Business attorneys in Charlotte, NC by Chloe Doust 2024

Quality pedestrian accidents & personal injury lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina by The Law office of Chloe Doust: When you are a victim of car accident the experience can be really disorienting. If you or someone you are close to has ever been hit by a car, you know the pain and distress involved in such cases. When you have been hurt or injured by the negligence of another person, company, or driver; it is possible to seek help from personal injury attorney Chloe Doust. She can help you claim compensation for the injury and medical expenses incurred on it. See even more details at Chloe Doust.

Employees are eligible for coverage if they are injured in an accident arising “out of the course and scope of employment,” meaning that not every injury occurring at work is covered. The injury must result from an “accident”. If an injured worker sustains a permanent injury, a doctor may assign an impairment rating to the injured body part. Compensation based on this rating is set by statute and will vary depending on the body part injured and the rating assigned by the treating physician.

Chloe Doust

Pedestrian accidents & personal injury attorneys in Charlotte, NC with The Law office of Chloe Doust right now: If an employee sustains an on-the-job injury, they should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are times when injured workers have trouble recovering coverage for their medical bills, lost income, and other disability benefits. There are times when the careless or negligent actions of a property owner lead those who have a right to be on that property to become injured. Slip and fall incidents are the most common causes of premises liability injuries, but these incidents also occur due to improper inspection and maintenance, unsafe property conditions, improper employee training, and more.

Be certain to provide your attorney with the names and addresses of all doctors who have treated you in the past. Insurance companies will try to obtain all of your past medical records in an attempt to prove that your injuries existed before the accident, thereby reducing the potential value of your pain and suffering damage claim. Insurance companies keep records of all claims ever made and share that information with each other through their Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange Database. Once the insurance company has your identifying information, i.e. your name, date of birth and SSN number, the insurance company is certain to find virtually any claims you have ever made in any state.

Top business legal assistance in Charlotte, NC with The Law office of Chloe Doust: Vehicle accidents occur at alarming rates throughout the state of North Carolina. Unfortunately, these incidents can occur between multiple vehicles as well as incidents involving vehicles versus pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Accidents involving large commercial trucks can be devastating for those inside traditional passenger vehicles. Often, these incidents are caused by the careless or negligent actions of truck drivers or trucking companies. Our team strives to secure full compensation for our clients, and we are not afraid to stand up to well-funded trucking companies in the process.

When Should You Ask for Compensation? The circumstances of an accident can determine whether courts will consider that store to be at fault for your injuries. You could potentially sue them to cover your medical bills and other damages. However, for suing them for compensation, businesses need to be at fault. Given below are two conditions. If the business should have known about the problem and fixed it, then a slip and fall-compensation need to be made. It is specifically the case of the problem that led to your injury. For example, if they neglect to clean up a spill or fix a tear in the carpeting that made you fall, they might be liable. The customer was unable to avoid the unsafe condition. If there was supposed to be a “Wet Floor” sign in place, but it wasn’t put there, then it may be the store’s fault.

How to get the best criminal defense attorney? Seek a Clear Fee Structure: An attorney for criminal defense cases will explain to you in basic terms the percentage of their contingency fee and your defense’s total cost. Always ask what their services include and if there will be any additional costs. Look For An Attorney With Courtroom Experience : Criminal trials can be complex, and sometimes the attorney only has a few seconds to react. This could seriously impact the outcome of your case, so make sure you look for an attorney who has experience in the courtroom.

Utmärkt IT-verksamhet juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen från Alexander Suliman, Stockholm

Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning guider med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm 2023: Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Till exempel rapporterades det redan 2012 att Facebook skannade ovanlig meddelandetrafik på sin plattform för att identifiera äldre personer som värvade minderåriga. Microsoft har utvecklat teknik för att söka efter CSAM på sina servrar, och erbjuder till och med detta som en tjänst. Mer nyligen, i augusti 2021, tillkännagav Apple ett initiativ i nya versioner av iOS, som var avsett att kontrollera unika fingeravtryck (hash) av kända CSAM mot bilder på din telefon, innan de skulle skickas till iCloud Photos (Apple fick en hel del av pushback och i slutändan försenade planen). Läs ytterligare detaljer på Alexander Suliman.

Ett tvärpolitiskt grupp av ledamöter av Europaparlamentet, med stor fransk representation, har vägt in för att stödja det franska förslaget på ENISA. Medlemsstaternas reaktioner har å andra sidan varit blandade. Sju av dem – Danmark, Estland, Grekland, Irland, Nederländerna, Polen och Sverige – lämnade in ett icke-dokument till Europeiska unionens råd där de ifrågasatte behovet av suveränitetskrav i de nya cybercertifieringsstandarderna och efterlyste ytterligare studier av deras potentiella interaktion med den allmänna dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR), förordningar om icke-personuppgifter och EU:s internationella handelsförpliktelser. Dessutom har dessa regeringar eftersträvat en diskussion på politisk nivå om ämnet i rådet innan de nya standarderna är slutgiltiga. Flera branschorganisationer, inklusive tyska BDI och europeiska finansiella clearinghus, har hört av sig.

Eftersom EU:s reglerande verksamhet återupptas i höst, är ett mindre känt initiativ – att skapa ett EU-omfattande certifieringsramverk för IKT produkter och tjänster (EUCS) – kan dock orsaka förnyade störningar mellan Bryssel och Washington. Enligt EUCS-förslaget som utvecklas av EU:s cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA, skulle molntjänstleverantörer vara tvungna att lokalisera sin verksamhet och infrastruktur inom EU och att visa sin “immunitet” mot utländsk lag.

Högst betyg arbetskraft och företag juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: Bör jag medla i mina familjerättsliga frågor? Absolut. Du bör medla dina familjerättsliga frågor, oavsett om det är frågor om skilsmässa eller frågor efter domen. Medling är ett utmärkt sätt att nå en lösning utan att spendera massor av pengar och utan att gå till domstol ett gäng gånger och bråka vänster och höger om varje fråga. Nyligen hade jag ett ärende, och det såg ut som att det var på väg mot rättstvister, och parterna stod verkligen långt ifrån varandra i varje fråga. De hade ekonomiska frågor, som involverade fastighetsinnehav, affärsintressen, aktieoptioner, pensionskonton, och parterna kunde inte se öga mot öga i någon av dessa frågor. Tidigt i processen diskuterade min motståndare och jag att gå till medling, och vi valde en bra medlare, och våra kunder gick med på att gå till medling, och bokstavligen, inom tre sessioner av medling, löste vi fallet. Vi löste hela ärendet, vilket skulle ha tagit över ett år och kan ha varit en tiofaldig kostnad för att processa. Parterna kunde komma på kreativa lösningar med vår hjälp, naturligtvis, och medlarens hjälp, som domstolen aldrig skulle ha implementerat i ett fall som detta. Se ännu mer info at Alexander Suliman.

Att följa GDPR-kraven är nyckeln för alla företag som är verksamma i EU (eller till och med de med EU-kunder). ). Det finns också särskilda skyldigheter för dem som överför personuppgifter från EU och varje nationell dataskyddsmyndighet övervakar företag noggrant. Se till att ditt företag vidtar åtgärder för att följa förordningen och överväga att granska dina dataskyddspolicyer, tillsammans med dina databehandlingsavtal, och utse ett dataskyddsombud för att säkerställa efterlevnad av GDPR. Brott mot GDPR-bestämmelserna kommer sannolikt att leda till avsevärda böter: till exempel, den franska dataskyddstillsynsmyndigheten, CNIL, bötfällde Google 50 euro eftersom Googles policyer för datasamtycke visade sig inte vara lättillgängliga eller transparenta för dess användare som går i strid med GDPR-bestämmelserna. För ytterligare bakgrund, läs vår senaste granskning av GDPR-tillämpningsåtgärder i hela EU.

Högst betyg arbetskraft och företag juridisk rådgivning guider med Alexander Suliman

IT, företag juridisk rådgivning råd med Alexander Suliman idag: Det är viktigt att förstå den rättsliga miljö som gäller för ditt företag. Några av de högre profilreglerna du kanske har hört talas om inkluderar det nya upphovsrättsdirektivet, det 5:e direktivet mot penningtvätt, eller det som alla har hört talas om, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Det finns också en ny EU-omfattande förordning om kontroll av utländska investeringar som förväntas träda i kraft 2023 som kommer att påverka amerikanska företag som investerar i EU-baserade företag. Flera sektorer är hårt reglerade i EU och reglerna på plats skiljer sig ofta från de amerikanska reglerna, särskilt inom områdena hälsovård, finansiella tjänster, kemikalier, livsmedel, produktsäkerhet och konsumentinformation och konsumentskydd. Se till att du förstår den reglerande miljön för nya marknader som du går in på och övervaka din sektors tillämpliga bestämmelser regelbundet för att genomföra eventuella nödvändiga förändringar i god tid. Läs ytterligare information at Alexander Suliman.

Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Frågan är om dessa order är förenliga med stadgan. Dessa förordningar påverkar ett antal grundläggande rättigheter enligt stadgan, inklusive rätten till integritet och rätten till dataskydd. Jag kommer att beröra endast aspekten: om dessa åtgärder respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter. För om de inte gör det, skulle det innebära att en proportionalitetsbedömning inte skulle krävas, och kringgå komplexa frågor kring nödvändighet, effektivitet, proportionalitet och balansering (se här för bakgrund om detta krav). För en diskussion om några av dessa andra aspekter, hänvisar jag till 2021-utlåtandet av Prof. Dr. Ninon Colneric och analyser av EDPS, MEP Patrick Breyer, EDRi och en grupp säkerhetsexperter.

2021 utfärdade den franska regeringen doktrinen för användning av molnberäkning av staten (“Trusted Cloud Doctrine”), vilket gjorde SecNumCloud-certifiering obligatorisk när en fransk statlig myndighet upphandlar molntjänster som skulle hantera känslig data, inklusive personuppgifter från franska medborgare och ekonomiska uppgifter om franska företag. Dessa krav gäller även privata operatörer av väsentliga tjänster. Enligt Frankrikes Trusted Cloud Doctrine måste kvalificerade molntjänstleverantörer vara “immuna mot alla regler utanför EU”. Dessutom måste sådana företag förbinda sig att lagra och bearbeta data inom EU, samt att administrera och övervaka tjänsten inom EU. Vidare kan molntjänstföretag med utländskt huvudkontor inte uppnå certifiering om de är mer än 39 % utlandsägda.

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Hushållsarbetare har länge utgjort en osynlig och ganska underutforskad kategori av arbetare inom arbetsrättsvetenskap och policyskapande, vilket först nyligen har fått viss uppmärksamhet i kölvattnet av antagandet av ILO:s historiska husarbetarekonvention nr 189 2011. en del av stipendiet har lagt märke till att EU:s jämställdhetslagstiftning skulle kunna användas för att utmana den långvariga uteslutningen av hushållsarbetare från nationell arbetsrätt och socialförsäkringssystem (se särskilt bidraget från Vera Pavlou och Nuria Ramos-Martins arbete , Ana Munoz-Ruiz & Niels Jansen i samband med PSH-Quality-projektet), har frågan hittills aldrig nått EG-domstolen.

Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen av Alexander Suliman, Stockholm idag: Bör jag medla i mina familjerättsliga frågor? Absolut. Du bör medla dina familjerättsliga frågor, oavsett om det är frågor om skilsmässa eller frågor efter domen. Medling är ett utmärkt sätt att nå en lösning utan att spendera massor av pengar och utan att gå till domstol ett gäng gånger och bråka vänster och höger om varje fråga. Nyligen hade jag ett ärende, och det såg ut som att det var på väg mot rättstvister, och parterna stod verkligen långt ifrån varandra i varje fråga. De hade ekonomiska frågor, som involverade fastighetsinnehav, affärsintressen, aktieoptioner, pensionskonton, och parterna kunde inte se öga mot öga i någon av dessa frågor. Tidigt i processen diskuterade min motståndare och jag att gå till medling, och vi valde en bra medlare, och våra kunder gick med på att gå till medling, och bokstavligen, inom tre sessioner av medling, löste vi fallet. Vi löste hela ärendet, vilket skulle ha tagit över ett år och kan ha varit en tiofaldig kostnad för att processa. Parterna kunde komma på kreativa lösningar med vår hjälp, naturligtvis, och medlarens hjälp, som domstolen aldrig skulle ha implementerat i ett fall som detta. Hitta mer info at Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

Brittanye Morris or the ascent of a competent judge in Houston

Brittanye Morris or the rise of a competent judge in Houston: Houston native Brittanye Morris was taught early in life the importance of serving others and being the change she desired in her community. The daughter of an educator and a retired lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, Brittanye grew up watching her parents work as public servants and dedicate their lives to helping others. Brittanye knows first-hand the challenges faced by working-class families striving to create better lives for themselves and their communities. See more info on Brittanye Morris Attorney.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Houston

Morris entered the Democratic Primary race for the judgeship against incumbent Daryl Moore. She defeated Moore on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, topping him by a landslide 56,175 votes. This sizable victory highlights Morris’s own efforts as a competent conduit for justice. It also highlights the overwhelming support she’s earned from her local community. She brings fresh eyes, grit, and a wealth of life experience to the bench. Seated before a soul food feast at iconic Harlem eatery Sylvia’s Restaurant, Morris recounted her incredible journey with vigor.

Morris’s mother was an educator in the public school system, and her father a police lieutenant. An achiever since childhood, Morris earned her Bachelor’s in Political Science with a minor in History from the University of Houston, and her Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at the prestigious Texas Southern University.

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris upholds an honest commitment to participating in the place she represents. Her professional ethos encouraged her to go grassroots, an approach which contributed to her monumental victory at the polls. “What people tend to forget so often is that it’s your community, your constituency, that gives you that seat,” she stated. “It is not yours. It belongs to the citizens and the community in which you serve.” Mobilizing her passion for community engagement and lived experience, Morris regularly attended town halls and civic club meetings across the county. She went to the neighborhood clubs and visited different religious organizations. “The courts are tools for the people to access justice. So in a true sense of that, then why not go into the community?” she asked.

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

The upsurge of a competent judge in Houston : Brittanye Morris

Get to know Brittanye Morris from Houston, Texas and some of her law and legal accomplishments: Houston native Brittanye Morris was taught early in life the importance of serving others and being the change she desired in her community. The daughter of an educator and a retired lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, Brittanye grew up watching her parents work as public servants and dedicate their lives to helping others. Brittanye knows first-hand the challenges faced by working-class families striving to create better lives for themselves and their communities. See extra info at Brittanye Morris Judge.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Attorney

Morris entered the Democratic Primary race for the judgeship against incumbent Daryl Moore. She defeated Moore on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, topping him by a landslide 56,175 votes. This sizable victory highlights Morris’s own efforts as a competent conduit for justice. It also highlights the overwhelming support she’s earned from her local community. She brings fresh eyes, grit, and a wealth of life experience to the bench. Seated before a soul food feast at iconic Harlem eatery Sylvia’s Restaurant, Morris recounted her incredible journey with vigor.

Morris’s mother was an educator in the public school system, and her father a police lieutenant. An achiever since childhood, Morris earned her Bachelor’s in Political Science with a minor in History from the University of Houston, and her Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at the prestigious Texas Southern University.

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris upholds an honest commitment to participating in the place she represents. Her professional ethos encouraged her to go grassroots, an approach which contributed to her monumental victory at the polls. “What people tend to forget so often is that it’s your community, your constituency, that gives you that seat,” she stated. “It is not yours. It belongs to the citizens and the community in which you serve.” Mobilizing her passion for community engagement and lived experience, Morris regularly attended town halls and civic club meetings across the county. She went to the neighborhood clubs and visited different religious organizations. “The courts are tools for the people to access justice. So in a true sense of that, then why not go into the community?” she asked.

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

The climb of a law and legal expert in Houston, Texas : Brittanye Morris

The climb of a competent judge in Houston : Brittanye Morris: Engrained with a passion towards public service taught by her parents, and equipped with the advocacy skills and training from her law school, Brittanye has spent her legal tenure in a variety of roles sharpening her legal aptitude and advocacy abilities. Brittanye has worked within both the public and private sectors, representing a variety of clients from all walks of life. Read extra info at

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Judge

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

Morris’s mother was an educator in the public school system, and her father a police lieutenant. An achiever since childhood, Morris earned her Bachelor’s in Political Science with a minor in History from the University of Houston, and her Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at the prestigious Texas Southern University.

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris upholds an honest commitment to participating in the place she represents. Her professional ethos encouraged her to go grassroots, an approach which contributed to her monumental victory at the polls. “What people tend to forget so often is that it’s your community, your constituency, that gives you that seat,” she stated. “It is not yours. It belongs to the citizens and the community in which you serve.” Mobilizing her passion for community engagement and lived experience, Morris regularly attended town halls and civic club meetings across the county. She went to the neighborhood clubs and visited different religious organizations. “The courts are tools for the people to access justice. So in a true sense of that, then why not go into the community?” she asked.

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

Brittanye Morris or the upsurge of a law and legal expert in Houston, Texas

Get to know Brittanye Morris from Houston, Texas and some of her fair legal justice thoughts: Houston native Brittanye Morris was taught early in life the importance of serving others and being the change she desired in her community. The daughter of an educator and a retired lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, Brittanye grew up watching her parents work as public servants and dedicate their lives to helping others. Brittanye knows first-hand the challenges faced by working-class families striving to create better lives for themselves and their communities. See extra information at

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Attorney

Morris entered the Democratic Primary race for the judgeship against incumbent Daryl Moore. She defeated Moore on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, topping him by a landslide 56,175 votes. This sizable victory highlights Morris’s own efforts as a competent conduit for justice. It also highlights the overwhelming support she’s earned from her local community. She brings fresh eyes, grit, and a wealth of life experience to the bench. Seated before a soul food feast at iconic Harlem eatery Sylvia’s Restaurant, Morris recounted her incredible journey with vigor.

Morris’s mother was an educator in the public school system, and her father a police lieutenant. An achiever since childhood, Morris earned her Bachelor’s in Political Science with a minor in History from the University of Houston, and her Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at the prestigious Texas Southern University.

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris upholds an honest commitment to participating in the place she represents. Her professional ethos encouraged her to go grassroots, an approach which contributed to her monumental victory at the polls. “What people tend to forget so often is that it’s your community, your constituency, that gives you that seat,” she stated. “It is not yours. It belongs to the citizens and the community in which you serve.” Mobilizing her passion for community engagement and lived experience, Morris regularly attended town halls and civic club meetings across the county. She went to the neighborhood clubs and visited different religious organizations. “The courts are tools for the people to access justice. So in a true sense of that, then why not go into the community?” she asked.

She pointed out that “when you think about the Greats of any time, they weren’t Great at their time. It wasn’t until long after they left this Earth that they became historical icons.” Rather than worrying about how history might remember her, Morris focuses her energy where it’s feasibly useful instead. “I really feel like representation matters, and certain voices have been marginalized,” Morris said. “But at the end of the day, for me, it’s very important just to live in a way that I’ll be proud of and my children will be proud of.”

Contract law legal counseling strategies from Alexander Suliman 2023

Privacy legal counseling latest developments by Alexander Suliman 2023: As a general rule, employment law in the EU tends to be less employer-friendly in the EU than in the US, with termination-at-will clauses not usually allowed and collective bargaining agreements common in some countries. While monitoring your business in the EU, ensure that your employment agreements are compliant with the local legislation as every EU Member State has its own set of rules regarding various aspects such as benefits, employment taxes, termination, and part-time working. Business immigration is a key topic in the EU as various companies are welcoming employees from other EU or third-party countries. You should consider what the options are for your US workers you would like to send in the EU and define the strategy and kind of support you want to provide to your staff and their families. Make sure you are aware of recent and upcoming legislative changes. For example, Belgium recently implemented the EU Single Permit Directive, containing a new set of rules rendering the administrative process for work permits less burdensome. Read more information on

The reason why the European Commission was keen on allowing firms to voluntarily scan material, is that technology firms have already been working on ways to detect CSAM and solicitation for quite some time. Let’s start with a content scanning order on the server. At first sight, a case can be made that such an order should be considered to compromise the essence of the right to privacy under the Charter. The ECJ in Schrems I considered that legislation permitting the public authorities access on a generalised basis to the content of communications compromises the essence of the right to privacy under the Charter (par. 94). Content scanning on the server arguably is a form of “access on a generalised basis”, where it involves an analysis of all communications going through the server connected to a certain app, and forwarding any matches to a designated center. At the same time, the ECHR in Big Brother Watch was more forgiving when it comes to powers of bulk interception of communications, as long as these powers are surrounded with sufficient safeguards (par. 350). Thus, one important point to be explored further, is whether this signals a rift between the two bodies, or that the ECJ will chart its own route when it comes to bulk surveillance.

A cross-party group of members of the European Parliament, with heavy French representation, has weighed in to support the French proposal at ENISA. Member states’ reactions, on the other hand, have been mixed. Seven of them – Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden – submitted a non-paper to the Council of the European Union questioning the need for sovereignty requirements in the new cyber certification standards and calling for further study of their potential interaction with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), non-personal data regulations, and EU international trade obligations. In addition, these governments have sought a political-level discussion of the subject in the Council before the new standards are finalized. Several trade associations, including the German BDI and Europe-wide financial clearinghouses, have chimed in.

labour legal counseling guides by Alexander Suliman, Sweden right now: What Should I Do if I Don’t Have Control of the Finances? When a client doesn’t control the money, they can be confused what to do. In that situation, the first thing they need to realize is that you don’t need necessarily to have control over the finances or a job or direct income to you to pay your legal fees or retain an attorney. A lot of times, courts are going to award attorney fee awards along the way to make sure that the marital income and assets is fairly utilized by both sides to have access to legal counsel. The first thing to just take a deep breath over is it’s not a question of not having access to have a lawyer. You unquestionably have access to a lawyer, and most attorneys like ourselves are going to give you a free consultation up front anyway to help you navigate through those situations to not only help you retain an attorney but to pay your bills regularly and continuously each and every day. See additional info at Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

As EU regulatory activity resumes this fall, a lesser-known initiative – creating an EU-wide certification framework for ICT products and services (EUCS) – could cause renewed disturbance between Brussels and Washington, however. Under the EUCS proposal being developed by the EU’s cybersecurity agency ENISA, cloud service providers would be compelled to localize their operations and infrastructure within the EU and to demonstrate their ‘immunity’ from foreign law.

Premium personal injury attorney services with Jonathan Arredondo-Calle New Jersey

Best vehicle accident doctor legal and medical services from Jonathan Arredondo-Calle New Jersey? Anytime somebody loses their life due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another person or entity, the family member or personal representative of the deceased may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to recover compensation. These cases can become immensely complicated, but family members deserve to have some sort of compensation and closure for their losses. Wrongful death claims arise in various ways, including vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, defective product incidents, and more.

Jonathan Arredondo-Calle is the founder of MedLegalHQ, a premium marketing agency for attorneys and physicians. Finding quality medical care and legal support can be difficult. MedLegalHQ connects individuals with the best attorneys and doctors in New York and New Jersey and provides everything they need for a seamless experience, including scheduling appointments, appointment reminders, and providing courtesy transportation. MedLegalHQ also helps doctors and attorneys with social media marketing, extensive SEO and Google rankings research, lead generation, and more. Find extra details at Jonathan Arredondo NJ.

MedLegal HQ offers complimentary services, such as free medical transportation, assistance with rental cars, towing services and body shop repairs. The company will soon be expanding its business to other states and other specialty of law besides personal injury, with the same exceptional level of advice and service.

Med-Legal Services, Inc. has been providing line-by-line defensible life care plans and life care plan reviews for more than 20 years. A duration in which its Attorneys combined have won more than $1B in injury settlements. Our mission is to continue this same level of high-quality service by having only highly experienced legal consultants and case managers to aid you in your case needs. We specialize in Life Care Plans, Life Care Plan Reviews, Life Care Plan Rebuttals, Medical Records Review, and Medical Case Management, and Medical Record Review involving Contested Wills. Discover more details on Jonathan Arredondo-Calle NJ.

When a person dies as a result of negligence, wrongful action, or the fault of another person, it is vital that family members be able to recover compensation for their losses. These incidents can occur in a wide variety of ways, including any of the types of injuries we mentioned above and more. Success in every case requires thorough preparation and attention to detail. We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of personal service to our clients and aggressive representation on their behalf.

Even if you believe you weren’t hurt badly, go to the emergency room or see a doctor as soon as possible after an injury accident. You may have internal injuries, a concussion, or soft tissue damage (like whiplash) that you aren’t even aware of. This helps ensure that you get the treatment you need as quickly as possible. If you wait to seek medical treatment, the insurance company may try to say you weren’t seriously injured. Your medical records will play a crucial role in your claim and help you negotiate the best possible settlement.

The adrenaline of being in a car accident is difficult enough, but you also have to worry about the stress of not knowing how to get a police report after a car accident. Or how to find a personal injury lawyer. With plenty of sharky lawyers in the world, it can also be difficult to know whom to trust. This is where MedLegalHQ comes in. has a network of personal injury attorneys and car accident doctors who are considered the best in their profession. We connect you to everyone you need in order to have the process go smoothly.

Legal & Litigation legal solutions with Lincoln and Morgan San Diego, CA

Commercial UCC Lien Mediation law firm from Lincoln & Morgan today : All too frequently, the recipients of commercial funding choose to avoid properly surrendering the pledged collateral upon default. Often they choose instead to evade the UCC Lien holder and their rights to the collateral and retain, remove or even sell the secured collateral without authorization. This improper and intentional avoidance increases the costs and difficulty for the lien holder in securing their rights to the pledged collateral. Read extra info at

Accounts Receivable Management: Those who obtain the information have the power! We (Lincoln and Morgan) help train our clients to understand A/R management from 31 days past due and beyond. This helps to ensure minimal losses and calculated cash flow to keep your business profitable and growing! Custom Tailored Approach for your Company: We (Lincoln & Morgan) are not only your receivable mediation firm but an extension of your company, that secret weapon down the hall in your arsenal against lost receivables and lost customers. Utilizing our vault of vast amounts of information, we have the tools and expertise to get the results you desire in a manner that suits your company’s image.

Preparation: Having agreed to mediate, the parties will need to appoint a mediator and draw up the mediation agreement. This agreement will evidence the fact that the parties have agreed to resolve their differences by mediation, and record the date and venue of the mediation, the choice of mediator and who will attend. Other issues it should cover include costs of the mediation and how these will be split between the parties, and the fact that the mediation is confidential and without prejudice. In terms of preparing for the mediation itself, the parties exchange written submissions together with any supporting documents in advance. These are usually summaries of the parties’ respective legal cases and commercial positions.

The results of this survey clearly demonstrate the critical importance of taking positive action when an accounts receivable ages past its due date. Today’s competitive economy requires that companies maintain a healthy cash flow with the ability to adapt to changing market conditions. Companies must take a hard line on past due receivables, and turn them over to professional help when their internal efforts have not proved successful and within 120 days.

Merchant cash advance companies use these liens as weapons to coerce you into paying a debt that you may not even owe them. A UCC lien is supposed to be a shield, to protect the funder from businesses who take money and try to run away with it, without paying the funder back. However, if a merchant cash advance company claims that you have defaulted, even if you have not, the company can still make the same demand, using this lien as a sword rather than a shield.

Top rated personal injury attorney legal services from Jonathan Arredondo NJ

Best rated personal injury attorney legal services from Jonathan Arredondo NJ? Jonathan Arredondo-Calle is the founder of MedLegalHQ, a premium marketing agency for attorneys and physicians. Finding quality medical care and legal support can be difficult. MedLegalHQ connects individuals with the best attorneys and doctors in New York and New Jersey and provides everything they need for a seamless experience, including scheduling appointments, appointment reminders, and providing courtesy transportation. MedLegalHQ also helps doctors and attorneys with social media marketing, extensive SEO and Google rankings research, lead generation, and more. Discover extra information at Jonathan Arredondo-Calle.

The full impact of sustaining a brain injury often doesn’t happen at the moment of impact but gradually over time. Our firm is experienced in handling these types of cases and understands the toll traumatic brain injuries can take on you and your family. We are committed to fighting for your best interest! Learn more about how we can help you today. Whether your burn injury is a chemical burn, an electrical burn, or a burn caused by fire or scalding, our firm is prepared to fight for you. Let our team of qualified attorneys fight for the compensation you deserve while you focus on what is most important, recovering from your injuries. Learn more about what we can do for you today.

Here at MedLegal HQ, we aim to be your go-to service after a car accident. We understand car accidents can cause feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. You may even be in a lot of lower back pain from sustaining injuries or body aches from the impact after a motor vehicle accident. This can make the whole process overwhelming and difficult to manage. We are real live people living and running our business from New Jersey. We help New Jersey & New York get back on their feet after a car accident. In fact we even provide complimentary rides! Contact us today to learn more!

At we are the ‘headquarters’ for all your medical and legal needs. We do everything from providing you with complimentary transportation to helping you find lawyers and doctors. Whether you have spine injuries or need to file a NJ worker’s compensation back injury report, we have you covered. With our extensive services, we can help you make the process seamless. Once you use our services, there is no need to be overwhelmed or aimlessly wondering what to do after a car accident. Instead, we will guide you through the process step-by-step and connect you to the right professionals.

Med-Legal Services, Inc. has been providing line-by-line defensible life care plans and life care plan reviews for more than 20 years. A duration in which its Attorneys combined have won more than $1B in injury settlements. Our mission is to continue this same level of high-quality service by having only highly experienced legal consultants and case managers to aid you in your case needs. We specialize in Life Care Plans, Life Care Plan Reviews, Life Care Plan Rebuttals, Medical Records Review, and Medical Case Management, and Medical Record Review involving Contested Wills. Read more information at Jonathan Arredondo-Calle NJ.

If an employee sustains an on-the-job injury, they should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are times when injured workers have trouble recovering coverage for their medical bills, lost income, and other disability benefits. There are times when the careless or negligent actions of a property owner lead those who have a right to be on that property to become injured. Slip and fall incidents are the most common causes of premises liability injuries, but these incidents also occur due to improper inspection and maintenance, unsafe property conditions, improper employee training, and more.

Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your attorney of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own attorney.

InventHelp patent an invention idea

InventHelp invention patent attorney? InventHelp is one of the leading service providers in the invention industry. Over the years, we have improved our services to better suit our clients’ needs. Our services are ready to help you, the inventor, pursue your invention idea. Find additional info at InventHelp idea patent. We give you our track record right up front.We only make a product claim if they are true. We make no promises and do not imply a likelihood of success.

According to the United States Patent Office, a patent is an intellectual property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor “to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States” for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted. There are three types of patents: Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof. Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture. Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant.

Whether you are an inventor, student, journalist or business looking for invention help or information on inventing, we hope you enjoy the links provided below. The links are grouped into categories that may help you learn more about patents, inventions, the history of innovation and fun facts. InventHelp® provides these invention help links for your use, enjoyment and general information. InventHelp® does not endorse any of the sites and claims no responsibility for the content, information, products or services offered by them. Read additional information on how to get a patent.

Imagine having virtual access to your invention materials on the smartphone that’s already in your pocket or on the desktop computer in your home. InventHelp can make that possible with an Invention Website that is tailored to your idea. Show off your idea’s benefits, features, and functions. Host your invention materials which may include a Virtual Invention Presentation™. Other key website features include a contact page, an editor’s dashboard, and a location to display your patent status. A custom URL of your choosing (pending availability) will be established on your behalf, allowing you to share your Invention Website with friends, family, peers, or potentially interested companies.

While you might be tempted to hire the first patent attorney you find, you should shop around before making a decision. While patent law firms are not typically known for advertising online, you can find many of them through an Internet search. While most don’t advertise on the Internet, most businesses do, so you can find one by browsing their websites. You should ask lots of questions and make sure the attorney you choose is someone who is genuinely interested in your business and the value of your patent. When shopping around for a patent attorney, it’s crucial to remember that some patent attorneys charge triple what others do, while others charge considerably less. Most attorneys fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. When choosing an attorney, ask prospective firms to provide you with a ballpark estimate. While you shouldn’t let a firm pressure you into signing a contract, it is important to know your options before making a decision. Find even more info on invention patent attorney.

Make sure that you understand the patent laws and processes. Inventhelp patent attorneys and patent agents are regulated by federal laws and must sign confidentiality agreements. If an attorney refuses to sign confidentiality agreements, they are generally viewed as unprofessional or unable to work with you. The last thing you need is a lawyer who charges outrageous fees. Make sure you get the best deal possible when you hire a patent attorney. Just remember, patent law is not a simple process, and it is important that you know everything you can about it before entrusting the details of your idea to a lawyer.

Edward Lenart, the inventor of this innovative hand tool, developed the Lenart Trim/Molding Puller while performing renovations in his own home. He attempted to remove the molding and trim from a couple rooms while keeping them intact for re-use, a task that proved to be much more difficult than he initially thought. After developing and improving upon a few prototypes, he felt ready to bring his invention to market. In July of 2009, he approached InventHelp and purchased their services in the hopes of finding a company interested in licensing his invention. Discover extra information at Invent Help.

Reliable legal support NJ, USA from John Sandy Ferner

High quality legal assistance NJ, USA from John Sandy Ferner? In New Jersey and other states, there’s a variety of different statutes that give you access to funds to pay your bills to maintain your lifestyle at some level as you’re going through this legal process. Your spouse cannot cut you off financially and not give you access to money to live your life as you go through this legal process. We’ll help you maintain the lifestyle that you have and create the money that you need to get your legal fees paid, whether it’s at the beginning or the end of the case. Don’t let that be something that keeps you from not making the phone call, because as soon as you’re aware that divorce is even potentially being contemplated, there’s a lot of things that you need to do to protect yourself. A lot of times, people say that’s just what lawyers say because they just want to get involved to drive up legal fees. This is true. Sometimes lawyers do want to do that, but that’s not what we’re doing. See extra info at Sandy Ferner.

Law advice today by Sandy Ferner : Recently a person reached out to us and wanted to know, “How do I file for child support if my spouse or other parent of my child lives in another state?” If you are the parent that the child is currently living with, you can file for child support in the state where you are currently living. If the other party lives out of state, then you will have to serve the other party with whatever application you are filing. There are different ways of filing the applications, but in certain circumstances the courts will assist you in having those papers served on the other party. If you have an attorney, you can also use them to help you with that service process. There are companies that are process serving companies and also sheriff’s officers that can assist with having those documents served on the other party, even if they’re out of state.

Anytime somebody loses their life due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another person or entity, the family member or personal representative of the deceased may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to recover compensation. These cases can become immensely complicated, but family members deserve to have some sort of compensation and closure for their losses. Wrongful death claims arise in various ways, including vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, defective product incidents, and more.

A judgment is a document signed by the judge stating whether the Defendant owes any money to the Plaintiff and if so, how much. A judgment is the end of a lawsuit. It is then up to the creditor (assuming the judgment is in favor of the creditor) and the creditor’s lawyers to try to collect on the judgment. The most common methods of collection for a debt lawsuit in Houston are as follows (note – this is not a complete list): Bank Garnishment – A creditor has the right to garnish any bank accounts that the judgment Debtor’s name is on. In special situations there are legal defenses to stop a bank account garnishment, but these rights must be asserted.

If a grandparent is just becoming involved in a divorce matter with two parents that are involved and loving and caring, they don’t have an independent right to visitation and certainly doesn’t have an independent right to custody of the children. A grandparent’s access or ability to see their grandchildren is going to be when that parent, their son or their daughter, has their children. They don’t have any independent rights. There’s nothing more important than a relationship between children and their parents, and we try and protect that at all costs.

Several monumental decisions have come down in the New Jersey Supreme Court, regarding defendants’ Miranda rights. These court cases have brought into question whether or not law enforcement officers can lie and or use trickery to obtain a confession. However, this could result in a false confession and can lead to them being falsely accused or wrongly incarcerated, as well as having said confession used against them in court. This is a violation of defendants’ Miranda rights. NJ Supreme Court Justice Albin has concurred and dissented on cases to protect defendants’ Miranda rights. It is obvious that he does not believe in the use of trickery and lies by detectives to acquire a confession. Before retiring, he has demonstrated his principles and opinions in his last few cases.

Top community based legal company in UK with Rev. Dane Marks

Premium law assistance in UK from Rev. Dane Marks? The UK Legal system is facing many challenges at present and because of the restrictions on legal aid, the people who are mostly affected are those who are on the low-income spectrum and from marginalised areas. Dane explains, I have seen many injustices inflicted on people throughout my life, however, I strongly believe in our legal justice system and it will continue to be the fairest system of rules internationally for the foreseeable future. It is important for our future lawyers and barristers to gain the experience of serving and supporting the most vulnerable and deprived as their building blocks from the outset of their careers.

Partner spotlight: Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB) is an international charitable organisation which aims to protect human rights and promote the rule of law. The organisation is made up of lawyers from around the world who provide pro bono services to access to justice and human rights initiatives. The importance of the organisation in upholding human rights, ensuring legal integrity and raising awareness has been seen globally in relation to issues such as human trafficking, wildlife crime and child labour. The Lawyers Without Borders Society is the Cardiff Student Division of LWOB, and aims to raise awareness about human rights and the rule of law in relation to national and international issues. The Society holds fundraising events and conducts awareness campaigns (including debates and panel events) throughout the year. The Society also runs a newsletter, The Justicia, which discusses topical human rights issues. Furthermore, the Society undertakes pro bono research tasks and media projects for LWOB, and has competed in the LWOB Annual Rule of Law Innovation Challenge. Find additional information at legal assistance for low income people.

Law tip of the day: You may be entitled to other insurance benefits. If you have PIP, auto med pay, group or private health insurance or are covered under a spouse’s or parent’s insurance, your attorney can coordinate submission of all collateral insurance claims to maximize your total recovery. Never settle your claim before its time. It sometimes takes many months to settle a claim. Occasionally a claim may take a year or longer to be resolved. In fact, it is not in the accident victim’s best interest to settle certain types of claims too soon because it often takes a long time for serious injuries to become evident or for treatment or surgery to provide the maximum benefit to the injured party.

We have an expert team who are experienced in all matters relating to accusations of benefit fraud. Our dedicated team understand that this can be an extremely distressing time for you and those closest to you. We offer friendly and professional advice with representation throughout your case. If you are suspected of committing benefit fraud, it is highly likely that you will receive a letter through the post inviting you to attend an interview under caution. It is vitally important that should you receive such a letter, you contact a solicitor to get appropriate legal representation. We can assist right across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. It is vital that you call us as soon as possible to arrange an appointment and we can discuss your individual circumstances.

Clients on low incomes may have further difficulties in accessing emails, printers, scanners or even the internet. Many are caught within the endless cycle of service jumping as many cannot find a service that can completely fill their legal needs and thus keep being referred from one place to another. The limited advice they get from pro bono sessions with lawyers are sporadic and can only be within a 30-minute time span in many cases. To combat this, we have secured a partnership with 350 law firms that provides a 24/7 legal advice live chat tool on our website to give quick, accessible advice at one’s convenience. Our company is free to register with as a volunteer or a paralegal. Anyone is welcome to sign up who is interested in making their community a better place regardless of degree. Read even more details on Rev. Dane Marks.

“As a director and co-founder of the company, I would like to present our project proposal for a fully integrated online court platform allowing the judiciary to deal with cases online, named The Courts Online and a separate, international platform to watch pre-recorded and live court cases with judicial consent online, named Watch Courts Online”. Added Dane Marks, co-founder of The Community Law Project UK Ltd. “A dedicated online court platform will reduce the cost of the legal system, cost of the participants and will reduce the cases outstanding while watch courts online will allow an educational platform for law students and for those who want to learn.”

Solicitors fees for buying a house first time buyer in Manchester, UK

Transferring ownership of a house with mortgage in Manchester, UK with BlackstoneSolicitorsLtd? Some individuals review their Wills regularly ensuring that they amend them to take account of a change in family or personal circumstances. However, those that don’t may find that on their death their Wills may not reflect their own last wishes or the expectations of those they have left behind. There are a number of reasons one might wish to make a Deed of Variation, for example, to make provision for someone who was excluded from the Will, to take account of differences in the financial position of beneficiaries, or to simply pass assets on to the next generation. There may well be other financial reasons to consider. At Blackstone, we can help to ensure a Deed of Variation achieves the outcome you are looking for. It is imperative that you seek expert legal help as once a variation has been made it cannot be undone.

Why Have Shareholders’ Agreements? When setting up a company with family, friends, or other professionals you have known for a long time, it is very easy to assume that nothing can go wrong in the future. You trust one another and therefore you probably assume that you don’t need to think about putting any protections in place in case things do go wrong. You also might feel a little uncomfortable suggesting that your new business partners enter into something akin to a pre-nuptial agreement. Hopefully nothing will go wrong BUT friends, family and business partners do fall out. If you do not seek to protect yourself, you could lose out. Or your friendship could suffer irredeemably. Or you could end up involved in costly litigation.

What is different about new build conveyancing? When buying a new build property, there are certain matters that make it different to buying an already-established home, while consideration may also have to be given to certain additional matters. Among the main differences are: A ‘new property’ is being sold, The site of the property will usually be owned by the developer, who is only part-selling the house as a housing plot, The conveyancing procedure may be altered to simplify the process for the developer, who will likely be involved with a large number of sales at the same time.

A fast-growing law firm based in south Manchester, we are renowned for going the extra mile to get the right results for our clients. Specialising in commercial litigation and property law for both commercial and residential clients, we believe strong communication is essential. This is why our passion for the work we do is matched by our commitment to keeping our clients up to date every step of the way. Emma Nawaz of Blackstone Solicitors Limited has a wealth of legal experience specialising in the fields of commercial and property litigation. Emma represents local, national and international clients, many of whom have been clients since the beginning of her career. Emma is known as a tenacious and pragmatic lawyer. Read even more info at Blackstone Solicitors.

What will I need to do during the rent recovery process? Blackstone Solicitors will perform the vast majority of work during the rent recovery process. We understand that chasing money can be exhausting and stressful, which is why we take appropriate steps to alleviate the burden. All we need from you are copies of: Property ownership documents, Details about the tenant, The tenancy contract, Evidence that you did not receive the money you are attempting to claim back, Evidence that the tenant left your property within the last six years.

If the lease grants security of tenure, the lease will continue after the expiry date if the Tenant remains in occupation of the property for business purposes. In this scenario the Landlord or Tenant must serve one of the following notices to terminate the lease: Section 25 notice – if the Landlord wishes to determine the lease and can satisfy one of the grounds in section 30 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, serving a hostile section 25 notice will prevent the Tenant from taking a new lease. Examples of grounds under the Act include breaching repairing obligations, persistent delays in paying rent or the Landlord redeveloping the property. Section 26 notice – if the Tenant wants to terminate the lease, a section 26 notice can be served. Discover extra info on

Top Lebanese law firm in 2021

Professional Lebanon law firm right now? Our Arbitration team is composed of listed arbitrators and recognized specialists who have been involved in establishing and managing arbitration centers in the Middle East, including co-founding the Lebanese Center of Arbitration and serving on the board of the Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC). They uphold the highest international standards of the industry and leverage unparalleled local expertise to help corporate entities as well as foreign investors and Sovereign States at all stages of the arbitration process. The firm is recognized as one of the leading arbitration firms in the region and was awarded the Arbitration Team of the Year Award at the 2021 edition of the Middle East Legal Awards.

The Legal 500 is widely regarded “as offering one of the most comprehensive and definitive reviews of law firms worldwide” and we are very honored to be recognized as one of the top tier firms in Lebanon. Fayez Hage-Chahine was praised for his “exceptional knowledge” of the law with one source describing him as “one of the most prominent lawyers and law professors in Lebanon and France” (The Legal 500 – Lebanon, Dispute Resolution). Najib Hage-Chahine was praised for his “encyclopedic knowledge of the law” with one source describing him as “one of the most brilliant legal minds of his generation” with “an uncanny ability to find creative solutions to complicated issues” (The Legal 500 – Lebanon, Dispute Resolution). This international recognition is a testament to the dedication and excellence of our team. We take this opportunity to thank our clients and peers for placing their trust in us and we congratulate all the other ranked firms in the 2021 edition of the Legal 500.

We aim to create an environment which focuses on the talent and the potential of each and every one of our people and have taken measures to eliminate discrimination from our recruitment process. We also encourage diversity in legal education. Our lawyers have attended school in Lebanon, France and the United States, and they are fluent in Arabic, French and English. We are committed to ensuring a sustainable and healthy working environment. We have taken steps that make the most efficient use of the resources that are used on a daily basis. We have recently started moving towards being a paperless law firm and have implemented measures to reduce waste. Our firm has invested in equipment that reduces energy consumption and we aim to improve recycling each year in order to limit paper consumption. Read extra details at Lebanon law firm.

With over 40 years of experience, our firm has the knowledge and resources to deliver indisputable results in a complex regional legal landscape. Beyond simply reciting legal rules to our clients, we leverage our academic knowledge of the law and extensive experience to provide in-depth legal analysis that ensures informed and strategic decision-making. Proactive lawyers who are not afraid to try a case: Our lawyers use a proactive approach that allows them to anticipate potential legal problems. They provide aggressive representation by making every attempt to resolve a case and are ready to fight for you when all other reasonable means have been exhausted.

As the only law firm in Lebanon with two attorneys who hold the prestigious title of Agrege of the French Faculties of Law, we are able to successfully tackle the most complicated legal matters and provide innovative solutions in the absence of legal precedent. This new structure has allowed us to expand our practices and to service local and international clients by relying on a team of highly-skilled experts that have over 40 years of experience in corporate, real estate and transactional matters as well as mediation, arbitration and litigation. With a unique approach and a superior team of lawyers, we offer strategic and effective representation for individual and corporate clients who operate in the Middle East and to international companies who do business in the region. See extra information on

Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawsuits from bankruptcy attorney Houston, Texas today

Chapter 7 bankruptcy advices from bankruptcy attorney Houston, Texas today? What is a business Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Texas? A business Chapter 7 is a liquidation. This is a bankruptcy for a business entity (such as a partnership, corporation [‘Inc.’], or limited liability corporation [‘LLC’]). The business entity files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, not the business owners.

What Debts Are Discharged in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will generally discharge your unsecured debts, such as credit card debt, medical bills and unsecured personal loans. The court will discharge these debts at the end of the process, generally about four to six months after you start. Some types of unsecured debts usually aren’t discharged through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, including: Child support, Alimony , Student loans, Some tax debt, Homeowners association fees, Court fees and penalties, Personal injury debts you owe due to an accident while you were intoxicated, Unsecured debts that you intentionally left off your filing. Find additional info on dove bankruptcy lawyer. As a bankruptcy lawyer in Houston, I primarily help people and companies file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. I also help both individuals and companies resolve other debt issues. I have been practicing as a Chapter 7 lawyer in Houston and as a Chapter 13 lawyer in Houston for over 5 years. I think that customer help should be the no 1 priority in any business, but it is especially important in the bankruptcy and debt settlement field. When people are struggling financially they may be stressed, nervous and scared about their situation. The prompt returning of telephone calls and e-mails is important so as to help alleviate anxiety. You can also take comfort in knowing that you will be speaking with an attorney every time you call or come in for an appointment. Dove Law Firm, PLLC is a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code as well as resolve other debt issues.

Moving expense to take first job: Here’s an interesting dichotomy: Job-hunting expenses incurred while looking for your first job are not deductible, but moving expenses to get to that first job are. And you get this write-off even if you don’t itemize. If you moved more than 50 miles, you can deduct 23 cents per mile of the cost of getting yourself and your household goods to the new area, (plus parking fees and tolls) for driving your own vehicle. However, beginning in 2018, moving expenses are no longer deductible for federal taxes unless you are in the military and the move is due to military orders. Some states such as California continue to provide this tax benefit.

Invest in Qualified Opportunity Funds: Taxpayers can defer paying capital gains by reinvesting their money into Qualified Opportunity Funds. The funds, which were created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, are intended to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities. If money is held in a Qualified Opportunity Fund for seven years, 15% of the capital gains tax on the investment is eliminated. “It’s a wonderful tax incentive,” Zollars says. However, like other provisions of the tax reform law, the funds and their tax-savings benefits are scheduled to end in 2026. That means to have your money held in a fund for seven years, you’ll need to make an investment before Dec. 31, 2019.

If a creditor is unable to properly prove the required facts in their lawsuit and does not voluntarily non-suit their lawsuit, a request can be made through a ‘Motion for Summary Judgment’ or at trial that the creditor’s lawsuit be dismissed because they cannot properly prove their case. This path is very complicated and should be left to the assistance of a lawyer. For residents of Harris County, Galveston County and Fort Bend County, you can find more information about your lawsuit on the appropriate court or clerk’s website. Other nearby and surrounding counties may or may not have online records depending on the particular county.

Who Should File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Many people think of bankruptcy court as the final stop on a path to financial ruin, the only option left when repaying debts seems impossible. But there’s hope even in bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 of the federal bankruptcy code offers the closest thing to a soft landing. Sometimes called the Wage Earner’s Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 allows those with enough income to repay all or part of their debts an alternative to liquidation. It’s bankruptcy for those whose biggest problem is dealing with creditors’ demands for immediate payment, not lack of income. See additional info on

Professionel lov og juridisk guider ved Eva Persson

Høj kvalitet lov og juridisk tjenester med Eva Persson? Billederne er til brug i forbindelse med presseomtale af advokat Eva Persson, og må ikke anvendes til kommercielle formål eller i kommercielle sammenhænge. Billederne må heller ikke bruges til at propagandere for bestemte holdninger eller synspunkter. Billederne må ikke lagres på brugerens eget udstyr ud over, hvad der er påkrævet til den pågældende omtale eller videregives til tredjemand. Ved brugen anerkendes forpligtelsen til at overholde ovennævnte betingelser for brugen. Eva Persson kan på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt trække tilsagnet om brugen tilbage, enten i enkeltsituationer eller generelt. I alle tilfælde skal fotograf Flemming Leitorp krediteres.

Det er dog en forudsætning, at den omhandlede benzin ikke stammer fra et fly fra det luftfartsselskab, som har gennemført den flyvning, der kræves kompensation for. Derved har EU-Domstolen lagt sig tæt op ad en anden afgørelse (C-501/17), hvor der var tale om en forsinkelse på 3 timer og 28 minutter på en flyrejse fra Dublin til Düsseldorf. Denne forsinkelse skyldtes ifølge Germanwings, at man inden afgang konstaterede en skrue i et af dækkene på det luftfartøj, der skulle forestå flyvningen. Ifølge flyselskabet havde skruen ligget på lufthavnens start- og landingsbane, og var kommet op i hjulet under taxi (såkaldt ”FOD” (”Foreign Object Damage”)).

Eva Persson er en kvinde, der er blevet omdiskuteret utroligt meget i de danske medier. I 2016 blev Eva landskendt, da hun fortalte om sin korte barsel med barn nummer to. Det var åbentbart et meget ømt emne og dette fandt Eva ud af på den hårde måde. Eva blev nemlig mødt af fornærmelser og had på internettet. Da Eva stod frem, var det ikke hendes mål at forarge eller træde nogen kvinder over tæerne. Eva prøver at balancere karriere og børn!

Ikke desto mindre har Københavns Byret i flere tilfælde afsagt domme, hvor det er lagt til grund, at det alene er distancen på den forsinkede rute, der skal lægges til grund for beregningen af kompensation. I en af afgørelserne hedder det f.eks.: at ”[] artikel 7, stk. 1, sidste punktum, skal forstås således, at der ikke skal betales kompensation til en passager med direkte tilsluttede flyforbindelser for flyafgange, som ikke har haft nogen betydning for forsinkelsen på den endelige destination”. Dette – mener jeg – er oplagt forkert. Flere af ræsonnementerne i rettens præmisser savner i øvrigt mening. Bl.a. henvises der i en af dommene – i relation til resultatet – til ”formålet med forordningen”, hvilket vel netop skulle begrunde det stik-modsatte resultat.

Advokat Eva Persson er højt specialiseret i flypassagerers juridiske rettigheder i forhold til forsinkelser, aflysninger, billetrefusion, mistet- eller beskadiget bagage samt ulykker. Advokat Eva Persson er højt specialiseret i flypassagerers juridiske rettigheder i forhold til forsinkelser, aflysninger, billetrefusion, mistet- eller beskadiget bagage samt ulykker. Siden 2014 har hun sammen med sit dygtige personale varetaget mere end 20.000 retssager for flypassagerer ved de danske og svenske domstole, og det er også advokat Eva Persson, som har ført alle sager ved den danske Højesteret om passagerers ret til kompensation ved flyforsinkelse i henhold til Forordning 261/2004.

Hvordan er det så at være Eva Persson, når både ens job OG ens familie er det vigtigste i verden? Svaret er kompliceret og simpelt på samme tid. Det er en balancegang, en kamp, en ren kunst, at få det hele til at gå op i en højere enhed. Eva har dog fundet en måde at balancere sit liv, og på hendes blog hjælper hun andre kvinder, i samme situation, med gode råd, tips og triks. Eva har nærmest gjort det til sin kamp, at opfinde opskriften på superkvinden, der kan håndtere husmor og karriere samtidigt.

Chapter 13 advices from bankruptcy lawyer Houston, TX 2021

Chapter 7 tips by Dove law firm Houston 2021: Folks often have the misconception that if the lawsuit is not placed in their hands, they cannot be served and the lawsuit cannot proceed. This is not true and sometimes if you are served by alternative service you may not realize you have been served (if, for example, the lawsuit is affixed to your door and a nosy neighbor takes the lawsuit). If you are aware a lawsuit has been filed, do think if they have not put the lawsuit into your hands that the lawsuit cannot proceed. A lawsuit begins when the ‘Plaintiff’ (the person or company doing the suing) files the ‘Original Petition’ in the appropriate court. If the dollar amount the creditor is suing for is less than $10,000, the lawsuit will usually (but not always) be filed in a ‘Justice of the Peace’ court. Otherwise a lawsuit for an unpaid debt will typically be filed in the county court or district court for the county in which you live.

What’s the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the two common types of bankruptcy that affect consumers. Either could help when you don’t have the means to pay all your bills, but there are important differences between the two. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can wipe out certain debts within several months, but a court-appointed trustee can sell your nonexempt property to pay your creditors. You also must have a low income to qualify.

I hope that you find this website to be helpful and informative. Information on a website, however, is not a substitute for the knowledge and advice of an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Once you have had a chance to look over our website, please fill out the contact form or give us a call to talk more about the specifics of your situation. I will get back to you the same business day, if possible. Take your first step towards a fresh financial start! I believe that customer help should be the number one priority in any business, but it is also very important important in the bankruptcy and debt settlement field. When people are struggling financially they may be stressed, nervous and scared about their situation. The prompt returning of telephone calls and e-mails is important so as to help alleviate anxiety. You can also take comfort in knowing that you will be speaking with an attorney every time you call or come in for an appointment. Dove Law Firm, PLLC is a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code as well as resolve other debt issues.

State sales taxes: This write-off makes sense primarily for those who live in states that do not impose an income tax. You must choose between deducting state and local income taxes, or state and local sales taxes. For most citizens of income-tax-states, the income tax deduction usually is a better deal. IRS has tables for residents of states with sales taxes showing how much they can deduct. But the tables aren’t the last word. If you purchased a vehicle, boat or airplane, you get to add the state sales tax you paid to the amount shown in IRS tables for your state, to the extent the sales tax rate you paid doesn’t exceed the state’s general sales tax rate. The same goes for home building materials you purchased. These items are easy to overlook. The IRS even has a calculator to help you figure out the deduction, which varies by your state and income level. Beginning in 2018, your itemized deduction for state and local taxes is limited to $10,000 per year. You still will only be allowed to deduct either state and local sales tax or state and local income taxes, but not both.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is like Chapter 11, which applies to businesses. In both cases, the petitioner submits a reorganization plan that safeguards assets against repossession or foreclosure and typically requests forgiveness of other debts. They both differ from the more extreme Chapter 7 filing, which liquidates all assets except those specifically protected. No bankruptcy filing eliminates all debts. Child support and alimony payments aren’t dischargeable, nor are student loans and unpaid taxes. But bankruptcy can clear away many other debts, though it will likely make it harder for the debtor to borrow in the future. Find more details on view more info.

Bunch Your Charitable Contributions: In 2019, married couples filing jointly have a standard deduction of $24,400. For single taxpayers, the standard deduction is $12,200. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which nearly doubled the standard deduction, also eliminated miscellaneous deductions, capped state and local tax deductions at $10,000 and limited mortgage interest deductions to loans of up to $750,000. These changes can make it difficult to itemize deductions unless someone has significant charitable donations. Powell suggests people bunch two years of contributions into a single year, which would allow them to claim an itemized deduction every other year. For those with the financial means, setting up a donor-advised fund may be ideal. “You get the deduction in the year you move the money (into the fund),” Powell says. However, charitable gifts from the fund can be spread out over time.

Excellent law assistance UK

UK online court platform project and recommended community law assistance? Rev. Dane Marks and co-founders launch The Community Law Project UK Ltd to help people facing legal issues get support. Court statistics for England and Wales for the year 2019 have reported 4.2 million cases where 2.0 million from civil courts, 1.5 million from magistrates, 393,000 from tribunals, 266,000 from family courts and 104,000 from crown courts.

These statistics shows that the majority of the cases are civil and family cases and this high volume may tend to unnecessary amounts of outstanding cases, longer waiting times, costs to both the government and the parties who are present at the court. This shows the necessity of an advancement in the current court system with information technology and related solutions.

The co-founders, Rev. Dane Marks, Daniel Onafuwa and Samantha Yarwood and the genius and passionate team of Law Students and Graduates have come together to offer their support for minimal fees to assist people facing legal issues. The team will offer their support in helping compile evidence, draft case notes and find legal representation to support people in the poorest and most marginalised areas. They will also offer low cost support to law firms and barristers to enable them to focus on their cases.

Rev. Dane Marks explains, ‘since studying law and learning the issues of people facing legal problems and the problems the courts are having with the current backlogs, we will help in the best way we can.’

We need to keep things functional without a physical presence in all community areas in the current situation. There is an absolute need for an entirely secure and well-integrated online court platform because it will dramatically reduce costs, delays and stress of court cases. The Community Law Project UK Ltd proposes an online platform that will allow people to attend court from any distant place without being exposed to any viral diseases. The Community Law Project UK Ltd is a fantastic innovation to provide high quality, innovative and result-oriented legal support service to the community. The company is proposing a “The Courts Online” platform to facilitate and optimize the Judiciary system and law education domain. Read additional information at legal assistance for low income people.

Partner spotlight: Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB) is an international charitable organisation which aims to protect human rights and promote the rule of law. The organisation is made up of lawyers from around the world who provide pro bono services to access to justice and human rights initiatives. The importance of the organisation in upholding human rights, ensuring legal integrity and raising awareness has been seen globally in relation to issues such as human trafficking, wildlife crime and child labour. The Lawyers Without Borders Society is the Cardiff Student Division of LWOB, and aims to raise awareness about human rights and the rule of law in relation to national and international issues. The Society holds fundraising events and conducts awareness campaigns (including debates and panel events) throughout the year. The Society also runs a newsletter, The Justicia, which discusses topical human rights issues. Furthermore, the Society undertakes pro bono research tasks and media projects for LWOB, and has competed in the LWOB Annual Rule of Law Innovation Challenge.

Our team consists of primarily law students and graduates but overall those who are incredibly passionate about using the law to help bring access to justice within their communities. They will assist the community as paralegals to compile cases and evidence for viable cases on behalf of the relevant legal firms. Our main priority is to help community members and law firms prepare to deal with cases presented to them. Many of those who bring cases are not legally trained and do not know how to compile evidence correctly and may find it difficult to structure said evidence in a cohesive manner to present to their legal firm with a summary of the case. See even more info on here.