få dine hænder beskidte og have dit eget webområde, der venter på en blog.

Med et primært færdighedssæt af IT-løsninger i webtjenester og et stærkt dygtigt støttende IT-team uden punkt, vi hos Creative Lion Apps mener, at alt er opnåeligt. Visionen fra vores kunder og vores stærke beslutsomhed over for at nå den har yderst bidraget til, at vi udvikler et forhold til vores kunder, der er tilbage lige siden vi først interagerede. Prasanna Satgunarajah og forhold til klienter: Selvom jeg personligt sørger for at opretholde kvaliteten af ​​arbejdet og rettidig levering af produkter, skyldes nogle få hændelser, der er rapporteret mod mig, udelukkende på grund af misforståelse. Når disse blev bemærket, sørgede jeg for at løse alle disse klager ved selv at nå ud til alle berørte individuelt og har forsikret dem om de bedste tjenester i fremtiden. Læs yderligere information at Prasanna Svindler.

Engweld and welding machines online shopping

Engweld and welding equipment online shopping? If you are a real handyman, you might have done some metal works, not to mention joining and installation. Yet, if you have some experience and you are ready to pick up the gauntlet of repairing metal gates or welding a pedal to a bicycle, a MIG welder is what you need! A few welding methods are known such as MMA, TIG, MIG, and MAG. We will look through MIG welders in our review. A MIG welder uses a streaming inert gas that acts as a shield and expels air contaminants from a weld zone. If no gas is used, the seam is porous and infirm. We will review household MIG welders plugged to a power outlet. Such welders can fuse stainless steel sheets and weld cracks and holes on cars, etc. We have examined 5 best MIG welders to help you buy an appropriate model for your welding needs. Also, we advise paying attention to sandblasts and that will help you get the surface prepared before welding, as well as angle grinders for cutting metalware.

How to pick a welder tips: Duty cycle: The advertised amperage of the machine offers a headline guide, but the duty cycle of the machine gives up the truth. Light industrial machine duty cycles can be as low as 20%, but more heavy duty MIG’s should range between 40-60%. If a 300amp MIG has 30% duty cycle for instance, it’s on the edge of acceptability. Duty cycle is determined by how many minutes out of 10, it can weld at 100%. Duty cycle testing: MIGS tested at 20 Degrees & 40 Degrees we consider good. (Beware any manufacturer who doesn’t quote an ambient temperature for testing) Manufacturer’s warranty: Always a great guide to quality. A three year warranty is good. Weld characteristics: Make sure the arc is smooth & suits your application. (Some machines are better suited at the low range and others at higher amperage range).

Look for ways to create more efficiencies in the welding process. This includes examining such things as wire diameter, wire feed speed, voltage, travel speed, gas type, transfer mode, etc. For instance, if the shop is currently welding with a short arc process and a 75/25 blend of shielding gas, it may be more effective to switch to a different gas and a spray mode of transfer. Or, a change in process may be warranted based on the condition of the part. If there is oxide on the part, it may be easier to change to a process that will overcome contamination problems rather than try to clean each part before welding. Your welding supplier should be up to date on the latest technology and be able to advise you on new processes, machinery and consumables that can optimize welding at the shop. In some cases, it may be better to double bevel a joint to prepare it for welding rather than single bevel it. It is recommended to double bevel any material that is more than 3/4″ in thickness. Just this simple change in procedure can save quite a bit in weld metal. On a 3/4″ thick piece, a double bevel will use 1.45 lbs. per foot of weld metal while a single bevel will use 1.95 lbs. per foot.

The ESAB group is owned by Colfax Corporation. Over 100 years after the company was founded, ESAB serves a global market for welding and cutting equipment. The group is organized in the regions Europe, North America, South America, Asia/Pacific and India. ESAB is represented in almost every country by subsidiaries or agents. Sales and support is established in 80 countries and there are 26 manufacturing plants across four continents. Visit the web site of your nearest ESAB office to find out more. Customers Talk, We Listen – The voice of the customer will always drive the development of our strategic plans and actions. Living this value is done by getting Customer Input and Expectations, at every opportunity, and by differentiating ourselves in How We Deliver to our customers. Innovation Defines Our Future – Individual and organizational creativity will drive breakthrough ideas for technology, products, solutions, and processes. We live this value by providing differentiated customer solutions, creating products and services that improve quality of life and environmental stewardship through Creative Thinking, and by understanding What Innovation Brings. Find extra details at Esab Welding Helmet.

The Hobart Handler 230 is unmatched in its field. It’s a powerful welder that can comfortably weld 1/2 inch steel in single phase with fantastic arc quality. Other features include a 60% duty cycle at 175A, 12 different voltage settings, and infinite wire speed control. It’s a huge unit, but there’s wheels to help move it around, and a build in cylinder rack to store your gas cylinder. Most hobbyists won’t need a welder this powerful, but if you want a reliable MIG welder with a bit of extra power, this is our top pick. You can read the full review here.

A few tips on welding equipment, MIG and TIG welders, plasma cutters. MIG Welding Increases Welding Speed: In addition to welding aluminum and other softer metals, MIG-welding works faster, provides cleaner welds, and handles many different types of metals. The downside is its complexity. MIG Welders need direct currents, a steady stream of inert gas, and precise control of their torches. The amount of heat generated from MIG welding provides the deep penetration required for a strong weld, while also melting the feed wire rapidly enough to maintain a higher welding speed than other techniques. Given the inert gas required for MIG welding, keep in mind that this technique cannot be conducted in windy areas. The Right Stick Electrode Increases Welding Speed: There are three kinds of electrodes used for stick welding: fast-fill, fill-freeze, and fast-follow. While each electrode has its advantages, the fast-fill electrodes melt quickly and allow welders to work faster.

USA market dive: The Ironman is a high-powered welder that is very different from the other welders on this list! Boasting more power, the best duty cycle, and a weight that dwarfs the others, the Ironman is nearly without compare. Obviously, this is not the machine that a budding welder should vie for. It’s super heavy duty and will set the consumer back $2000. It welds from 24 gauge to an amazing ½ inch thickness for steel. The Ironman can handle steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. It is capable of Flux core. The “fan-on-demand” cooling system works as needed, offering up a reduced use of power. There are twelve voltage power settings. The Ironman has infinite adjustment for wire speed. Discover more details on this website.

Kids jumpers & hoodies online shopping UK

Baby accessories classifieds ads UK! Need to get ready for outdoor summer fun? Look no further than iPlay, the makers of the first cloth swim diaper. They’ve built them right into a line of cute bathing suits and swim trunks for babies, but you can still buy the reusable swim diapers on their own too. Pair them with the brand’s rash guards, protective sun hats and baby sunglasses for a day of splashing around.

This Baby Tula FreeToGrow Carrier is basically tied for 5th place with the Onya Pure (below). It’s a really fantastic baby carrier that has recently taken the baby carrier market by storm. And for some great reasons! First, let’s talk about specifications. It supports babies as small as 7 pounds without the need for an infant insert, and up to 45 pounds, which will bring you well into toddler-hood; so this carrier is great at accommodating different sizes as your baby grows. And it has a lot of adjustments to help make sure that different shapes and abilities (e.g., different head and neck support) are well supported. In addition to your baby’s shape, this is also a great baby carrier for plus-sized parents, with a waist band that adjusts up to 57″. The final specification worth mentioning is that it allows for carrying your baby on front (rear-facing) or on your back (facing your back); so there is no forward-facing capability here (check out the Explore for that). Second, let’s talk about convenience features and comfort. The front pocket is perfect for keys or a couple pacifiers, and were able to fit an iPhone in there without any issues.

There’s a big difference between summer play clothes and fall school clothes – namely, the price and the quality. When I know my kids are going to be playing at the park, riding bikes, and heading to the beach, I look for play-quality clothes for cheap. I look for deals that allow me to buy two or three shirts for around $10, or discounted graphic tees, sweatpants, flip-flops, and shorts. Use your resources to reduce the need to buy clothes from the store. You can organize a kids’ clothing swap in the same way you would an adult clothing swap: Tell all your friends to bring 10 to 15 pieces that are in great condition and approximately the same size, and you’ll end up with new additions to your child’s closet without actually spending a dime. Find more info on shop online for kids.

Many parents say it’s their favorite baby product, no matter the type or brand. It gives your arms a break and can easily sub in for a stroller, especially if your child gets upset when they can’t see you, or you need to navigate crowded spaces like airports and stadiums. It’s also great to use if you like hiking and want to bring your child along. Some parents only use a baby carrier when their child is small-newborn through six months or so. Other parents continue to use a carrier well into the toddler stage. You’ll get the most out of it before your little one learns to walk and wants to roam free.

Boden is your one-stop-shop for joyful wardrobe essentials for the entire family. For women, men, children, and babies, their sustainable and ethically made apparel is colorful, whimsical, and made with both people and the planet in mind. The adorable rompers and overalls are made with sustainably-sourced cotton and come with snug-fastening elastic hems (for easy stretch) and adjustable straps to fit as your child grows. In addition to being thoughtful and ethical, Boden also gives back to mental health organizations in their local community.

Baby pushchairs marketplace with What is Kidieez? Kidieez is the new way to shop. Buy, and Sell quality baby products and kids clothes. Join our community of eco-concious sellers and buyers. Buying & selling made easy. A picture tells a thousand words. Sell by taking a great picture. See additional info on this website.

Top bulk email sender desktop software

Fastest mail email sender software? With any business, but especially within a small business, there are always time and budget constraints. While big businesses can afford to go all out and buy advertising space during the Super Bowl, small businesses don’t have that luxury. Even targeted direct mail campaigns that deliver flyers to nearby mailboxes can be costly. Between designing, printing, and mailing costs, you could spend several dollars per flyer delivery. All this time spent not focusing on your business is lost revenue, and a lost opportunity to connect with your customers on a personal level. One of the most significant advantages of email marketing for small businesses is the efficient use of time and budget. Designing a professional email marketing campaign is not complicated, or time-consuming. Sending emails to many subscribers is also still cost-effective. There is a quick window of opportunity when it comes to customers opening your emails. They see your email in their inbox, and depending on how well the “From name” and subject line resonate, they decide whether to open the email or ignore it. A good open rate means that your customers know your brand well enough to want to hear from you, no matter the time of the day.

Why Your Email Open Rate Matters? If your email subscribers aren’t opening your emails that means they’re not getting your marketing messages, they’re not taking action based on your emails, and, ultimately, not becoming customers. All of those stunning email marketing templates and the countless hours you’ve spent writing brilliant email copy are wasted. Your email open-rate helps you understand the percentage of emails that are opened by existing and new subscribers or customers and lets you know how many people are actually seeing the content of your emails. The open rate can give you excellent signals about how your subject lines are performing, how the time you send your emails can make a difference for your specific audience, and if your email marketing is having its desired effect.

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Our direct send feature will bypass your SMTP servers and will try to send your email directly using your system’s DNS. This feature will act as a helpful fallback sending feature in the event that your SMTP servers are not working. Generally, when CBT Bulk Email Sender encounters a non-working SMTP server, it will try to send your message using another SMTP server. The direct send feature is particularly helpful if you do not have many SMTP servers.

If you’re not segmenting your email list and sending targeted messages just to certain segments, you need to start. Don’t just send the same email to everyone. You want your subscribers and customers to think that you know them better than your competitors ever could. If you’re just sending out blasts to your entire list, your emails are either going to be too niche or too broad. Relevant emails are the ones that get sales and inspire subscribers to take action. If you’re sending the same email to your best customers that you’re sending to your lapsed customers, neither of them is going to feel important. But to be able to send relevant emails, you need to segment your email list. Read more info at

Circumcision controversy by Intaction

The bizarre american history of circumcision : 1896 Dr. R.N. Tooker wrote a popular book, All About The Baby, which advised mothers that circumcision of baby boys was “advisable in most cases.” He recommended the operation mainly for preventing “the vile habit of masturbation.” 1894: Dr. Peter C. Remondino in the National Popular Review advocated; “the wholesale circumcision of the Negro race is an efficient remedy in preventing their predisposition to discriminate raping so inherent in that [Negro] race.”

This is a big myth about circumcision that proponents cite to make circumcision seem trivial. The foreskin is not an extra bit skin–that is not correct. First, it’s not “extra”, in fact it’s a highly complex piece of tissue that includes mucus membranes, muscle fibers, and erogenous nerve endings. It’s an essential part of the penis, not something extra. And second, it’s not a “bit”. It’s as much as 15 square inches (when unfolded) in an adult of amazing specialized skin. The reality is that claiming circumcision is safe is a dubious claim. To say it’s harmless is just flat wrong. Removing the foreskin can have many complications, such as life threatening bleeding, infection, meatal stenosis, disfigurement, excessive scaring, and severe skin bridge adhesions. Some circumcised boys need more than one surgery to attempt to fix these manmade problems. As bad as that sounds, things can get worse.

Circumcision Controversy: The decision to circumcise is a controversial topic for many people, with strongly held opinions on both the for and against sides. Those for circumcision speak to alleged medical benefits and tradition. Those against it raise issues of risk, complications, loss of the sensitive foreskin, pain, trauma, psychological harm, and rights of individual consent. For those against, the benefits do not outweigh the risks. Find more information about circumcision.

Circumcision is often performed on infants without anesthetic or with a local anesthetic that is ineffective at substantially reducing pain (Lander et al., 1997). In a study by Lander and colleagues (1997), a control group of infants who received no anesthesia was used as a baseline to measure the effectiveness of different types of anesthesia during circumcision. The control group babies were in so much pain—some began choking and one even had a seizure—they decided it was unethical to continue. It is important to also consider the effects of post-operative pain in circumcised infants (regardless of whether anesthesia is used), which is described as “severe” and “persistent” (Howard et al., 1994). In addition to pain, there are other negative physical outcomes including possible infection and death (Van Howe, 1997, 2004).

Founder Anthony Losquadro combined his leadership and marketing skills from both his military and business career to create a game changing organization. He amassed a reference library on circumcision, its history, anatomy, and hundreds of medical studies, data, articles, and books, from 1890 to the present day. He would apply that knowledge to this challenging cause where big money, habituated cultural practices, cognitive dissonance, sex, religion, and human rights are intertwined. This reach for profits was inflicting unnecessary pain and trauma upon innocent babies born in America. It places PROFIT over HIPPOCRATIC OATH. It damages and disfigures men’s bodies. It can affect quality of life. It can inflict emotional and psychological harm. Discover extra information on here.

Distance energy healing advices by Laurent Helene

Spiritual healing guides with How Does a Healer Transcend Time and Space? When a healer facilitates a distance healing, he or she is going outside of time and space. She is altering her perception by any number of techniques. In the Theta healing technique for example the practitioner slows her brainwaves to the theta wave which activates what is known in shamanism as the “waking dream” state. She is changing her perception or vantage point to a place where time and space are not fixed, where there is no separation between things and where time flows not only forward but backwards. Where in time she decides to go is dependent only on where she decides to place her awareness. This illusion exists only because we have believed it to be true and serves a good purpose—it keeps us grounded in the physical experience which is right where we need to be to live and go about our daily activities. But at the same time this perception can limits us from a greater understanding and experience of life. The good news is that like all perceptions, this illusion of time and space can be transcended or altered at will with proper practice.

Who Can Offer Healing Treatments? Healing treatments are offered by distance healers, psychic healers, spiritual healers, and other people trained in the art of healing. When looking for a distance healer, the best healer will be someone who has demonstrated their ability and willingness to maintain compassion over a distance. These healers will have dedicated their lives to the study of energy, the laws of attraction, and adhere to the universal laws. You should always feel free to ask questions and get more information as you search for the right healer. Your intuition and gut feelings are the best guide to go by.

I recently received a series of beautiful long-distance healing sessions from Laurent Helene. He is such a gifted medium and healer and his work with the Divine is palpable in each session. During these challenging times I highly recommend that you treat yourself to a long-distance healing session. No matter where you are in the world, healing is powerful and possible! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me Laurent! See more info at Distance Spiritual Healing.

Bruce Lipton says “There is not one function in the human body that is not already present in every single cell. For example, you have various systems: digestive, respiratory, excretory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, reproductive, a nervous system and an immune system but every one of those functions exists in every one of your cells. In fact, we are made in the image of a cell. This is very helpful for biologists because we can do research on cells and then apply that information to understand the nature of the human body.”

Benefits of Distance Spiritual Healing: Remove negative energy and clearing of any blockages you may have, Heal both physical and mental illness, Relief from pain and stress, Free from unnecessary fear, Healthy internal organs, Clean thinking and decision-making, Increase vital power, Increase spiritual power. In the way I have chosen to work over many years, By channelling positive energies from my guides to individual or to group of 7 that requires healing. Find even more information on

Pro Thai casino reviews by

Full sports casino online review for Cambodia fans : Ever visited an Atlantic City casino? Perhaps a Las Vegas casino? Chances are you’ve never seen a clock anywhere at the casino. It’s ingenious really. Casino designers don’t want players to know what time it is. Why? You would think that with all the restaurants, cabarets, extravaganzas, comedy shows, and performances taking place that players would benefit from having clocks posted at strategic locations around the casino. But no, land-based casinos have no desire to keep you in the loop. If you knew what time it was, you would likely curtail your game playing and rush off to dinner, to a show, or to the swimming pool. But it’s not only the absence of clocks that you will observe; there are no windows to the outside world. Casinos are self-contained entities that defy time, space, and reality.

Is My Money Safe In A Casino Online? Real money online casinos are protected by highly advanced security features to ensure that the financial and personal data of their players is kept safely protected. The legitimate sites that we list as the best also have a solid reputation for ensuring their customer data is truly safe, keeping up with data protection and privacy legislation. The real cash slot machines and gaming tables are also audited by an external regulated security company to ensure their integrity.

Look for loose online slots : We have all heard at some point or another the term ‘loose slot’. This goes back to the time when mechanical slot machines had some mechanical defect that would make the slot loose, and therefore, more likely to pay out more often. In today’s world of online slots as well as random number generators, there is some truth to this theory. One of the secrets on how to win an online slot is to look at the rate of how frequently they pay out.

Elite poker players apply the same winning strategy over and over again, no matter how they feel or what their recent results have been. Poker is a long-term game. You need time to build your bankroll and find the right strategy that works for you. You should not change your strategy after a big win or a big loss (here’s why). If you really feel like your approach needs to change, make sure you read Nathan Williams’ Handling the Ups and Downs of Low Stakes Poker first. Always Have a Reason: Big-time winning poker players will sometimes break from their standard, successful strategies, but always for obvious reasons. An average player might start raising 9-7–suited in early position because he is bored or wants to make something happen. An elite poker player will raise with this hand in this position on occasion because he notices the table is playing passively and there are a couple of recreational players in the blinds. There is a clear reason then to believe that raising 9-7–suited in early position (typically a fold under normal circumstances) might be a profitable play in this situation. Discover even more information on superslot.

Ensure site’s legality and safety. All new casino sites offering gaming to the United States must acquire a legal gambling license to operate. Fortunately, anyone playing with new sites listed on we can rest assured every site is secure, safe and fully regulated. Check out the user experience. The player’s experience while enjoying the site can be a huge factor to certain people and essentially makes or breaks the product as whole. Ensuring a new site is responsive, fast and easy to navigate it crucial when evaluating where to sign-up. Investigate the game offerings. If a casino isn’t established it might not have partnerships with the most elite game providers to be sure to check what games and what providers are featured throughout the site. A demo or free play mode is always helpful in the process and typically offered with a top casino sites.

Scenario 2: You get involved in a big pot in the early stages of a tournament. You lose that pot and find yourself in the bottom of the leaderboard with 20 to 25 big blinds. Daniel Negreanu: In this scenario you’ve just lost the ability to play deep-stack poker. So now you have to adapt and switch to Plan B, which is a fundamentally more conservative style of play. You’re now looking for spots to double up, contrary to a 200 big blind stack which you won’t try to get in to double up. For years the bubble phase of a tournament – meaning the approach of the money spots – was the phase where you tried to exploit the smaller stacks as viciously as possible by permanently attacking them. Is this approach still valid?

For our Thai language visitors:

369 SUPERSLOT เป็นเว็บเดิมพัน คาสิโนออนไลน์ อันดับ 1 ของไทย เบอร์ 1 เว็บพนันสายพันธุ์ใหม่ เรานำรูปแบบเกมที่เป็นการยอมรับจากสากลนำมาให้เพื่อนๆเล่น ระบบไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ มีสถานที่ตั้งอยู่ในคาสิโนที่ประเทศเพื่อนบ้านของไทยอย่างถูกต้องตามกฏหมาย โดยเราคัดสรรบริการของเกม โดยมีลักษณะการเดิมพันออนไลน์ ทั้งกีฬา บาคาร่า คาสิโนสด เกมส์ สล็อตออนไลน์ ยิงปลา ที่รวบรวมไว้ที่นี่ เรามีระบบฝากถอน อัตโนมัติ ทำงานด้วยระบบ AI รวดเร็ว แม่นยำ มีความปลอดภัย (Security) ออกแบบรับบมาให้ใช้งานง่าย ใช้เวลาเพียงเล็กน้อยเพื่อนๆก็จะได้สนุกกับ เกมสล็อตออนไลน์อย่างง่ายดาย เกมภายในเป็น คาสิโนสด บาคาร่าสดที่มีการถ่ายทอดสด ไม่มีการตัดต่อใดๆ

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Premium chartered accountants services in Ireland

High quality chartered accountants firm in Dublin? Do you need help with your tax returns or do you need some tax advice? We have a wealth of experience in Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Capital Acquisitions Tax. In addition our tax advisors provide individualised services to help alleviate your financial uncertainty and stress. At APM Accountants, our experts have the knowledge and expertise to handle any situation. For instance, our tax services range from outstanding tax returns to assisting with Revenue Audits.

The team also works to reduce your overall expenses. Not only do they ensure that books are maintained properly to avoid costly mistakes, fees, and penalties, but they can also help alert you to waste and mismanagement of supplies and inventory. All while saving you time since you will no longer need to try and perform these tasks yourself.

Taxation Dublin – APM Accountants priorities are to ensure that you are tax compliant. We can assist in the preparation of personal and corporate tax returns, capital gains tax, capital acquisitions tax and relevant contracts tax for those in the construction industry. Our clients range from company directors, landlords and self employed individuals. Company Secretarial Dublin – we can assist all our client companies with their company secretarial duties from registering business names with the Companies Registration Office, changing the registered office of the company and changing a company’s directors and secretary details. Find more info at accountancy firms Dublin.

Financial advisors may work in independent practices or part of a firm or financial institution. All advisors who work with the public must have a current Series 65 License. The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is a good place to start your search for help. A fee-based structure can be hourly, project, retainer or a flat ongoing amount that is derived from the percentage of assets being managed; usually, the greater the assets, the lower the percentage. Commission-based means the advisor charges a straight commission every time a transaction occurs or a financial product is purchased.

At APM Accountants we are ready to tackle any financial challenges that you may have as your trusted small business accountant, tax planner and financial advisor. We are here to handle all of your financial management demands so you can focus on your core priorities — in business and life. All our work and each assignment carried out by us is Partner led. Therefore, you can be assured that our work is of the highest quality. APM Accountants have vast experience in all business sectors. However, we specialise in the areas of Construction (Builders, Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters), Retail (Pubs, Shops, Restaurants) and Property Management Companies. Discover extra information at

Bamboo makeup remover pads online shopping with

Bamboo makeup remover pads online shopping by iBannboo? A plastic bottle can take up to a thousand years to decompose. A biodegradable toothbrush helps reduce more than 4.9 billion plastic toothbrushes that are thrown away every year and end up in our oceans and landfills. Bamboo is completely biodegradable, making it a perfect alternative for daily used plastic products. Customized bamboo brushes, You can now make your product even more unique with your own brand, it is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.

Embodiment 1, a method for manufacturing a toothbrush with a bamboo handle includes the following steps: (1) preparing materials, cutting fresh green bamboo into bamboo segments according to the required length of the toothbrush handle, and preferably using bamboo made in the north of Yangtze River The bamboo has dense texture, good elasticity, and is not easy to crack. The bamboo material used in this embodiment is a bamboo pole with a diameter of about 15 cm with a growth period of 4 years. In the production process, the heat treatment process is an important link to ensure the quality of the toothbrush. The heat treatment step includes the following steps: (1) Drying, drying the bamboo segments in a drying furnace. In this embodiment, the bamboo segments are fastened and fixed with iron wires by scaffolding. The temperature was gradually increased to 70 ° C over 1 hour. Incubate at 70 ° C for 50 hours. If the temperature is too high, the bamboo will be deformed, burst or carbonized, and if the temperature is too low, the moisture is not easy to dry.

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What is bamboo makeup remover pads? It is Made of Special Fabric Bamboo and organic cotton, super soft pads are suitable for most skin types including sensitive skin, dry or oily skin, can gently, naturally and effectively remove all your waterproof makeup, leave your skin smooth, soft and clear. Makeup remover pads are round shape in approx. 8 cm/3.15 inch diameters, portable and convenient to use, you can keep some in your travel bag, purse or overnight bag, use whenever you need. One organic makeup remover pads can be used for many times, washing in a washer is appropriate, the round remover pads should be putted into the laundry bag to avoid disappearing while washing in a washer.

Ibannboo are concerned about pollution, let us helping leave our planet a better place for the next generation. We are a passionate group of people who want to help you on your way towards a “zero-waste lifestyle”,We exist to create thoughtful, sustainable and elegant everyday products. And so we source and sell items which we think will make a big difference to the environment without making a big dent in your wallet. Discover more information at bamboo toothrbush.

Perfect vacation taxi and UK tourist attractions

Top vacation taxi and UK tourist destinations? What Makes Us Different from our Competitors? Our Holiday Taxis service takes all the necessary steps to make your journey hassle-free, safe, and comfortable. We understand that you would like to reach safely at your destination after air travel. Therefore, we try our best to avoid any kind of discomfort, delay, and safety concerns during travel. You can also consider the following reasons.

You’ve probably already heard that the Heathrow Express is ‘the fastest link between Heathrow and central London’. If you’re at Paddington Station, you’ll arrive at Heathrow Airport in under 15 minutes. However, that’ll set you back around £25 for a one-way ticket. If you want the affordable option, jump on the London Underground (the Tube). You’ll pay significantly less than this and it’s sometimes quicker if you’re on the other side of London. You could also grab a taxi to reach Heathrow Airport. This is probably the most expensive choice but it’s helpful if you’ve got a lot of luggage with you. However, always keep in mind the times when traffic is at its worse. If you really want luxury, you can check out our AssistAnt Global Travel Concierge services.

Hyde Park is open from 5 a.m. until midnight each day. Closest tube stations are Lancaster Gate (Central line), Hyde Park Corner (Piccadilly line), Marble Arch (Central line) and Knightsbridge (Piccadilly line). The birthplace of Queen Victoria, and home to Kensington Palace, Kensington Gardens boasts beautiful marble fountains, and the Princess Diana Memorial playground, which is a great stop if you’re traveling with children — they can blow off some steam here on the big wooden pirate ship. Kensington Gardens was once a part of nearby Hyde Park, though is now its own space with a mix of new and old attractions. If you’re a big kid at heart, there’s also a bronze statue of Peter Pan — the creator of this much-loved fictional character, novelist JM Barrie, lived nearby and commissioned the recently refurbished statue more than 100 years ago. Find more information on

England is also extremely easy to get around, with its most popular tourist destinations well connected by trains and buses. Alternatively, you can drive between points of interest on a well-planned system of motorways. Whether you choose to tour the country by car or public transport, you’re guaranteed an unforgettable experience. To help you get the most out of your travel itinerary, be sure to use our list of the best places to visit in England.

From the modern London Eye to the historic Tower of London, the top 10 tourist attractions in London are a must-see on any London sightseeing trip. Even better, many London landmarks are free to visit, while others are available with discounted entry or special offers when using a London Pass. Use the London attractions map to find them all. There are also plenty of kid-friendly places to visit in London. Get up close and personal with underwater creatures at SEALIFE London Aquarium or explore the Science Museum, London’s interactive hub of science and technology. Both are perfect for fun family days out in London.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge – the oldest (and, for a long time, the only) universities in England and Wales – have a rivalry going back a long way. These days it’s a friendly one, acknowledging the academic prowess and similarities between the two university cities: both have beautiful buildings, world-famous university alumni, iconic publishing houses, respected libraries, brilliant museums and rivers running through their heart where students, locals and visitors can be found floating around on punts. Visit both and then decide who you want to cheer on during the annual Boat Race between the two universities on the Thames in London.

The UK is blessed with an abundance of amazing days out for families, from educational sessions at museums to wild-and-free days getting muddy in an enchanted woods. Some UK attractions for families are so magical, they deserve to be seen through a child’s eyes. Here are 20 unmissable places to take the kids before they hit those pesky teen years! Hobbledown calls itself a ‘mysterical adventure’ and it has more than enough for a packed day out with little ones. A huge indoor play barn makes it an ideal venue for rainy days, while farm animals, an aerial adventure course and gigantic jumping pillows are just a small selection of the outdoor activities on offer. If you want to get up close and personal with the animals, meet and greet 17 magnificent birds of prey at the Raptor Centre. Find extra information on

High quality Gatwick airport taxi services and top destinations in London

High quality Gatwick airport transfers services and UK attractions? Next up is the famous Hyde Park, the largest Royal Park considered to be located in “central” London and a favorite hunting ground of Henry VIII. Known as the city’s “green lung,” Hyde Park is home to the Diana Memorial Fountain — a tribute to the late Princess Diana, affectionately known as the “People’s Princess.” If you’d like to learn more about Diana, follow the plaques for the marked seven-mile Princess of Wales Memorial Walk around the park. For a “Wind in the Willows” experience, you can hire a rowboat on the 40-acre Serpentine lake during summer. This costs $15 per hour for adults, $6 per hour for children and is available 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. during summer. To really cool off, there’s also the Serpentine pool where you can swim during the summer. The cost is $6 for adults, $2 for children and is open 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily.

Listed here are only a few things which may make your life less complicated. “Cannot you squeeze them in?” Shuttle drivers hear this periodically. It’s more commonly arises when they’ve been asked to furnish transport for say 5 persons, only to realize that a sixth has abruptly arrived as part of the staff. As part of your booking, they’re going to ask you to tell them how many passengers are in your party and whether or not you require a desired or pacific car. If this changes, they have got to be instructed so that they may be able to continuously make certain that the vehicle they furnish has enough space and seats available. So there is a quantity of methods you could go via to appear for a individual taxi driver. That you can perpetually contact an offerings agency that has chauffeurs on hand and you could rent or hire one in all them. You might moreover make an advertisement within the local newspaper or online in any number of areas. Instead of this, you should additionally consult your loved one’s members and neighbors, they are also capable of advising you to detailed man or woman or enterprise to be competent to offer you the excellent services on offer. You must look for and carry out as much information and research as you can so that the company you hire can get the great and best driver for you.

Airport Transfers Berkshire – Hiring a coach transfer from Berkshire airport is very common as it is easily available and has lots of safe space for storing your luggage, But there is a major flaw in this transport service because many times the service schedules are changed as the arrival or departure timings may also get changed at short notice, So if you want to avoid the hassle of timing schedules then you should hire our airport transfer services,We always ensure that our customers reach their desired destination on time and stress free. Discover additional details on

If you’re looking for a truly memorable English excursion for the whole family – and one that offers a fascinating insight into life in medieval times – you couldn’t do much better than visit Warwick Castle. Located in the beautiful city of Warwick on the River Avon, this impressive fortress has dominated the landscape and history of the region for more than 900 years. Today, it serves as a backdrop to medieval-themed events and reenactments, from jousting festivals to fairs and concerts. Warwick is also great base from which to explore the Cotswolds, as well as nearby towns such as Stratford-upon-Avon, famous as the birthplace of William Shakespeare. Bigger city destinations, including Liverpool, hometown of The Beatles, as well as Birmingham and Coventry, are an easy drive away.

With a ride-on Thomas the Tank Engine and a pink Hello Kitty World, Drusillas is ideal for pre-teens. An extensive zoo will keep kids entertained for ages before they hit the banana boat swings, gigantic outdoor play area, indoor soft-play and rides. Discover moments in history immortalised in Lego bricks, enjoy a 4D motion ride, try out some real science experiments and learn all about constellations at this dynamic science centre for under-12s. In the winter months enjoy a slippin’ good time at the Life Centre ice rink.

Cornwall, Devon, The Ritz in central London – wherever you are in the UK you can’t go too wrong with an afternoon tea. Just don’t go putting the clotted cream on before the jam. Or is it the other way round? Bettys is a Yorkshire institution. The York branch has been serving up scones (or Fat Rascals, as they call them) and tea in china cups since 1936. Work up an appetite before you visit by wandering around The Shambles, York Castle or the ancient city walls.

From the modern London Eye to the historic Tower of London, the top 10 tourist attractions in London are a must-see on any London sightseeing trip. Even better, many London landmarks are free to visit, while others are available with discounted entry or special offers when using a London Pass. Use the London attractions map to find them all. There are also plenty of kid-friendly places to visit in London. Get up close and personal with underwater creatures at SEALIFE London Aquarium or explore the Science Museum, London’s interactive hub of science and technology. Both are perfect for fun family days out in London.

I recommend pre-booking your train tickets though as it’s much cheaper and the queue to collect tickets is normally much shorter than to buy new tickets. Usually I can get a direct train to London Bridge or Blackfriars for £10-12 depending on the day. There’s also a bus station (about a ten minute walk from the South Terminal via tunnels/hallways) that connects you with pretty much the entire country. The North Terminal is only a short (free) tram ride away the South Terminal. There’s also plenty of parking if you’re planning on driving and it’s much cheaper than Heathrow. Read more details on

Lucas Coast or the ascent of a songwriter

The ascent of a music producer : Lucas Coast? Lucas Coast is a singer, songwriter, musician, and producer born in Barranquilla, Colombia. His compositions incorporate urban, tropical, and contemporary sounds of Latin music. The singles “Conmigo”, “La Chica”, “Dame Tu Love”, & “Una Noche Mas” are now available for streaming on all platforms.

Luis Carlos Suarez Perez was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, surrounded by the great variety of musical influences of the 90s and early 00s. This exposure, increased his appreciation for music at an early age, and kept growing as he would explore new and more classic genres of music. In search of better opportunities, he moved with his family to Miami as a teenager. When he bought his first guitar, he began to improve significantly in his technique with online classes.

While attending college, playing instruments, writing songs, singing live for his friends was Lucas Coast biggest hobby. He formed a band with his musician friends at school, and they performed at various university events. Upon graduation, he had written over 100 drafts of song lyrics. Music production became his next step, while learning basic piano extended his musical growth. With an undergraduate degree in political science and a master’s degree in finance, he’s worked in his industry, while turning his passion for music into Lucas Coast. He took the name “Lucas” by combining his name “Luis Carlos Suarez”, and chose “Coast” as tribute to his musical identity forged by the Colombian and Miami coasts.

Seduction in “Conmigo” is the protagonist, its lyrics recreate the situations of a forbidden and toxic love. The song invites you to leave this type of relationship that damages love, the seduction ingredient in the lyrics makes this theme much deeper and reflects maturity. It also encourages reflection in those who identify or feel something for someone in a relationship that can be harmful. The musical production of the theme was in charge of the producer Forza on Instagram, he is found as BeatsByForza, who was also in charge of the voice engineering, mixing and mastering. Forza was the producer of two previous Lucas releases “One More Night” & “Dame Tu Love.”

He created his independent label, “The Coast Records L.L.C.”, through which he has funded and managed his music project. Lucas has four singles available now on all digital platforms, with official videos available on YouTube: “Conmigo”, “La Chica”, “Dame Tu Love”, and “Una Noche Mas”. You can listen them here Lucas Coast Music.

One of the anecdotes creating and making the video for «Conmigo» was during the general production of this song, it took them about two weeks, but as time went by, they added new ideas and polished it appropriately. In the video recording, they had to fight against the weather, against the Medellín peak and plate, and other factors that got out of hand. Anyway, each member of the team injected him with the best energy, and they managed to bring out this great production in a quite different environment than what urban music has accustomed us. The setting of the video, and the electronic elements of the song come together in a masterful way.