QR Code gastronomie mit orderiom.de

Bestellsystem gastronomie von orderiom.de: Eine der größten Vorteile ist jedoch, dass deine Gäste nicht mehr auf ihre Bestellungen warten müssen und dein Servicepersonal nur noch die Bestellungen zum Tisch bringen muss. Dies ist eine Erleichterung und entlastet besonders bei geringer Personalausstattung. In diesem kurzen Video zeigen wir dir, wie es funktioniert. Starte innerhalb weniger Minuten damit, Buchungen über deine Website anzunehmen. Unser reaktionsschnelles Bestellsystem für Hotels, Orderiom, ermöglicht es deinen Gästen, ganz einfach von jedem Gerät aus online zu bestellen. Und das Beste: Buchungen sind komplett provisionsfrei – schließlich handelt es sich um deine eigene Website! Steigere deinen Umsatz mit der Zimmerservice-Bestellung über das Smartphone, durch die Gäste direkt über das Zimmerservice-Menü auf ihrem Mobilgerät bestellen können. Sehen meht information aus QR Code Gastronomie.

Wie kann ein Kassensystem deinen Lieferdienst unterstützen und welche Vorteile bietet es? Ein Kassensystem erleichtert die tägliche Arbeit in deinem Lieferservice-Betrieb. Es bietet eine übersichtliche und aufgeräumte Darstellung, die intuitive Bedienung, eine unkomplizierte Verwaltung von Bestellungen und eine effektive Gutscheinverwaltung. Darüber hinaus erleichtert es die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Anforderungen und sorgt für eine reibungslose Abrechnung. Regelmäßige Updates und ein zuverlässiger Support sind entscheidend, um die Funktionalität und Sicherheit deines Kassensystems zu gewährleisten. Erfahre, warum Updates und Supportleistungen wichtig sind und wie sie dir helfen können, deinen Lieferservice reibungslos zu betreiben.

Kompatibel mit vielen Kassensystemen – Besitzt du schon ein Kassensystem? Super! Wir können kinderleicht eine Verbindung zu Orderiom herstellen, damit du gleich loslegen kannst. Häufig ist sogar bereits eine entsprechende Schnittstelle vorhanden. Falls du noch kein Kassensystem hast oder über eine Erneuerung nachdenkst, unterstützen wir dich gerne mit unserer eigens entwickelten Softwarelösung, die du ohne Zusatzkosten nutzen kannst. Auch bei der Hardware, wie beispielsweise dem effizienten SunMi V2 Pro, sind wir für dich da und beraten dich mit Freude.

Mehr Kundschaft, mehr Reichweite, mehr Sichtbarkeit – Mit deiner ganz persönlichen Online-Präsenz erreichst du nicht nur deine Stammkunden auf innovative Weise, sondern gewinnst auch neue Gäste dazu. Du bist rund um die Uhr sichtbar und präsentierst dein einzigartiges Angebot jedem Interessierten – egal ob sie gerade an deinem Betrieb vorbei spazieren oder von zu Hause aus nach ihrem neuen Lieblingslokal suchen. Deine Kunden können bequem von ihrem Smartphone oder Computer aus bestellen und ihre Wünsche direkt online bezahlen. Lesen meht information mit lieferservice.

Vermeide Provisionszahlungen an Zwischendienstleister und dank Search Engine Optimization finden dich auch neue Kunden. Unser Ziel ist es, Unternehmen jeglicher Größe zu unterstützen. Deshalb bieten wir flexible Preismodelle, die sich an deinen individuellen Bedürfnissen anpassen. Wir verbinden tolerantes und transparentes Arbeiten mit hoch professionell angewendeten Fachwissen, wobei die Zufriedenheit der Kunden immer im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit und Arbeit steht. Auch mit dem Gründer und Chef findet ein ständiger Austausch statt.

Hohe Qualität digitale speisekarte

Bestbewertet digitalisierung gastronomie: Mit einem einfachen Klick können sich deine Gäste überall von ihrem Smartphone aus durch deine gesamte Menüauswahl scrollen. Egal ob unterwegs oder gemütlich auf dem Sofa zu Hause – deinen Kunden stehen immer all ihre Lieblingsgerichte zur Verfügung! Behalte jederzeit den Überblick, welche Gerichte besonders gefragt sind und wie sich dein Umsatz entwickelt. Du kannst ihnen personalisierte Werbeaktionen zukommen lassen oder sie über neue Events in deinem Lokal informieren – ganz ohne Umwege über Drittanbieter. Lesen extra information auf bestellsystem gastronomie.

Wie kann ein Kassensystem den Lieferservice deiner Gastronomie effektiver machen? Eine effektive Kassensoftware für Lieferservice kann die Abläufe in deinem Lieferservice-Betrieb erheblich vereinfachen. Es ermöglicht eine übersichtliche Verwaltung von Bestellungen, die Verwaltung von Gutscheinen, eine effiziente Kommunikation mit dem Finanzamt und eine reibungslose Abwicklung von Bestellungen. Können sich Lieferdienste mit einem All-in-One Kassensystem Geld sparen? Lieferdienste können durch den Einsatz eines All-in-One Kassensystems erhebliche Einsparungen erzielen. Durch die Integration verschiedener Funktionen wie Bestellungsverwaltung, Buchhaltung und Kommunikation mit dem Finanzamt in einem System reduzieren sich nicht nur die Anschaffungskosten, sondern auch Zeitaufwand und potenzielle Fehlerquellen. Dies führt zu effizienteren Abläufen und letztendlich zu Kosteneinsparungen für den Lieferdienst.

Unsere Zusatzleistungen: Suchmaschinen-Optimierung (SEO)! Wir sorgen dafür, dass du online gefunden wirst. Wir optimieren deinen Content, Keywords und vieles mehr. Suchmaschinen Texterstellung-Optimierung (SEO) – Lass uns deine Texte schreiben oder verbessern. Im Anschluss binden wir die Texte zusammen mit einer Design-Anpassung in deine Website ein. Logo-Erstellung: Wir gestalten dir ein ansprechendes Logo, dass deinen Besuchern im Gedächtnis bleibt. Du erhälst die digitalen Nutzungsrechte. Lesen meht information mit bestellsystem bar.

Eine der größten Vorteile ist jedoch, dass deine Gäste nicht mehr auf ihre Bestellungen warten müssen und dein Servicepersonal nur noch die Bestellungen zum Tisch bringen muss. Dies ist eine Erleichterung und entlastet besonders bei geringer Personalausstattung. In diesem kurzen Video zeigen wir dir, wie es funktioniert. Starte innerhalb weniger Minuten damit, Buchungen über deine Website anzunehmen. Unser reaktionsschnelles Bestellsystem für Hotels, Orderiom, ermöglicht es deinen Gästen, ganz einfach von jedem Gerät aus online zu bestellen. Und das Beste: Buchungen sind komplett provisionsfrei – schließlich handelt es sich um deine eigene Website! Steigere deinen Umsatz mit der Zimmerservice-Bestellung über das Smartphone, durch die Gäste direkt über das Zimmerservice-Menü auf ihrem Mobilgerät bestellen können.

Während deiner 30-tägigen Testphase basteln wir dir eine Sample-App. Diese umfasst einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf deine Speisekarte. Du behältst dabei die Zügel in der Hand und kannst die Inhalte nach Belieben mit unserem einfachen Baukastensystem vervollständigen. Gibt es etwas Schöneres, als einen Ort zu haben, an dem man sich mit seinen Freunden treffen kann, gute Musik, Lachen, Weinen, Verlieben und leckere Drinks!

Quality school assignments grade calculator

School class grade calculator with theedadvocate.org: How to calculate class grade? To calculate a class grade, you must know your teacher or professor’s grading system. If your teacher or professor uses a total points system, you first need to add up all of your grades. Then, add up how many points were possible for each of those grades. Divide how many points you earned by the number of points possible, and you will determine your class grade. If your teacher or professor uses a grading system based on categories of different values, it is more complicated. For example, some teachers made tests and quizzes worth more points that classwork and homework. If your teacher uses categories, here is how you determine your class grade: Separately, for each category, add up all of your scores. Then, add up how many points were possible in that category. Divide your scores total by the points possible. That is how you determine the category grade. Do this for each category. You must know how much each category is weighted. Usually, this information will be listed on a class syllabus or a teacher’s web site. Multiply your category grade by how much it is weighted. For example, if tests are worth 50% of your class grade, multiply your test category grade by .50. If homework is worth 50% of your grade, multiply your homework category grade by .50. Then, add up the two scores. That is your class grade.

How are letter grades typically converted to GPA values? Letter grades are assigned numerical values (e.g., A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) and the GPA is calculated by averaging these values. What is the purpose of assigning different weightages to assignments and exams? Assigning different weightages reflects the importance of different assessments in determining a student’s understanding of the material. How do professors determine the weightage for each assignment or exam? Weightages are often assigned based on the relative importance of different topics or the effort required for each task. Find even more info on grade calculator.

In 1887, Mount Holyoke College became the first college to use letter grades similar to those commonly used today. The college used a grading scale with the letters A, B, C, D, and E, where E represented a failing grade. This grading system however, was far stricter than those commonly used today, with a failing grade being defined as anything below 75%. The college later re-defined their grading system, adding the letter F for a failing grade (still below 75%). This system of using a letter grading scale became increasingly popular within colleges and high schools, eventually leading to the letter grading systems typically used today. However, there is still significant variation regarding what may constitute an A, or whether a system uses plusses or minuses (i.e. A+ or B-), among other differences.

Do your best not to get distracted when your teacher is talking. This can be tough sometimes, but listening during class is one of the very best ways to really learn the material. Be engaged, too—take good notes, participate in discussions, and ask questions if you don’t understand something. When you’re taking notes, don’t just write down everything the teacher says. Instead, you might jot down things like key concepts, vocab words and their definitions, and a few examples. And be sure to write neatly so you can re-read what you wrote! Especially pay attention to anything your teacher mentions more than once—there’s a good chance that’s something important, and you might be tested on it later! Try not to miss any classes, either—you probably won’t get good grades if you skip class a lot. If you take online classes, log in at least once a day. In some classes, attendance is actually part of your grade!

Go on a summer school – A final option – best taken alongside the other advice in this article, rather than instead of it – is to book yourself onto an academic summer school. Taking part in a summer school would allow you to learn away from the pressures of the classroom and exams, reinvigorating your love of learning and inspiring you to take a more determined approach to your studies. What’s more, summer schools are great for helping you get to grips with trickier subjects, so this could be a good solution to your underperforming subjects as well. Take a look at our Oxford summer school courses to find one to help you start improving your grades. It’s not just an option in the summer – ever-popular Easter revision courses are a great way to get a boost shortly before your exams.

Top class grade calculator: Looking for a grade calculator to calculate your study grades? Our simple to use grade calculator allows you to calculate weighted grade calculation for letter and percent grades, and also helps you figure out what you need to get in your finals to get your desired grade. Determine the grading scale for your course. Usually your teacher will provide you with his/her point system—check the course syllabus for details. See how much each assignment category is worth (i.e. midterm–30%, quizzes–25%, etc.). The grade calculator will do the easy part by determining the grade you need. Now it’s up to you to do the work to earn the grade you desire.

Top TeenPatti tips and tricks for huge online earnings

Top Teen Patti Master recommendations for huge games earning online: Teen Patti online at 7Jackpots is a game of skill. Whether you are an expert or someone new to the game, you need a sound strategy and execution to ace fellow players and win big.Sounds difficult? Not when you apply the proven strategies that we have compiled for you. Give yourself a long run when playing Teen Patti for maximized winnings. Bet small initially and increase your bets gradually. That’ll help you stretch your bankroll and play more hands. The more hands you play, the more are your chances of winning, pure and simple. The strategy works best for both pros and starters, preventing them from draining their bankroll within a matter of few hands.Raise your best only when you get a handle on the proceedings. Discover more info at teenpati master.

We have talked about sideshow in our terms section. It is a way of seeing another person’s cards while showing yours too. You have the opportunity of asking the player who has played before you to do ‘sideshow’. If the player agrees, you and the other player will show each other’s cards between yourselves. You will find a sideshow option online when you play the game. There is a great advantage with the sideshow. As you and another player show the cards to each other, you will be able to determine the strengths of your cards. You must fold if your hand is not good enough. As a result, you will be able to quit quickly after getting bad cards.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any skill, practice is crucial in becoming a Teen Patti Master. Take advantage of the practice mode available in the app to hone your skills, experiment with different strategies, and gain confidence in your decision-making abilities. While winning every game in Teen Patti Master APK may not be possible, employing these tips can certainly increase your chances of success. Remember to understand the rules, manage your bankroll, observe other players, know when to fold, and stay focused. With practice and patience, you can enhance your gameplay and become a formidable Teen Patti player. So, embrace the excitement, download Teen Patti Master APK, and embark on your journey to becoming a skilled Teen Patti Master!

Teen Patti is no cakewalk. You are required to outplay competitors with your ingenuity, skills and confidence to rake in money. These traits come with practice, no two ways about it. The more you practice, the better your game awareness, strategy and execution will be. Remember the adage– practicemakes a man perfect. It’s time to apply it for Teen Patti gains. Make the most of the free Teen Patti online games at 10cric.com to stay good to go.

Teen Patti Master is India’s twist on 3 card poker. TeenPatti, also known as Indian Poker, Flush, Flash or 3 card Brag, is a popular card game played in many parts of the world. Players bet based on the strength of their cards and the one with the strongest hand wins the pot. You may love Bridge, Rummy, or Matka, but Teenpatti game is still the king! And Teen Patti Master is the best free online card game that allows you to play free TeenPatti with real players from all over the world. Challenge your friends to the most exciting social Indian poker game for Free! Find additional details on https://teenpatti-master.org.in/.

Teen Patti Master APK has become a favourite among card game enthusiasts, offering the thrill of Teen Patti in a virtual setting. While winning every time may not be guaranteed, there are strategies you can employ to increase your chances of success. In this blog, we will explore some tips and techniques that can help you improve your gameplay and potentially come out on top more often. Before diving into the game, ensure you have a clear understanding of the rules. Familiarize yourself with the different variations of Teen Patti available in the app, such as Classic Teen Patti, Joker Teen Patti, or Muflis Teen Patti. Each variation has its own unique rules and strategies, so take the time to learn and practice them.

Business Intelligence experts today

Best rated Power BI companies by data4success.de: When analyzing the data closely, you usually go from an aggregated view to the next level of detail, and then go deeper level by level, and then back again. A good data model (formerly “cube”) connects the data so that analyzes make sense at all levels. Through targeted information (e.g. coloring), the user quickly knows what to look at in detail. If a company reacts too late to events, it can be expensive. Alarm messages shorten response times and save money. Examples: The stock of goods in the warehouse is coming to an end? See additional details on Power BI.

Many-to-many relationships occur when items in one table are linked in a complex manner to multiple items in another table. A classic example of this is the relationship between products and orders. A product can appear in many orders, and an order can contain many products. This results in a relationship that cannot be easily modeled as one-to-many or many-to-one.

Benefits of using sort columns: Sort order customization: You have full control over the order of categories, regardless of the native data values. Complex sorting logic: You can implement complex sorting rules based on custom criteria that are not available in the native data. Consistent Display: By using sort columns, you can ensure that categories are displayed consistently across different reports and visualizations.

Introducing the Field Switch: The Field Switch is a powerful feature in Power BI that allows you to dynamically select and present columns in your data visualization. Instead of having a fixed column selection, you can use the Field Switch to change the columns displayed based on user input, filters, or other conditions. This allows you to perform more flexible and customizable data analysis.

Introduction to AI Advisor: An AI Advisor (also known as AI Advisor or AI Consultant) is a system or software based on artificial intelligence and machine learning that helps companies or individuals provide advisory services. AI advisors are designed to analyze data, identify patterns, make predictions, and make personalized recommendations to improve decisions and achieve strategic goals. Chat-GPT can be viewed as a form of AI advisor. However, an AI advisor can be defined more broadly to include different types of systems or software that offer advisory services. Data Mining and Predictive Analytics: Business intelligence experts use data mining techniques and predictive analytics models to predict future events or trends. By applying machine learning and statistical models, they help optimize marketing campaigns, customer segmentation and demand forecasting.

It is important to note that these technologies do not eliminate the role of business intelligence professionals, but rather support them in their work. Automating certain tasks allows them to focus on more strategic aspects, such as developing data strategies, providing business insights, and collaborating with stakeholders. Overall, Chat-GPT and AI Consultants offer promising opportunities to increase the efficiency and quality of business intelligence work in conjunction with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central. By complementing and supporting human expertise, they can help drive better decisions and business success. Business intelligence professionals should be open to these new technologies and use their skills to improve their own work and add value to their organizations. See more details on https://data4success.de/.

Top rated Automated Social Media Posts

OpenAI Content Generator right now: Our core values of innovation, excellence, and customer focus guide everything we do. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, leveraging the latest technologies and best practices to deliver world-class solutions. We take pride in our work and are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations every time. Thank you for choosing Zavier as your AI partner. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your business objectives. Fast Pace your business with our platform: Focus on important things while leaving Content Generation to us, enhance your productivity and make your workflows faster. Discover extra info on AI Blog Post Generator. Article Generator: Generate Full Length SEO optimzed Articles in seconds based on Title and Outline Text.

One major concern with AI writing tools is the lack of creativity and originality they often bring to the table. While they may excel in generating content quickly and efficiently, they often fall short in delivering unique and innovative ideas. These tools rely on pre-existing data and patterns to produce text, which limits their ability to think outside the box and offer fresh perspectives. As a result, the content produced by AI writing tools can be generic and lack the genuine human touch that readers crave. To overcome this limitation, it is necessary to combine AI tools with human creativity and critical thinking to ensure the final output is both original and engaging.

At the start of this year, ZavierAI made many people nervous about the potential impact of AI on student writing. Even though generative AI will likely affect various professions and domains, student writing became a lightning rod for concerns about cheating, as if students could press a button and produce essays or completed homework. However, the commentary hasn’t necessarily reflected students’ experiences; the reality is more complicated. For the past few semesters, I’ve given students assignments to “cheat” on their final papers with text-generating software. In doing so, the majority of students learn (often to their surprise) as much about the limits of these technologies as their seemingly revolutionary potential. Some come away quite critical of AI, believing more firmly in their own voices. Others become curious about how to adapt these tools for different goals, or what professional or educational domains they could impact. Few, however, believe they can or should push a button to write an essay; none appreciate the assumption they will cheat.

Moreover, AI tools can assist with time management by providing automated scheduling and task management features. These tools not only facilitate the writing process but also provide valuable feedback and guidance, allowing individuals to continuously develop and hone their writing skills. AI writing tools have brought convenience and efficiency to the writing process. However, there are concerns regarding plagiarism and originality. These tools can inadvertently lead to content that closely resembles existing work, potentially resulting in plagiarism. It is crucial for writers to carefully review and edit the output of AI tools to ensure originality and avoid unintentional plagiarism. While AI can assist in generating ideas and providing suggestions, the responsibility lies with the writer to create unique and authentic content. Writers should prioritize ethical writing practices and use AI tools as aids rather than relying solely on them for content creation.

Since late last year, artificial intelligence platforms like ZavierAI have become a growing topic of conversation on college campuses, with students using the technology for everything from class assignments to essays. These text-generating software programs sift through massive databases to generate human-like responses to prompts or questions from users. The rapid introduction of this technology and its relatively unknown potential have spawned both awe and apprehension. So what are the possible positive and negative effects of these tools? How might they change how we think about writing, creativity, authenticity and teaching? What is the path forward?

Improved efficiency and productivity are significant benefits of utilizing AI writing tools. These tools have the ability to automatically suggest, correct, and optimize content, saving valuable time for writers. By streamlining the writing process, AI tools allow writers to focus on higher-level tasks, such as brainstorming and creativity. Enhanced accuracy and grammar checking is a valuable feature in AI writing tools. It helps writers eliminate errors, polish their writing, and enhance overall quality. By highlighting grammar mistakes, suggesting corrections, and offering alternative word choices, these tools improve the accuracy and readability of the text. Discover even more details at https://zavier.ai/.

Best rated UTM builder management platform by CampaignTrackly

Premium UTM builder management platform from Campaign Trackly: Tag 1, 10 or 100 links in seconds. Instantly add dozens of tags to as many marketing links you need in one go. Instead of processing a link at a time with spreadsheets or traditional URL builders, let our automated dashboard featuring a UTM link maker + flexible tag library + link shortener do the job for you. (Choose from our FREE home-grown shortener, Bitly, Short or Rebrandly). In addition to removing the need to build Google Analytics UTM code yourself, you can get marketing campaign insights from Google Studio in real time, using our handy templates. You can also use our platform to review individual campaign and link performance using our custom visualizations. Discover additional details on campaign link tracking solutions. Fully automated tag library, tag standardization, duplicates prevention, required tags control, templates & more. All UTM Links in One Place: Uniform link tagging with no manual work eliminates errors. All links stored in one place. Easy to find, export, archive.

The Ultimate URL Builder & Link Management Solution for Your Marketing Campaigns

Add New Tags While You Tag: We recommend pre-defining all your tags in Settings, but sometimes a user needs to add a new tag while they are tagging the links in the dashboard. We will make sure that all the right formatting is kept in place and all new tags are safely added in Settings for consistency. One-Click Social Sharing for Buffer, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Share tagged links on Buffer: Once your tracking links are generated, you can instantly share each individual link on Buffer to save time (Requires that user has a Buffer account).

Step 1: Sign up for free. No credit card required. 14 days full access and then a forever-free account with limited access. (1 min) 5% Step 2: Define Standardization Rules in Account Settings>Standardize Tags. (5 min). Step 3: Use our Tracking Workbook to define your tag groups and populate values. Update your final link architecture. Create your templates. Export your tag values in .CSV files. (90 min). Step 4: Go to the Tag Library to upload all your UTM and Custom tags from the CSV files you created. (15 min). Step 5: Create campaign templates. You are now ready to start building links. (15 Min).

Day-to-day Operations Benefits: Streamline Tagging Processes, Reduce Number of Touch Points, Improve Accuracy & Save on Resources. Grab any link – on any web page, while building an email, or inside a PDF – with a single click action. Your tagging dashboard opens instantly to let you tag. Benefits: Eliminate typing, pasting, having to go to our site or navigate between multiple websites. (Chrome Extension required) Process Multiple Links in One Go: Need to process more than one link? Our bulk-import function works right in your tagging dashboard – with both our single-link or multiple-link options. Benefits: Upload file from your computer in seconds. Eliminate typing, copying, pasting or the need to navigate between applications or sites.

Take the stress out of trying to prove your advertising ROI. Automate tracking link creation and eliminate bad reporting data. Get started in as little as two hours. Bloggers, analytics specialists, email producers, and digital marketers need a light, sustainable process that opens doors to improved productivity and faster results – at scale. That’s why they use CampaignTrackly. For Bloggers: Add multiple UTM_source tracking codes to your blog link to ensure you are tracking every single website where you will share your blog. Our Chrome/Edge extensions let you do that in seconds. Discover extra details at CampaignTrackly.

Rebrandly Link Shortener: Rebrandly customers enjoy its branded domains and custom links along with its in-depth analytics. We support both generic and custom Rebrandly links – just tag and shorten links automatically or edit each link to give it a unique name. BitLy Vanity Domains: For those customers who have a vanity (branded) domain and would like to use it with single or bulk links, as well as unique custom links – we offer the option to leverage your vanity domain automatically at no extra cost. Start today.

Top URL builder management platform from Leafwire Digital

URL builder management platform with Leafwire Digital right now: Streamline access to insights by viewing Google Analytics Campaign reports right into your campaign’s dedicated page. Get a “one-click” view of top-level and granular data augmented with extra insights from our homegrown link shortener. Uncover under-performing links in seconds. Save time with our friendly report explorer that shows you stats even on non-UTM custom tags. Auto-connect with your Bit.Ly account in no time & get all your UTM links shortened automatically in one go as part of the URL building process. Need to bulk-shorten? You got it! No more manual workarounds needed! Discover additional details at campaign URL builder software. No manual work: Build UTM links 36x faster – uniform and error-free link tracking at scale. Automated tagging process with SalesForce, HubSpot & more.

The Ultimate URL Builder & Link Management Solution for Your Marketing Campaigns

Dynamic Reports Section: Gain instant 60-day overview of your marketing campaign performance, being able to see your top performing channels or tracking tags in simple graphs. (Connection to Googe Analytics required). Individual Reports: One-click reports by link (or links): External (UTM-based), Internal (eCommerce), & Ctrly Reports. Compare sources, bounce rates, goals, new visits and more (Connection to Google Analytics and/or Ctrly required).

Step 1: Sign up for free. No credit card required. 14 days full access and then a forever-free account with limited access. (1 min) 5% Step 2: Define Standardization Rules in Account Settings>Standardize Tags. (5 min). Step 3: Use our Tracking Workbook to define your tag groups and populate values. Update your final link architecture. Create your templates. Export your tag values in .CSV files. (90 min). Step 4: Go to the Tag Library to upload all your UTM and Custom tags from the CSV files you created. (15 min). Step 5: Create campaign templates. You are now ready to start building links. (15 Min).

Hopping Between Tools to Shorten Links? No More. Use our Ctrly.io shortener for FREE or connect with your Bitly, Rebrandly or Short accounts with a click. All your links will be auto-shortened, no extra steps. Benefits: Save time & eliminate multiple touch points in your tagging process. Juggling Files & Places to Manage Links? No More. Use One platform to store and access all our tracking links, nicely organized and easy to search by date of creation, keyword, alphabetically, and more. Benefits: All your links in one centralized place – available to export, share and store.

For Social Media Pros: Pushing large numbers of links to Hootsuite or dealing with heavy Facebook social loads? Use our bulk-connector to tag and push your social schedule to Hootsuite with a click or use dynamic Facebook values to generate tracking code for all campaigns. For Campaign Managers: Dealing with complex spreadsheets every single time you have to launch a new campaign or add a new asset to an existing one? It doesn’t have to be that hard or time-consuming. That’s why you have us – we give you one place for all your tracking links and campaigns. You can add new links to an existing campaign at any time. Date started, date ended, custom aliases, asset protection via password, QR codes and co much more is at your fingertips to make your life easy and your data – accurate and insightful. Find even more info at https://twitter.com/Campaigntrackly.

Share your tagged links on Buffer with a click straight from the CampaignTrackly platform. Share your tagged links on Facebook with a click straight from the CampaignTrackly platform. Share your tagged links on LinkedIn straight from CampaignTrackly without the need to hop between sites. Share your tagged links on Twitter straights from your dashboard without the need to hop between sites. If you are currently a customer of short, you can seamlessly connect to your account via Campaigntrackly to automatically shorten your links as you go. Bulk and single-link processing in seconds. Try CampaignTrackly now.

AI powered domain brokerage auto-bidding software from rikaon.com 2023

Domain brokerage platform from Rikaon AI right now: Rikaon integrates with over 25 top domain registrars and auction platforms, ensuring seamless and real-time domain registrations and backorders. Our strategic alliances provide rapid and efficient domain acquisition to keep you ahead of the competition. Trust Rikaon for an unparalleled domain management experience, backed by our extensive network of reputable partners. See additional info on AI powered domain brokerage outreach software. Our commitment lies in revolutionizing software development for domain discovery, backorders, auto-bidding, outreach and data processing. Utilizing our platform, you can easily discover promising domains at auction or approaching expiration – swiftly and seamlessly. These domains are placed at your fingertips, allowing you to take control and capitalize on opportunities quicker than ever before.

Our AI can offer an automatic estimation of a domain’s value, authority, among other essential parameters. This not only makes your domain brokerage processes more automatic but also empowers you with quick, reliable data, making decision-making a breeze.

Furthermore, we’ve improved our capabilities to help automate outreach for third-party domains. Imagine Rikaon AI estimating the domain’s value, finding contact details, initiating communication with the owner for potential purchase interest – all this while you focus on other strategic aspects of your business. This robust automation leads to streamlined operations traditionally manned by a human workforce, promising savings of up to 60%. Impressive, isn’t it?

We are also proud to share that our users experience up to 90% faster domain discovery based on their desired criteria. They also enjoy up to a 30% improved chance of securing their chosen domains, all thanks to our state-of-the-art automation and proprietary technology. Discover even more information at https://www.rikaon.com/.

Strategic domain purchases: If there are any domain names that aren’t vital to an existing company’s core digital strategy, but are desirable from an SEO viewpoint or get a significant amount of targeted web visitors, then a buyer broker will be able to help you acquire these domains. Upgrading: if you launched your company on the best domain you could get at the time, but you’re now in a position to spend more on a domain purchase, a buyer broker can help to acquire the best upgrade domain for your company. How Long Would the Domain Buying Process Take? Domain name purchases can be almost instant, or they can take months or even years. Unfortunately, there’s no real way of knowing this in general terms – it’s very much a case-by-case issue.

It is so important that you actually have access to domains that would be a valuable asset to domain buyers. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Would the domain name you’re selling actually be beneficial to a business or organization? Similarly, if you’re the one buying, have a domain broker assess the value of the potential domain. Would having this domain make it easier for clients to find you? Will having that particular domain make it easier to rank higher on search engines? Would your profits increase based off of this particular domain name? Don’t buy anything without knowing it’s true value.

What Is a Domain Buyer Broker? The Guide to Domain Buyer Brokers for Startups & Entrepreneurs. Most startup founders and entrepreneurs have considered acquiring a premium domain, but relatively few may have thought about using a domain buyer broker’s services. A domain buyer broker might just be the key asset you’re looking for in your domain hunt in 2023. With over 370 million domain names now registered, it’s getting harder to find the right domain name for a project or new venture.

Top rated WordPress plugins and themes from themewp24h.com

WordPress advantages – the best plugins and themes right now: Easy, One-Click Updates: As stated above, updates are as simple as a click of a single button. This is convenient for website owners who can have peace of mind that they are operating their business on a fully updated content management system. Most Plugins And Apps: WordPress has over 54,000+ plugins. Plugins are applications that help you customize and run WordPress however you like. They include email marketing plugins, design plugins, speed plugins, and more. WordPress has the most available plugins by far, and allows the most customization among all other CMS’s. Website Security: Some of these plugins are also security plugins, allowing you to enhance the security of your website from hacks, vulnerabilities, etc. Although, WordPress even comes with security measures such as “https” built-in should you so choose. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your website is free from hackers and other security mishaps. Find even more information on Mua Theme WP. THEME WP 24H is a professional, reliable and reputable WordPress theme and selling website. With more than 5 years of experience in this field, we offer our customers high quality products at affordable prices.

You can update your plugins, theme, and even WordPress itself in a matter of seconds. You can install security updates and change your theme without losing a single picture or blog post. And it didn’t cost you 1 hour of your web designer’s time to do it. As of this writing, there are 58,570 plugins on WordPress.org, and they can make your WordPress site do anything. You can sell products and services, create an online community, set aside part of your website for members and subscribers, accept payments, display tweets from different Twitter feeds, or even display the standings of different sports leagues around the world.

Lightly is a clean, minimalist blog magazine theme for WordPress that puts your content centre-stage. The theme’s refreshing design features a homepage slider and a widgetised homepage that allows users to create custom layouts by simply dragging and dropping everything into place. Don’t want to mess about trying to find beautiful imagery? Looking for free WordPress themes that focus on the text, to make that look beautiful instead? Glider is a minimal, text-focused theme is all about seamless reading: no page loads, no interruptions, just a quick and easy way to access content.

If UI & UX designs are skeletons, then contents are the soul of a website. To catch customers’ eye, the content creation of a website must be constructed with search engine optimized contents and engaging materials. How do you make your contents search engine optimized? It is a profound study, but one of the important practices is doing keyword-oriented research. When choosing some important keywords in your contents, you want to do SEO research on the click rate of your keyword, and this is available in lots of SEO websites. A great source to look for Search Engineer Optimized Keywords would be UberSuggests.

Every topic has a “head” keyword, which is the most common way people search whatever your page is about. For a post about how to lose weight naturally, this is “natural weight loss”. Google says to write title tags that accurately describe the page’s content. If you’re targeting a specific keyword or phrase, then this should do precisely that. It also demonstrates to searchers that your page offers what they want, as it aligns with their query. Is this a hugely important ranking factor? Probably not, but it’s still worth including.

Astra has made its name as one of the most customizable themes in the industry. The theme has quite an original approach when it comes to how it’s meant to be used. Basically, you first install the main theme and then get to choose from a range of add-ons that expand on Astra’s core functionality. Overall, this gives you full control over what features you have on your site and how you want to use them. This makes Astra an excellent solution for people who want to DIY a website from scratch. Read even more information on https://themewp24h.com/.

As an experienced web development team, we always recommend to use WordPress in order to create an affordable website. In other words, when you have limited budget to build your website, you must use WordPress. Why WordPress? WordPress is free to download and use. WordPress developers are available at affordable charges. There are thousands of free & paid plugins to use with a WordPress website. WordPress framework is SEO-friendly so you have higher chances of ranking on search engines. Most of the WordPress themes are responsive & SEO-friendly. Just to give you an idea, when you choose WordPress for your website development, you can build a website for as low as $1000 however if you choose custom coding, you may end up laying few thousands of dollars for just creating a basic website.

WordPress is one of the easiest and most robust ways to share your business on the web. There are simpler platforms, but most don’t offer the functionality that WordPress does. And there are a few platforms that are equally robust, but they’re difficult to use for beginners. WordPress, a content management system (CMS), is the ideal tool for entrepreneurs and companies to showcase their products and services, help their search engine ranking, and market themselves to prospective customers. It helps you share your written content, sell products and services in an electronic storefront, or even just share photos and videos of your work. Put simply, WordPress is a tool that takes care of the nuts and bolts of publishing content so you can focus on what you want to convey on your website without having to worry about how to display your material.

Indicators for mt4 download and FOREX guides today

Forex ea and FOREX guides today: Different Types of Forex Trading Strategies: Scalping – These are very short-lived trades, possibly held just for just a few minutes. A scalper seeks to quickly beat the bid/offer spread, and skim just a few pips of profit before exiting and is considered one of the most advanced Forex trading strategies out there. This strategy typically uses low time-frame charts, such as the ones that can be found in the MetaTrader 4 Supreme Edition package. This trading platform also offers some of the best Forex indicators for scalping. The Forex-1 minute Trading Strategy can be considered an example of this trading style. Day trading – These are trades that are exited before the end of the day. This removes the chance of being adversely affected by large moves overnight. Day trading strategies are common among Forex trading strategies for beginners. Trades may last only a few hours, and price bars on charts might typically be set to one or two hours. Read more info at mt4 indicator.

Practice makes perfect: Like any new learned skill, there is somewhat of a learning curve. But also, with any new learned skill – practice makes perfect! They key to becoming a great trader is consistency and practice. Luckily, Moneymunch offers you a demo account where you can practice making your own trades without the risk. This is a great way for you to get into the swing of the whole trading process, without the stress of your money on the line. New traders enjoy this feature because it helps them conceptualize the process of trading, as well as put it into action in a low-risk setting. Practicing the trading process before funding your own investments is very important, especially if you want to minimize potential losses. Practicing is also a great way to also familiarize yourself with specific terminology, softwares, charts, currency rates, and more. Another great way to familiarize yourself with Forex and the entire process, is to seek out blogs and videos of Forex professionals to learn about strategic tips. Luckily for you, Moneymunch offers blogs, videos, and testimonials for you to look through and learn from right here on our site!

You can take advantage of the 60-minute time frame in this Forex strategy. The most suitable currency pairs to trade using this Forex strategy are the EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and the AUD/USD. In regards to the Forex trading strategies resources used for this type of strategy, the MACD is the most suitable which is available on both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. You can enter a long position when the MACD histogram goes above the zero line. The stop loss could be placed at a recent swing low. Sell Trade Rules: You can enter a short position when the MACD histogram goes below the zero line. The stop loss could be placed at a recent swing high. Below is an hourly chart of the AUDUSD. The red lines represent scenarios where the MACD histogram has gone above and below the zero line: Forex 1-Hour Trading Strategy metatrader 4Source: Litefinances MetaTrader 4, AUDUSD, H1 chart (between 20 May 2020 to 31 May 2020). Accessed: 27 April 2022 at 11:45 am BST – Please note: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results or future performance.

BinBot sets itself apart from the competition because of its highly diversified mode of operation and support for several other indictor-specific mini-bots. Unlike when dealing with most other single forex robots whose settings and indicators you can keep adjusting, BinBot plays host to more than ten other bots that you can choose from during signup. Most of these can trade more than one currency pair while others are specially designed to only trade specific pairs. We are particularly drawn to this forex robot given that despite its full automation, you still have absolute control over such aspects of its operation as when it trades, the number of trades it can engage in simultaneously, and the amount of capital committed to every trade session.

The company Westernpips Group positions itself in the market as a high-tech company with its algorithmic systems, advanced IT infrastructure, large-scale developments and a wide range of various services. The programs is one of the main information products of the Company. Our team of highly qualified programmers is developing software for the Forex market and CFD`s as well as for the crypto currency market. Our software combines the largest liquidity providers (quotations) at the moment, and is a unique development of our specialists, created specifically for arbitrage trading with a lot of tools for arbitrage on Forex, CFD`s and crypto currencies that help you earn. Westernpips Group is one of the few companies that provide fast data feed directly from exchanges. As a result, our customers receive the fastest, most reliable and accurate quotes. Many large institutional traders rely on Westernpips Group’s software in their arbitrage trading.

Trend trading is one of the hottest strategies in the current investing world. From commodities to Asian equities, investors of all shapes and sizes are amplifying price movements by trading with the momentum of the market. However, trend trading is not as simple as just buying when a stock is rising and selling when it is falling. Trend trading relies on key technical indicators to gauge the strength, persistence and likely continuation of any trend that an investor intends to trade on.

Counter-trending strategy for binary options: Trading on classical trends is beneficial only with a strong and sufficiently long movement, and the boundaries of the price corridor should be close to each other. Such narrow corridors are rarely found in the real market and a different approach is needed. Most of the time price is trending in a fairly wide price range, do not miss such movements. Additionally, the strategy against the trend can give a profit and in a broad flat. Special requirements are imposed on the construction of a price channel, and it does not have to be parallel (for example, when forming a graphic figure of the Converging Triangle). Transactions are opened both when they break away from the borders, and from the middle of the channel in both directions, but the priority trend (if it is available) must also be controlled. Discover even more information at ex009.com.

A strategy doesn’t need to succeed all the time to be profitable. Many successful traders may only make profits on 50% to 60% of their trades. However, they make more on their winners than they lose on their losers. Make sure the financial risk on each trade is limited to a specific percentage of your account and that entry and exit methods are clearly defined. There are times when the stock market tests your nerves. As a day trader, you need to learn to keep greed, hope, and fear at bay. Decisions should be governed by logic and not emotion. Successful traders have to move fast, but they don’t have to think fast. Why? Because they’ve developed a trading strategy in advance, along with the discipline to stick to it. It is important to follow your formula closely rather than try to chase profits. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you and make you abandon your strategy. Bear in mind a mantra of day traders: plan your trade and trade your plan.

GPL themes for WordPress from worldpressit.com reviews today

High quality GPL plugins for WordPress with Worldpressit.com: WorldPress IT is a membership club that offers a lot of premium products (software) necessary for the development of websites, including WordPress themes and plugins, PHP-scripts, JavaScript, HTML-templates etc. at a lower cost than that the developers. Original Files: only 100% unmodified files from original authors, with no maleware, viruses etc.

What difference is between Worldpressit.com and other similar providers ? Fast and helpful support, affordable prices, fully functional premium wordpress plugins, constant and frequent updates and quick file delivery. Worldpressit.com reviews are very good : This platform is amazing! helps me and among web developers to create a more enhanced design and integrations that are dynamically incorporated with all the websites. I don’t know that this exists but I am happy as you have been contributing the cheapest rate with highly recommended apps among web designers and developers! Cheers to the company and the team! You all doing a great job! Find more information at Worldpressit reviews.

In the past several months I have downloaded a lot of plugins from Worldpressit. This company has saved me tons of money with the great value they offer. I’m extremely happy with all the plugins, how quickly the updates come in, as well as the great customer service provided. If you’re looking for a legit, professional place to find and download plugins that offer the best prices, excellent service, and a huge selection of top products then I highly recommend Worldpressit!

This clean, minimal and responsive theme is super fast and fully SEO optimized. One of our favourite free WordPress themes for ecommerce projects, Gutenshop can be used as a one page shop, and it’s fully responsive. Currently one of the most popular free WordPress themes, Flash boasts a wealth of features including a boxed and wide layout option, WooCommerce compatibility and a bunch of widgets – portfolio, call to action and testimonial to name just a few. It’s a professional-looking theme with great versatility.

Other premium features you can make use of include customization options for personalizing the design of your calendar, integration with ecommerce tools like WooCommerce and PayPal, and the ability to accept bookings from your visitors. Some of the best premium plugins also give you the option of creating and managing multiple calendars for your website. Thankfully, with some very affordable plugins in this collection, you should be able to find a tool that matches your budget. Regardless of what type of calendar you need to add to your website or events you want to promote, you should find a suitable tool in this collection of the best event calendar plugins for WordPress.

GeneratePress is another all-in-one theme in the lineup. It does offer full compatibility with Gutenberg and good integration with the WordPress Customizer. It can be a great solution if you want to have full control of the elements on the page and their appearance. That said, you might find the built-in features to be a bit lacking, which might require you to upgrade to a paid plan. Discover extra details at https://worldpressit.com/.

Attractive visuals, clean and appealing UI, great usability and navigation ability are always the first things considered by your customers when they open a website. Effective color scheme and attractive visuals are the easiest way to engage with your customers. It is proven that colors can evoke emotional response, such as blue for calmness, red for enthusiasm and grey for frustration.It is essential when it comes to web site design that you use different colors wisely for your each of your web pages to actively match the purpose and emotional of the page, so that your website can easily grab your customers attention.

Chiptuning files downloads

Chiptuning file services? The number of companies and customers continues to grow year after year. By adding new software engineers to the team, Hp-Chiptuning can keep up with the growing demand for tuning software and develop and launch support systems. The programmers are certified and working in the automotive industry for years. We also give warranty on all of our files. Not happy? Money back guarrantee. See even more info at hp chiptuningfiles.

How Does it Work? There are two ways in which a chiptuning file can be installed into a car’s system. The first one is by using a USB chip programming tool. This tool is connected to your car’s OBD port and enables you to transfer chiptuning files to your car’s ECU. However, if you don’t have an OBD port, then you can also install the chiptuning files by connecting the USB to your computer or laptop and uploading the files to the car’s ECU. The chiptuning files work by reprogramming the ECU and changing the engine’s parameters. First, they increase the engine’s power by changing its boost pressure or fuel injection rate. At this point, you can also select whether you want to increase the engine’s power or fuel economy by clicking on the appropriate options. Once you’ve chosen the specifications for your engine, simply upload the chiptuning file and start driving your car as usual.

The most obvious benefit is that you can improve how your engine operates. Not only can you increase your car’s fuel efficiency, but you can increase its horsepower. Engine chip tuning is also one of the most cost-effective means of improving your car. Instead of having your whole engine upgraded, you can use engine chip tuning to create change that only applies to certain parts. For instance, you can opt to change the fuel-to-air ratio and make a difference in how your engine burns fuel.

Does the chip tuning cause a higher level of wear on my engine? It can’t be denied that there is an additional load on the engine after the optimization. This additional load is still within the reserves stipulated by the manufacturer, though. An engine with chip tuning is an engine with lower safety reserves. So the vehicle must be warmed up and cooled down with great care. For the turbocharger, these processes are of paramount importance so it won’t be damaged by strong heat development. A higher boost automatically means more end speed of the turbocharger. Only through a higher speed of the turbine do you get more boost. It is therefore extremely important to stay within the turbine maps of the manufacturer and keep the safety functions in the engine software activated. This is the only way to ensure that the additional power remains stable in the long run and you can enjoy your engine for a long time. Does the chip tuning have to be entered in the vehicle documents? With chip tuning, we achieve a performance boost so the extra performance must be entered by TÜV. For many cars, we can offer you an entry in your vehicle documents. The cost of the entry varies according to vehicle type and engine type. Please just ask us. Do I get a guarantee on the chip tuning and my vehicle? We give the full BAR-TAK guarantee on our software optimization and work.

However if you are going to change the operating conditions on medium or long-term basis then you should reset your ECU. One such instance could be when you think of boosting octane. Resetting the ECU when you choose to boost Octane becomes necessary because your ECU has a memory bank for octane. This means that if you’ve been using lower octane, the response of ECU will correspond to lower octane with the booster matching lower octane performance.

To quote the words of Jeff Minter “It’s better to “make” than to “buy”. Then again, the article doesn’t have to be a 100% all-inclusive list and it would be inadvisable to try to summarise every article here with a list of bullet points (it’s a never-ending spiral of that). Maybe I should have gone for 10 bullet points instead? To sum up the article, it’s important to remember that most of the advice on building your first custom arcade machine has been published by people who have the benefit of experience and a background in the industry. Some of the articles on the site have been republished from other sources, some have been created by the author. All have been written with your benefit in mind. Find even more details on https://hp-chiptuningfiles.com/.

High quality web design trends by Satheeskumar Sampar, London today

Best web programming guides with Satheeskumar Sampar, London: Motion tells stories, responsive design affects people’s emotions, and the trend is really fast-growing. Businesses are vying for audience attention and striving to keep them involved, to deliver complex ideas in simple forms. Motion gains users’ attention and increases engagement level. All kinds of animations, pop-ups, pull-down menus, scrolling, and transitions, make users interact with the platform and are gaining in popularity within web development. Find additional info on Satheeskumar Sampar.

Choosing a proper domain name and a correct web-hosting platform for your website are the first things to consider while designing a website. Great domain names say so much while saying so little. Apart from being unique and memorable, a domain name needs to be simple enough to prevent your customers from misspelling, and it should also clearly reflect your brand’s voice with careful selection of keywords about your business. Another point to keep in mind is to make sure your domain is not trademarked, copyrighted or used by another company. This could cause a lot of troubles!

Satheeskumar Sampar, London about web website speed : Google says to use words in URLs that are relevant to your page’s content. Using the query you’re targeting is usually the easiest way to do this. Google says to avoid using long URLs because they may intimidate searchers. For that reason, using the exact target query as the URL isn’t always best practice. Just imagine that your target keyword is “how to get rid of a tooth abscess without going to the dentist.” Not only is that a mouthful (no pun intended), but it’s also going to get truncated in the search results. Removing stop words and unnecessary details will give you something shorter and sweeter while keeping the important words.

Instant messengers are the latest communication trend. There are 1.5 billion people globally using WhatsApp on a monthly basis, followed by Facebook Messenger and WeChat. If you want to be where your audience is, enter instant messaging marketing. Most popular global messenger apps, based on the number of monthly users. Source: Statista. This type of digital marketing exploded over the last couple of years. People are much more likely to trust the information sent via a messenger (as if it comes from a good friend) than email or SMS that are vulnerable to spam. An example of messages from a marketing consultant Matthew Barby, sent via a Facebook bot. There are different ways how you can proceed with instant messaging marketing, from using them for customer support to updating your users about new posts on your blog. But just like with any other digital marketing type, before diving right in, I’d recommend that you develop a strategy first.

Satheeskumar Sampar, London about Ecommerce web design : As your customer scrolls through your product listing, let your customers know of stock availability on the product listing page. Showing this information on the product listing page prevents your customer from feeling frustrated if they click through to the product page and finding out that the product is out of stock. Adding a filter and sort function helps your customers find what they are looking for much easier. To give you an example, if a customer wants to buy a pair of brown men’s shoes within the price range of $45 to $50, then they can select the color brown and price in the filter section.

We can easily see teenagers peeping into their palm-sized rectangular device, popularly known as smartphones in today’s digital age, and is not a surprise at all. They can sit glaring at the screen all day long, either it is a handheld device or a laptop. Overall, teenagers are well connected, perform and browse most activities using mobile. This means that they share a significant portion of the internet, and so the website designed for teens needs some unique tips, tricks, and fixes.

It’s one thing to create a good-looking website. But can your customers really find their way around? You need to add frequent navigation links to help make browsing easier. And whenever possible, emphasize the location and function of these links so that new visitors don’t get confused. How do you think most customers will discover your small business? If you imagined someone in front of a computer, think again! The majority of online users now browse the web using mobile devices instead of desktop devices. Because of this, your site should use a responsive design: this makes sure it looks good no matter the size of the user’s screen and helps you optimize both experiences.

IoT devices app development companies from subcodevs.com right now

App development software providers by subcodevs.com 2022? Ongoing Optimization: Once the solution is developed, there are opportunities to enhance, improve and optimize. We ensure that end-users are happy with the product experience on an ongoing basis while our team constantly monitors the enhancements or OS changes from Google and Apple. The support and maintenance packages are designed to be flexible and convenient for the client to enjoy peace of mind while they focus on user acquisition and growth towards building a multi-million dollar company. See more information on https://www.subcodevs.com/. Our seasoned team of professionals is always updated with the latest trends to keep your product ahead-of-the-curve.

Android software development is one of the most talked about aspect of technology today. It basically refers to a process which creates applications for the devices which are running on the Android operating system. When you are looking for Android development companies near me in New York City, then you need to look for an organization that understands how it is to be done which requires deep expertise in Java. Although it requires a very basic knowledge of java for Android software development, the organization should always keep it in hand as it can be useful over time when it creates an application.

Heavy Documentation without Follow-Up: While documenting a project’s activities counts as good work ethics, too much documentation can cost unnecessary resources. In addition, not following the comprehensive documentation during the development process can be drastic. Like it or not, every project comes with risks. It falls on the IT department whether it can forecast and mitigate it or not. And while minimizing risks is important, being completely mundane without trying new methods is not advised either. An expert IT team understands to take calculated risks that lead to better results.

Updated features and innovations are indulging in keeping mobile devices transformed in a meaningful way. This strategy ensures that all consumer expectations are met, and the competitive advantage is acquired. Often it can be difficult for a mobile app development company to recognize the exact need for change in their industry, in these situations the best practice is to research all of the trends in mobile app development and know what consumers are looking for in the mobile app market these days.

Would your team be available to speak to us? Absolutely, yes. We are fond of collaboration, communication & reporting which are pillars of success in a remote work environment. We will onboard business stakeholders (that’s you and your colleagues) and our team members (Developers, Technical Lead, Technical Product Manager, Business Analyst, Quality Assurance Analyst, etc) together on one Project Management platform such as ClickUp. Product Manager would be your first point of contact. You will know who all are working on your project and you can talk to anyone in the team. See extra details https://www.zoominfo.com/c/subcodevs/406010166.

Android data recovery tricks today

High quality Android data recovery guides? No matter why you are planning to factory reset your Android, it’s always advisable to backup all of your important data before factory resetting your Android phone. Understand Why You Can Recover Data After Doing Factory Reset: It’s absolutely possible to recover data after factory reset Android. How? Because whenever you delete a file from your Android phone or your factory reset your Android phone, the data stored on your phone never gets permanently wiped out. The data remains hidden in the storage space of your Android phone. Only the overwriting of the data can then result in the permanent deletion of the data. Read additional information on recover data after factory reset android.

iMyFone D-Back provides several advantages like previewing deleted data to restore, recovering selective data, allowing you to try it free before purchasing, and more. It works well with iPhone, iPad, iPod. Take a free trial or buy a full version of the software at $39.95 and enjoy more benefits. This software has a plethora of features when it comes to data recovery. Firstly, it offers the option to recover unlimited data from multiple iOS devices. This means that this software is the single key to all the locks which have kept you away from using your device.

With its supercharged processor, great battery life and solid rear camera setup, the OnePlus 9 is a superb all-round Android phone. Its $729 (£629) starting price makes this cell phone a much more affordable option than its Apple or Samsung rivals. We like its big, bold display too and its fast charging. It’s our best pick if you want flagship performance with a more approachable price tag. The Motorola Edge Plus has pretty much everything you’d hope for in a premium 5G mobile phone: A Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset, a giant battery, an OLED screen with a high refresh rate and multiple rear cameras with heavy-duty specs. Motorola took features found on other top-of-the-line Android phones, put its own Moto spin on them and built them all into one of our favorite Android phones of the year.

The screen of iPhones tends to get broken easily. A lot of users face this issue, and most of them use the device with a broken screen as long as possible due to replace charges being so high. But it is possible to get data off a broken iPhone. If the system is glitching, then you can still repair it with a proper approach and then get the data off the device. If there is any hardware damaged, then you have to take it to the Support Center. So, if you want to know; how to recover data from iPhone with broken screen, read the article below.

As the name suggests, the Plus is a larger, more feature-packed take on the standard Note 10, complete with optional 5G. This phone is one of the finest all-round Android devices we’ve reviewed: it’s powerful, has just about every feature going and doesn’t skimp anywhere. In terms of negatives, it’s big, it’s expensive and the display, while fantastic, doesn’t have any fancy tech to enable a fast refresh rate, unlike the OnePlus 7 Pro. If you want the best of the best, however, there aren’t many superior options out there. This brute of a phone has a lovely display, plenty of grunt, huge battery, Qi charging and water resistance, and comes with USB-C buds. Compared to the S10, there aren’t a lot of new features but this model is still the true high-end Samsung phone for the start of 2022. Watch this space, however, for our full, in-depth reviews of the the S20 and S20 Ultra models.

It goes without saying; you can easily access your emails, share pictures, edit and share a document, pay bills, and a lot of with a single touch on your mobile phone. Generally, all of your personal and important data stored on the phone is safe except for rare cases such as loss of your phone, memory wipeout, jail-breaking went wrong, or maybe a virus. What happens next? You technically lose all the stored information, photos, videos, music, documents, etc. in a fraction of a second. Therefore, it is always advisable to back up the iPhone and iPad. Discover extra info on iPhone data recovery.

Premium Facebook ethical hacking guides

Premium Facebook ethical hacking guides? The operation of our system has different aspects that will be discussed below in a non-detailed manner for security reasons. You will find below the main aspects on which our algorithms are based. The flaws detected on the Facebook site, allows the hacking algorithms to make a considerable number of attempts for the same Facebook account, which in hacker jargon is called brute force. After countless attempts, these will allow us to retrieve the correct password for the provided account, provided that, the account password is not too long (less than 20 characters). If the password is longer than 20 characters, we will proceed with an Ems hacking, in other words “EH_DIRECTPHANTOM-SCRIPT”, a script designed by our best hackers. See extra details at facebook hacker.

Use Strong Passwords & Use a Password Management Tool. You’ve probably heard that strong passwords are critical to online security. The truth is passwords are important in keeping hackers out of your data! According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) 2017 new password policy framework, you should consider: Dropping the crazy, complex mixture of upper case letters, symbols, and numbers. Instead, opt for something more user-friendly but with at least eight characters and a maximum length of 64 characters. If you want to make it easier to manage your passwords, try using a password management tool or password account vault. LastPass FREE is a great tool for an individual. LastPass offers a FREE account and has a $2/month membership with some great advanced password features.

Whether you’re a regular business traveler, or a high-tech adventurer seeker, traveling—particularly abroad—poses unique cyber security threats. Business travelers are especially vulnerable because they often carry sensitive data, both personal and business related, on a variety of devices including smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Security is no longer a one-machine affair. You need a security suite that helps protect all your devices – your Windows PC, Mac, Android smartphone or your iPad. Don’t cancel your travel plans just yet.

Make Sure Employees Look for the S in HTTPs When Searching the Web. Employees will, from time to time, use the corporate IT network to visit websites or sign up for services, either for personal use or for the company. Before submitting any information, they should always be on the lookout for the padlock and HTTPS in the address bar. If the site is unprotected, they should not enter any information. Note: It’s important to also educate employees on phishing websites (see tip 15 below). There have been cases of phishing websites using Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificates to make their sites look more “real” and “trustworthy”.

Nest Cam is useful, according to Gosain, “if someone is into the Google ecosystem and looking for security cameras powered by Google Assistant.” As a bonus feature, it offers several price options, depending on how serious you want to get about your home security. The Nest Cam streams video up to 1800 pixels, which is high enough that “you can clearly see the face or the license plate of any car with that resolution,” and for “night and dark conditions, the Nest Cam is equipped with 8 high-power infrared LEDs that can record almost everything in low-lit conditions,” and is also able to capture wide-angle shots. In addition to a built-in microphone and speaker for two-way communication and the ability to recognize familiar faces, you have the ability to store your footage, for an extra cost.

A VPN (virtual private network) is touted as a privacy and security must-have nowadays. Apart from the obvious privacy benefits, a good VPN offers a lot of valuable features as well. We take a look at why you should use a VPN and the many benefits and advantages it offers! What is a VPN and what does it do? Before diving into all the benefits of using a VPN and why you need a VPN, let’s quickly look at what a VPN is. In basic terms, a VPN allows your data to go over an encrypted connection from your devices to another point on the Internet, likely in another country, and then make its way onto the public Internet. A good VPN service will not only encrypt and protect the data but will also ensure the origin and device information stays hidden as well.

Operating systems with yesterday’s software and security safeguards are also an obvious way in. It’s a no-brainer to install the latest browsers, antivirus protection, spam blockers and spyware detection systems, and they can all be set to update automatically. Make sure the operating system’s firewall is enabled. Your WiFi network should be secure, encrypted and hidden. All of this provides major protection without much installation and maintenance effort. Regularly backing up files is another simple but crucial precautionary measure. You need to make sure your business won’t be totally devastated if someone or something does infiltrate your systems. This is another task that can (and should) be automated. A weekly update is recommended. Read even more details at en.face-geek.com.

A Malicious Insider. This person purposely accesses and/or shares data with the intent of causing harm to an individual or company. The malicious insider may have legitimate authorization to use the data, but the intent is to use the information in nefarious ways. Lost or Stolen Devices. An unencrypted and unlocked laptop or external hard drive — anything that contains sensitive information — goes missing. Malicious Outside Criminals. These are hackers who use various attack vectors to gather information from a network or an individual. Since malicious data breaches result from cyberattacks, you should know what to watch for.

Excellent FOREX FTMO challenge test passing software firm from PassYourChallenge

Best rated FOREX FTMO challenge test passing software firm by PassYourChallenge? We know how hard it is to pass the FTMO Challenge by yourself, and how frustrating it is to lose an attempt… That’s why our automated system will pass the FTMO Challenge for you so you can get funded. FTMO announced that only about 10% of people who sign up for their infamous challenge actually pass it, that means that 90% of traders completely fail the evaluation. We know how frustrating it is to lose the challenge because we’ve lost multiple times in the beginning until we developed an automated system that is specifically designed to respect all of FTMO’s trading rules while hitting their profit target in the allotted amount of time. Read more details at PassYourChallenge.

PassYourChallenge regarding trading practices (especially FOREX) : Trading practice shows that in any market and assets (currency pairs, stocks, futures) up to 80% of transactions open on the trend end in profit. And for binary options signals with a predetermined expiration time, the presence of an explicit price direction is mandatory. Let’s start by defining what a trend is: Uptrend or «bullish». Each next price maximum (top) and minimum (trough) is higher than the previous one. Downtrend or «bearish». Each next max/min is lower than the previous one. To simplify the analysis, trend lines are plotted on the chart after at least three max/min. Training courses binary options for newbies recommend opening trades only in the direction of the main trend.

As of recent, the boom regarding Forex trading has become more and more prevalent. With this new way to learn a new skill and make profit, PassYourChallenge has become a no-brainer for tons of entrepreneurs. Learning a new skill can oftentimes be somewhat of a task, but with these tips and tricks the hope is that you can get to trading as quickly as possible! When learning the ropes of how to exactly do Forex Trading, here are some best practices: Do your research and learn about how markets work Like with anything new, before embarking on your journey with Forex Trading, becoming as prepared as you can is always a great idea. Do your research on specific terminology, as well as the foundation of what Forex trading is all about – buying and trading. It is also important to distinguish what your limits are when it comes to trading. By analyzing your current financial situation and establishing where your limits are, you can effectively keep yourself on track when it comes to profits and potential losses.

PassYourChallenge regardingintraday FOREX trading : Intraday trading is speculative, so the financial instruments are mostly currency pairs. Stock and commodity CFDs are more suitable for long-term strategies where a trade is kept in the market for 3-5 days. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies are an ideal tool for intraday trading: scalping with them is not profitable due to large margin, while long-term trade carries unjustified risks. And the volatility of 3-5-10% per day bodes quite well for forward-thinking traders.

PassYourChallenge regarding FOREX robots : Your choice of a forex trading robot should be influenced by such factors as the best trading sphere as well as your desired income level. Going through the BinBot list of forex robots, you will notice that they all display their potential returns on investment with some reporting as much as 125% return on investments. It can also be informed by your experience and previous exposure to forex trading. With this regard, you have the option of scrutinizing the trade settings and indicators for the different bots and vetting their viability or choosing to custom build your own trading robot using the tools availed by BinBot.

Top rated elite ethical hacking tricks with The HackersPro right now

The HackersPro ethical hacking company tips in 2022? We guarantee great professional representation at The HackersPro. Whatever your requirements and concerns are, the HackersPro investigation team and professional hackers have you covered. Our partners and associates are committed to excellence and have a long history of successfully representing our customers. The National Association of Investigative Specialists has accepted us as a member. Certified ethical hacker and Cisco certified with Years of experience in Web app hacking, Mobile app hacking, Network vulnerability assessment and Incident Response. Virus and malware removal specialist, Database Management and Hacking, Tracking and Funds recovery expert. Discover additional info at https://thehackerspro.com/.

Minimize Location Sharing. It’s very common for travelers to update social networking sites as they move about new counties or cities. The problem with this type of excessive sharing is that it creates a security threat at home. By signaling your every location, you make it easy for a criminal to determine that you’re not in your hotel room or at your home, leaving your personal belongings within these areas vulnerable to a physical intrusion. Limit the information you post online about your specific whereabouts to limit these threats to your personal property.

The HackersPro on data breach: A Malicious Insider. This person purposely accesses and/or shares data with the intent of causing harm to an individual or company. The malicious insider may have legitimate authorization to use the data, but the intent is to use the information in nefarious ways. Lost or Stolen Devices. An unencrypted and unlocked laptop or external hard drive — anything that contains sensitive information — goes missing. Malicious Outside Criminals. These are hackers who use various attack vectors to gather information from a network or an individual. Since malicious data breaches result from cyberattacks, you should know what to watch for.

Use Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication. Two-factor or multi-factor authentication is a service that adds additional layers of security to the standard password method of online identification. Without two-factor authentication, you would normally enter a username and password. But, with two-factor, you would be prompted to enter one additional authentication method such as a Personal Identification Code, another password or even fingerprint. With multi-factor authentication, you would be prompted to enter more than two additional authentication methods after entering your username and password.

The HackersPro VPN ethical hacking: The obvious security and privacy advantages of a VPN come when you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Depending on where you are, Wi-Fi could be widely available at coffee shops, restaurants, bars, and on school campuses. There’s no way to know what kind of security is available on these networks, though. Some can even use these public connections to snoop and steal your data. As a rule of thumb, never do anything like online banking when connected to such networks without a VPN. All your data is encrypted when using a VPN, so that’s a security plus as well. Some services even offer extra security features like protection from malware, among others.

All employees should be trained on the use of passwords. Examples of such training would include: Making sure employees do not write passwords down (where they can be stolen). Ensuring employees do not share passwords over any online communication, unless the communication is encrypted. Having employees create strong passwords and use a company password manager. Making sure employees do not re-use passwords for multiple company applications, or between personal and company use.

Anyone who wants to do your company harm can infiltrate in a number of ways — through your computer network or your website, using phony emails or other scams to obtain account names, passwords and other sensitive information. It used to be enough to protect the data that existed within the physical walls of your business, but that’s no longer sufficient. Many businesses don’t even have physical walls anymore: They might exist entirely on the Internet, with employees working independently all over the globe. On top of protecting your own systems, you also have to protect your customers’ information. And the laptops and smartphones that make our lives easier also present new and challenging security issues.

Top digital solutions for enterprises from Tasktru

Tasktru was designed as a platform to offer innovative capabilities and a multifunctional approach. The app will support individuals and organizations in organizing their operations and general needs, making lives easier and enhancing businesses. The goal of our platform is simple – to enhance convenience, save time, reduce costs, and facilitate maximum productivity and profitability, no matter what you need. Tasktru provides features that cater to the individual’s lifestyle interests, day-to-day activities, and numerous needs, all controlled from a single location. With the help of tasktru, you no longer need to use multiple applications to fulfil your needs, perform routine tasks, or conduct operational activities. The app is fully customized to provide users with a highly customized experience, structured to fit their lifestyle choices and priorities while accomplishing their needs efficiently and quickly.

There are 3 account types: Personal, Business and Business-Plus. Personal is recommended for individuals who are looking for a quick, easy, and smart way to manage lifestyle needs, desired activities, and personal requests. All in one place – right at your fingertips. Account for business providers of on-call & on-demand services, who require a business management platform to maintain focus on their top priority, which is helping people with their requests and orders. This account can also be used by the staff of any organization that has access to our Business-Plus account. The ultimate account for businesses and organizations to effectively manage their workflow and operational activities. Control your regular business operations easily while having access to all data in a clear and user-friendly display, as tasktru helps facilitate optimal performance on one seamless business management platform.

Organization is an important part of creating a productive workplace and is useful in almost all industries. There are many organizational tools that employees can use to increase their effectiveness and time management skills. If you want to increase your productivity or manage your time more wisely, I think you should give tasktru a test run and be surprised how well it does the things was designed for: managing business operations, day to day needs but most important the variety of services offered.

The tasktru app is poised to revolutionize the industry as it offers seamless digital solutions that offer a convenient user experience while meeting both personal and business management needs in one place. Among its many integrated features are solutions to facilitate safer communities, simplified service engagement, home needs management, education, life style management, business productivity and much more. While individual users can effectively manage their lifestyle interests, shopping needs, and personal care needs with ease, businesses can manage employees and suppliers, automate tasks, and access essential reports that offer data-driven insights.

Undoubtedly, technology has allowed us to connect, perform, improve, and leverage our resources beyond what was once imaginable. And one of the biggest that we’ve seen is through activity management apps. As the name implies, the various activity management apps around will help you have more control over your time and work efficiency. Continuous use of this business operations app will allow you to have time to focus on the things that produce the best results, improving your time efficiency and work quality.

Tasktru is a fully integrated mobile app software for managing business operations but also lifestyle needs and day to day actions. Tasktru has an intuitive design and a clear structure to suit any preference. It is created to serve the needs of individual users as well as firms, companies or large organizations. From the many apps tested we rate it one of the best App for managing individual interests, activities, and needs. And it’s the top choice for businesses looking to reach, and connect with, prospects or clients.