Investing in gold advantages and Starcore gold production Mexico
Investing in gold advantages and Starcore gold mining company? Although the U.S. dollar is one of the world’s most important reserve currencies, when the value of the dollar falls against other currencies as it did between 1998 and 2008, this often prompts people to flock to the security of gold, which raises gold prices . The price of gold nearly tripled between 1998 and 2008, reaching the $1,000-an-ounce milestone in early 2008 and nearly doubling between 2008 and 2012, hitting around the $1800-$1900 mark. The decline in the U.S. dollar occurred for a number of reasons, including the country’s large budget and trade deficits and a large increase in the money supply.
Storing physical gold has the same security threats as any cash in our house. It is equally vulnerable to theft as anything else in our house and thus, the investors have to be more cautious for their assets when investing into gold. although going for some other form of gold investment like gold ETF or fund of fund is a better way to go but this way too, you are not totally secure, you are vulnerable to internet security attacks but the difference here is that this security is threat is equally likely to happen to anyone or even everyone and even other investments too like mutual funds etc.
Since 2006, Golden Oasis (later ACM) has conducted an intensive program of geologic mapping, geophysical surveys, compilation and drilling. This work has increased the knowledge of the mineralized system, identified a drill defined resource, and helped define at least five viable targets for further exploration. ACM had anticipated continuing exploration of the Courtney target. To date ACM’s work has identified the favorable stratigraphy and potential feeder faults sufficiently that deeper drilling of Pipeline style targets is recommended. A single 1,500 feet long angle core hole is recommended in order to test favorable host rocks adjacent to one of the more favorable north-northwest feeder faults. Read additional details at gold investment in Mexico.
The flagship property of Starcore International Mines is the San Martin gold and silver mine. The mine has been in operation since 1993 at 350tpd and currently operates at 850tpd. The mine was acquired by Starcore in February of 2008 from Goldcorp who had acquired the asset through the takeover of Wheaton River. The mine is an underground epithermal deposit with gold quartz based limestone and has an average gold grade of 2.31 grams and 18 grams of silver ( NI 43-101 2014 Dave Gunning, Joe Campbell). The historical production of the mine is over half a million ounces and the mine sits on 100% owned claim package of 12,992 hectares, which offers the upside of exploration and the possibility of discovering the source of the current mineralization.
Starcore International Mining and El Creston Property development news: The Red Hill West Zone is located immediately adjacent to the western boundary of the Red Hill Zone. The zone refers to a 500 metre wide by 500 metre long zone of quartz vein stockwork, hosted by Creston Granite, in which appreciable, >100 ppm, values of molybdenum occur. The host rock is typically oxidized and variably sericitized. Chip sample results include 3 metres averaging 0.083% Mo and a 12 metre composite averaging 0.043% molybdenum. Copper values are negligible. The zone has not been drilled. Read more info on this website.