Electrical parts info aggregation platform info details with easybom.com

Electrical parts information database information aggregation platform from Easybom? Key Technologies of SoC Design: SoC key technologies mainly include bus architecture technology, IP core reuse technology, software and hardware co-design technology, SoC verification technology, testability design technology, low-power design technology, ultra-deep sub-micron circuit implementation technology, and embedded software porting. A circuit system capable of realizing certain functions is composed of multiple modules, such as processors, interfaces, memories, analog-to-digital converters, and so on. These functional modules can be implemented by discrete devices, and then combined on a printed circuit board (PCB) to finally form a system-on-a-Board. A schematic diagram of the on-board system is shown below. Discover more info at https://www.easybom.com/p/sn65hvd73d-texas-instruments-6186019.

We aspire to make Easybom be the most intelligent information aggregation platform. We boast the latest big data technology and accumulate billions of market data. Consequently, we can update in time and analyze the data in real time so as to make the prices more exact and transparent. Moreover, we can analyze inventory risk index, supplier integrity index and price risk index which can reflect the market, so that you can follow the market trend in time and find the suppliers and products which you satisfy most. Easybom provides intelligent data analysis to enhance your insight into the market. It focuses on the market as well as your need. Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core.

Quick Inquiry: Thousands of purchase inquiries are updated every day to help you quickly reach an transaction. Purchasers: Regular Supply Contains product information of more than 100,000 original component manufacturers and authorized agents around the world, authentic, high-quality. Price and Inventory: Provide multiple online supply prices and inventory quantities, quickly compare prices, and calculate exchange rates and taxes.

In the past Wi-Fi technology, intercell co-channel interference (Co-Channel Interference,CCI) is another important factor affecting channel capacity. The core of CSMA/CA is to listen before you speak (listen before talk,LBT). The device monitors the wireless channel first and sends data without being occupied. In the case of multi-AP mesh networking (AP,Access Point, wireless access point), the equipment in the cell will listen to the interference signal of the cell adjacent to the same channel, causing the device to mistakenly think that the wireless channel of the cell is being occupied at this time, so stop transmitting. This kind of interference will significantly reduce the network capacity when the network is not optimized or the number of available channels is very small. As shown in the figure below, the four Wi-Fi AP are networked with three channels. However, since there are only three channels available, AP1 and AP2 have to be deployed on the same channel Channel 6, when the signal of AP2 is interference to the user equipment belonging to AP1-Overlapped Basic Service Set (OBSS, overlapping basic service units, which can be understood as overlapping cells with the same frequency).

Due to the spread of the global COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, automobile production is in the doldrums (figure 1). The number of cars produced worldwide, which was 92.18 million in 2019 before the COVID-19 epidemic, fell by 14.56 million to 77.62 million in 2020 and appears to have fallen by 1.2 million to 76.42 million in 2021. The decline in car production in 0A2020 was caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to a sharp drop in demand. However, the downturn in car production in 2021 is mainly due to a shortage of semiconductors. In fact, by 2021, the shortage of semiconductors has made it impossible to build cars, and the governments of Japan, the United States and Germany, with automobile as the core industry, have made requests to TSMC to increase the production of on-board semiconductors through the government of Taiwan. The semiconductors in short supply at that time were 28nm logic semiconductors and MCU (Micro Controller Units, commonly known as “microcontrollers”). See even more details on https://www.easybom.com/.