Meet Jill Podehl West Palm Beach, Florida and some of her business finance research

The growth of a business finance professional : Jill Podehl: How Can I Succeed as a Financial Advisor Just Starting Out? Veterans of the financial services business will tell you that the first and most difficult task is to build a book of clients. You might consider using your youth as an asset. Many financial advisors go for a niche clientele. Your niche might be people like you: young, well-paid professionals just beginning to build long-term wealth. These days, a financial advisor is expected to be adept at the software packages most commonly used by advisors and their savviest clients, like MoneyGuidePro and eMoneyPro. Moreover, you need to be looking ahead to see what’s coming that can give you and your clients an edge. If you’re interested in finance and helping people to manage their money better, then becoming a financial advisor represents an attractive career path. There’s plenty of demand in this field and the pay is usually decent, too. Read even more details at Jill Podehl West Palm Beach.

If you don’t learn to manage your own money, other people will find ways to (mis)manage it for you. Some of these people may be ill-intentioned, like unscrupulous commission-based financial planners. Others may be well-meaning, but they may not know what they’re doing, like Grandma Betty, who really wants you to own your own house even though you can only afford one by taking on a risky adjustable-rate mortgage. Instead of relying on others for advice, take charge and read a few basic books on personal finance. Once you’re armed with knowledge, don’t let anyone catch you off guard—whether it’s a significant other who slowly siphons off your bank account or friends who want you to go out and blow tons of money with them every weekend.

The ascent of a financial advisor professional : Jill Podehl: There is a subtext here that we haven’t yet discussed and it’s important that we do. Because while every task the bookkeeping service completes is vital to the financial health of your business, it’s the underlying structure they apply that really makes a difference. You see, bookkeeping services implement—and maintain—a consistent financial process that strengthens the health of your company and helps to create and encourage uniformity in tracking, paying and reporting. The value of this is immeasurable as it insulates your business from many costly and dangerous risks.

Your journey to financial independence won’t always be easy. There will be some tough days, weeks, and even months. Pursuing a goal of financial independence that’s very much tied to delayed gratification is not always fun, but it’s completely doable. Have a solid plan for your finances, be disciplined, and avoid overspending. You’ll find out how great you’ll feel when you really make a concerted effort to stick to your budget. As you work on your finances, you may still make mistakes with your money, and that’s okay. Sometimes you might be unable to resist the urge to buy something that isn’t in your immediate budget. And sometimes you will feel like ripping your entire financial plan to bits because it just doesn’t seem like fun. However, as long as you keep your reasons WHY you want to be financially free in focus and make an effort to rebound quickly from your mistakes, you’ll do just fine. It’s all about assessing the mistakes you made, understanding why you made them and making a plan to avoid making them again. Then, you’ll need to take those lessons and apply them to your future success. See even more details at Jill Podehl.

In the early stages of a company, CEOs get involved in everything. As your growth ramps up, however, you must become strategic with your time. You need to put systems in place for building and scaling a financially viable business while preserving your attention for mission-critical items. As a fractional CFO for growth companies, I help clients navigate this shift on a daily basis, and I’ve found the following tips useful in nearly every situation. Every business leader understands they need a strategy for attracting and converting new leads into customers. But when you’re growing sales on a budget, you need to be creative. Instead of costly ad campaigns or branding strategies, I’d recommend you build strong, reciprocal partnerships first and that you do so as soon as possible. I’m not referring to simple networking. I’m talking about identifying companies with business models that complement your own and approaching them with a win-win proposition. The relationship can be formal or informal, but the key is to offer something valuable in exchange for inexpensive exposure to your target audience.

Jill Podehl West Palm Beach, Florida advices on improving your business financial situation: Organizing your business’ finances means ensuring that it won’t run out of money. In order to do this, it’s essential to plan for your expenses by establishing an emergency fund to cover them. By doing this, you have some money ready to pay your bills when they’re due and demandable. Indeed, it’s a challenging job to get your business finances organized. However, by following the tips mentioned above, there’s no doubt your company will reap many benefits. One of them is the creation of a stable financial future for you as a business owner, your employees, and partners.