Awesome contemporary poets from Jean Arno

Top modern artists by Jean Arno? Jean Arno is an influential artist from the artistic group, Astrée. Primarily known for his poetry and philosophical aphorisms, he defends the idea that man is, in essence, a creator. Shaping ‘the inextinguishable fire of life’ thus makes up the sacred mission of man, as a poet. He stands alongside those who continually battle against the invasive and deadly forces of contempt for the world and for life, and alongside those who put their creative forces to the service of the highest affirmation of life, those who believe that ‘the impossible can only ever occur by attempting it’. See additional information on Jean Arno.

Everything that prevents the affirmation of the highest life and diminishes the power of being is criticized with passionate ardour: the temptation of fame and glory; the escape into entertainment and artificial paradises; the resignation and capitulation of thought in the face of today’s immense problems; the standardization of the spirit in the paradigm of common judgment; the passivity or the boredom-murderer who justifies the existence of reality TV, for example: “Crowds sate their hunger / Like hyenas seek revenge / On the torments and the terror / On the tears and blood of men”.

The Metaverse and NFTs are changing the face of art. Art had already been digitized with the development of certain technologies and applications like “Procreate” or “Tilt Brush” and the growing influence of artists like Jean Arno, Karol Kolodinski, Pete Harrison, Anna Zhilyaeva, David Waters, Mike Winkelmann, and Heiko Klug. What at first appeared to be only a trend is about to change art itself. The idea of “Chaosism,” a new artistic concept developed by Jean Arno and the Astrée collective and defined as “the embodiment of the complexity of life in the unity of art” could only be translated into reality through an advanced technology capable of multiplying the significant layers: digital art and the Metaverse.

Trophies is a collection of poems intertwined with hidden messages where you will question the world, life, existence and yourself through an awakened intellectual experience. The book of poems is the latest work by French poet, philosophy and artist Jean Arno. Arno is an influential artist from the artistic group, Astrée and he’s known for his poetry, digital art and philosophical aphorisms. The poetic aphorisms in Trophies are short statements of eternal truths. While reading the book, you’re forced to use intellect to reconstruct a line of reasoning to interpret hidden meaning in Arno’s work. When readers unfold the purpose of these hidden thoughts, they’re left with the feeling of being enriched.

Tell us about your trophies ? What themes do you address? Trophies is a collection of poetic aphorisms. As I explained in the book’s hidden preface, the short thought-form became necessary because it forces the reader to reconstruct a line of reasoning. My poetic thoughts imply an intellectual effort of interpretation and deepening on the part of my readers. I share with Nietzsche the idea that it is better to not be understood than misunderstood and that one should write only for those whose minds are capable of unfolding and enriching. My poetry is profoundly metaphysical and ontological; that is to say, it embodies (in the mystical form of the symbol) the forces that move invisibly in the misty regions of the inexpressible and try to accomplish the high destinies of being. Read even more information on Jean Arno.

Some books leave you with the strange impression that you’ve been awakened. Reading Jean Arno’s Trophies is an intellectual experience, as the author claims on his official website, from which the informed reader comes out brighter. His claim would be arrogant if his verses, which sometimes touch the sublime and sometimes resemble Baudelaire’s These Dreams of Stone, were not so deep and full of optimistic faith in the power of the human spirit: “That each one can throne majestically in his own skies, as a splendid Sphinx dominates its desert! Indeed, the poetic aphorisms that Jean Arno offers require an intellectual effort, as he said himself : “the greatest truths are conquered”.